A report on Leadership – Reflection Further inferences are drawn from the real time organization administrator attribute

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Leadership – Reflection


What does it need to be a leader is the core concept the report is prepared for. What attributes differentiate a leader from the rest and emphasis on the attributes needed in the contemporary world requirements discussed in the report. Further inferences are drawn from the real time organization administrator attributes and their adherence to the leadership quality. The report presented personal reflection based on evidential information about the same.


Leadership - Reflection

“What does it to be a leader?” cannot be simply answered by one single comment or a concept.  To be a leader there are numerous themes that need to be adhered to. Further to be successful it requires further the execution of these themes with even more dexterity and dedication. In contemporary corporate world, the scenarios more unpredictable and they are uncertain too. Hence a leader is expected to hold certain values and ideology framework and also need to have capability to adhere and execute the same in the testing times. Hence to be a leader depends on the circumstances, organizations, expectations and several other factors. The list of requirements to be a leader also varies. The following part of the discussion briefs some of the major themes that need to be adhered, to be a dynamic and successful leader in the organization, and draw inferences of the same with respect to the organization and the administrators discussed in the previous write-ups.

Overview of the attributes:

Though there is plethora of attributes needed for a leader to be successful and greatful. There are few common attributes of a leader in any organization and the following part of the write-up will discuss about these common attributes in detail,

?         A leader is expected to be a leader; he should do the leadership of his team by example. He should lead the team towards excellence. A right leader should able to remain himself an example of driver of excellence and this in turn will enable the team also to move towards excellence. Leading and leadership mean so many things, comprehensive capabilities in forming the relationships, in forming the necessary motivation to follow, guide and train, mentor the followers all comprehensively will enable the team members to follow the leader. Hence inevitably the leader is expected to possess these leadership skills to be a leader functionally. How well he can do the same, with what efficienciency and effectiveness. He can lead the team will ultimately decides the effectiveness of his leadership skills (Antonakis et al., 2017).


?         A leader will take the responsibility for the failure of his team members and he will provide credit to all the team members for the success achieved by the team. A right leader is also a person who can able to bestow confidence and trust in him team members, he should able to convince them of his capabilities and the members should believe that they can achieve the objectives. Further a leader is also expected to have integrity, moral conduct and honesty in his endeavour. Only such attitude and characteristics can survive and let the team and the leadership sustain.


?         A leader should able to draw respect from the team members. He should able to convince the team members that he is treating the team members same like himself. Only when he exhibits such integrity and unbiased character, he can able to lead the team in the contemporary business world or in the professional scenarios. More or less the characteristics discussed are applicable to all the professions at present. Irrespective of the professions and domains of operations viz. politics, professions like police operations, fire fighting and what not; the team members will even get ready to sacrifice their life for the noble objectives of the team and the organization. Such motivation and inspiration will be materialized only when they a true leader with them in the team. Hence a leader is expected to possess all these characteristics to be called as a great leader (Northouse, 2018).


However still the bottom-line is that exact leadership attributes need not always be in the spotlight, the style of execution and the modus operandi of deriving the respect and instilling inspiration can be different from leader to leader. It is not required for all great leaders to be public heroes. The leadership and the style need to match the objectives and the scenarios in which they are operating in (Northouse, 2017).


?         The organization which I selected before for the study of the leadership styles and reflection is Procter and Gamble (P & G) company. The Procter and Gamble company leadership is more of transformational leadership style. The transformational leadership of the organization proved very effective in providing right solutions to the requirements of the time and change. The CEO of the organization David Taylor is a great visionary and is instrumental in providing transformational leadership direction to the organization. He played a key role in planning, implementation, execution, performance monitoring in the organization through his transformational leadership efforts(Hicks et al.,2013). He managed to implement most effective conflict resolution techniques in the organization and he is also instrumental in providing right techniques based on technology to bridge the gap in the current working practices of the organization. He played a key role in bridging the gap and enabling effective communication in the organization. His efforts proved to be influencing, stimulating and proved their aptitude in transforming Procter and Gamble (P&G) a more effective and performance oriented organization. Transformational leadership consists in leader himself working as a role model in enabling the required the change. The leadership will be successful only when such right leader is available for the organization. Hicks managed to prove what he is capable of. He worked as a role model in enabling changes at different functional levels of the organization. Right from benchmarking the performance and enabling the said changes to happen in the organization, implementation of the performance management methods which will consider the 360o response from all stakeholders of the organization is a live illustration regarding leadership capabilities of the David Taylor. Fortunately his initiatives are positively recepted from all stakeholders right from top to bottom and the implications of the same to the organization are amazing.

?         Transformational leadership is a proactive and result oriented leadership tactic. In Procter and Gamble (P&G) the vision of the CEOs is rightly received by employees at different levels of the organization. Transformation can be seen in almost all the layers of the organization and the benefits of the organizational performance are seen with evidence.  A very decent work place environment development, developing strategies to make the organization conflict free contributed to harmony and enhanced productivity in the organization. Further, it is observed that the overall organization’s expansion and revenue growth is enabled by these leadership trends. With all these observations it can be said that the leadership is contributing to the organizational growth.

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