Assignment is on Legal Case Study Analysis, for regulating the behavior of people and reduce level of crime in community

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Legal Case Study Analysis


Law refers to the set of rules that a specific community or country implements for regulating the behaviour of people. It also helps to reduce the level of crime in a community and change the psychology of people. Proper regulation and legal policies generally reduce the rate of recidivism, and that is essential for a community or country to make it corruption free. All the countries have their specific rules and regulations, and all the countries mainly use it for proper justice. Rules and regulation also important in the community to maintain to stop criminal behaviour of people otherwise people cannot live independently, and lack of proper rules and regulation can create chaos and other problems in the organization. In present days the number of corruption are also increasing with the advancement of technology. The number of cybercrime is increasing rapidly all over the world for that reason the government are also adding new laws and regulation to stop this activity as soon as possible to make the online transaction secure.    

This particular study mainly based on a scenario and indicated various laws that are effective to mitigate some of the issues of online transactions (Hui, Kim and Wang, 2017). Based on scenario it has been identified that a 17 years old boy purchased some mac book pro at a very low price and he is waiting for the delivery but it can be a fraud website, and the boy will not get the refund the money. The number of such fake website is increasing day by day for that reason proper understanding and personal review is important to stop these type of online crime effectively. Apart from that, this study also indicates some existing literature related to the case study and that will help people to understand the difference between fake and real offers on the website.


Identification of Two Legal Issues

According to the case study, it has been identified that the 17 years old boy ordered 10 MacBook pro from an online website. The market price of every mac book pro is approx. ORM 670 but the online organisation offered the boy 10 MacBook in ORM 670, and that is not possible, and even the production cost of 10 Macbook is higher than the offered price. The boy is waiting for the delivery so that two major issues can arise in this position one is the organisation will not deliver the MacBook and will cheat the boy and this is one of the major examples of cybercrime. Identification of non-ethical hackers and online offenders are very tough for that reason the government needs to make proper awareness for the teenagers to avoid the number of fraud cases(Ngo and Jaishankar, 2017). Apart from that, the government needs to take action with a view to these websites, and it is also important to block these websites permanently. The boy should evaluate online reviews about this online organisation needs to consult with expert people before the transaction.

On the other hand, it has been identified that most of the fake websites mainly provides higher offers to grab the attention of public and it also has been recorded that the number of third-party apps is increasing for that reason use of proper antivirus and internet security is essential otherwise the people will be motivated by the fraud websites. This fake or third party websites are the main cause of Money laundering. At the same time, the boy wants to buy the ten laptops for selling at a higher price, but prepayment is not ideal for such type of offers. According to the survey, it has been identified that the number of cybercrime is increasing day by day and these crimes are influencing the young generations that result negatively in the community. The government needs to strengthen the security options and also needs to recruit more cybercrime teams or ethical hackers in different locations to reduce the rate of online fraud activity.

Related Laws that are related to the Scenario 

In order to understand the involve laws it is essential to understand what kind of legislation is being followed in Oman. In accordance with the reports, the majority of the cases the Omani people rely on the legal system developed by the government and in that part different crimes have been taken on a serious note. In accordance with the case study, it is evident that the management needs to make proper kind of amendment in the internet security features. This is going to make a proficient impact on the management as well. In accordance with the case study it is evident that the issues are associated with the online transaction system and fraudery the majority of the cases cyber threat should be taken into consideration as well. The most of the times it is necessary to make proficient impact on the way of approach and in this case it is one of them.

In accordance with the scenario, the main event started after the money transferring and the boy looking for the laptops got deprived of what legally belong to him. This can be termed as a cyber crime and it issues associated with the matters are too big to be neglected. The people who were involved I the business have made a criminal offence and it is important to for the people to get rid of it. It is a necessary thing to make sure that the issues are not happening again and for that reason they have to make sure that, the issues are minimized in a distinct manner. Rom the legal prospect of Omani law the Cyber Crime Law can be taken into consideration and the issues associated with the scenario will be easily solved in this process (Qcert.org, 2018). The entire matter happened in the online segment and hence it is the reason to go for this law. The breach of contract in the cyber world is a major offence and the criminals may get strictly punished for this kind of activity.

In the other hand, another aspect can be considered in order to specify the genre of crime involved in this scenario. The electronic transaction law can be utilized in this process.  The reason behind is breach of information. Apart from this, it is essential that the people consider the best method of approach in order to have better results in stopping this like activity. The most related and relevant source of law in this case is the Money Laundering Law of Oman. It is the most relevant factor to be taken into consideration. Majority of the cases it is seen that the issues have been nullified but the money related cases always make a buzz in the society regarding the ineffectiveness of the laws. The Contract Breaching Law of Sudan needs to be taken into consideration as well. There are many cases where it is seen that the issues associated with the majority of the cases needs to be settled in order to have better and prosperous development in the aspect.

Various Reliable Literature

The most reliable literature in this context is the government updated files that are associated with the legal system. It is a necessary thing to be taken into consideration that following the rules are going to make proficient development in a given context. It is a process of making proper kind of amendment and it can be stated that the issues related to the breach of contract and any other things should be incorporate to it. The government of Oman is mainly responsible of taking proper amendments in the scenario and it is a necessary thing to make proficient improvement in different aspects. The management is issues need to be done after analysis of the prospects related with the management. There are many cases where it is seen that literature is going make a valuable impact on the management of the criminal activities. There  are different laws which are associated with the proficiency of the society. This is a necessary thing to comply with and in the long run it is going to give a structural back ground to the judiciary system.

The management of criminal activities needs to be checked and in accordance with them the literatures have to be found. It is seen that he issues associated with the proper management of the criminal activities should be channelized in order to find a proficient development. The prime aspect is having a logical structure of the judiciary system and in the end it is going to make a proficient development in understanding the requirements of fulfilling the desires. The prospect of having issues needs to be catered and in accordance with the analyzed data a better kind of management process should be established. A proficient management system needs to be followed in order to meet the requirements of the legal system fulfilled. The process of development needs to be incorporated in the literature. The best sources for the required management are related with the demands in the society. There are different other sources, studying which a better idea will be developed which is going to make proficient impact on the management process. The Omani law is derived from different sources that are associated with the legal prospects. The journal associated with the legal issues need to be analyzed as well in order to have better kind of management as well. The books that are developed by the management needs to be counted in this segment as well in order to have the basic idea of the Omani law structure.

The literatures and journals associated with the measure can be considered as the information related option. This is a necessary thing to be taken into consideration because of the relevance. Apart from that the issues associated with the factors need to be taken into consideration. The opinions of different prospects need to be managed in a proper manner and in accordance with that the management should make decision whether they should change the requirements or not. Different journals and other legislations of the areas around Oman can be taken as the best and reliable resource. The most of the cases it is seen that the issues are occurring due to overlapping of the factors that are related with the management. It is a necessary prospect that should be taken into consideration and in the end the law makers will have better kind of results from it. In order to find the best kind of remedy the authority should enhance the analytical capability to make proficient development in the entire scenario. 

There is a process of having better kind of modification and in this context the issues can be minimized as well. The literature related with Oman laws need to be added after analysis of the issues and the documented journals that are associated with it. It is considered as the most authentic and relevant option to take into consideration in order to develop the legal system. The sultanate of Oman has a well structured system. The initial document can be taken into consideration in order to make betterment in the process. It is going to be the best option to take into consideration and in the end the detailed information analysis is going to make required changes.

These are some of the considerable option to be taken into consideration and it is necessary to make proficient changes in the legal system over the time. The management needs to incorporate the issues in the entire system in order to have a proficient development. The most of the cases it is seen that the legal counsel of the country made decisions in order to make proficient management (Qcert.org, 2018). It is a necessary aspect to take into consideration. There are many cases where it is seen that the issues are immitigable. The laws should be derived from the literary sources that are associated with the management process. Keeping up with the requirement needs to be done in a  proper aspiration and in the end it is going to be the best thing to consider with. The possibility of having the best kind of remedy is associated with the research skills when any complex legal matter is seen. This is a necessary thing to make sure that the understanding of requirement is managed in a proper manner.

Literature in relation with Two Legal Issues

According to the viewpoint of Vishwakarma, (2017), it has been identified that various new forms of criminal activities are now developing with the advancement of technology and that also creates an adverse effect on the community. At the same time, the implementation of digital technology also provides various opportunities and advantages to the organizations and the general public. The government also promotes people to use digital application and banking systems for fare transactions. As per the survey, it has been recorded that more than 80 per cent of the population in Great Britain has an internet connection and most of the young generation or teenage people are more familiar to use the online application for shopping various electronic and other household products.  Security attack is one of the major issues all over the world for that reason the banking and other financial organizations are using proper security to avoid hacking as well as cybercrime.

In present days, all the banking and financial organizations store various confidential and sensitive information in clouds with a view to their clients so the loss of this materials can hamper the overall organisational position as well as the brand image so that organisations fare using high security to prevent hacking. This particular case study mainly signifies cyber-enabled crimes such as fraud and theft. According to the survey, very few internet users reported being the victim of cybercrime as well as mass marketing scams. Very few people such as 5% of internet users experienced financial loss by using credit and debit cards. That means the level of response in mass marketing scams is very low and the government and other online organisation also provide notice regarding online fraud to aware people (Hari and Lakshman, 2017). Most of the people are experiencing spam traffic and the botnet mainly infected by the malicious virus that automatically sent spam, and other traffic in the target.

Majority of people reported about online frauds to the nearest police stations but is very tough for police to identify the offenders every time due to global internet users. The young generations are using various mobile software and online application and link their bank accounts with the third-party applications . For that reason, people need to maintain all the confidential information effectively. Cybercrime is one of the complex issues for all the public, and there are different factors such as lack of recording mechanism, lack of proper awareness with a view to various types of cybercrime, lack of effective information from industry resources are the major independent variables of cybercrime. The offenders have various motivations, and one of the major objectives of cybercrime is a financial gain for that reason most of the people are involving in cybercrime activities. At the same time, in-depth technical skills are not required in committing a cybercrime so that people need to read the terms and conditions properly before any financial transactions.

According to the crime desk of the United Kingdom, it has been identified that the net worth of online fraud is around £50 billion per year and the offenders generally use high-quality technology to commit frauds. Different unsolicited commercial advertisement generally grabs the attention of inexperienced people. For that reason they transact specific amounts for specific products without checking any reviews of the seller or websites leads to losing the money. In the financial year, 2011 Norton cybercrime disclosed the names of 74 million people who are victims of cybercrime in the United States (Hari and Lakshman, 2017). This criminal activity also resulted in more than $32 billion financial loss that means it also impact the overall economy of that country.  Nowadays the majority of business organisations are using computers and online network for selling their products, and it has been identified that more than 60 per cent adult users are now the victim of cybercrimes. In this regard, the online organisation also provides the customer terms and condition before the transaction, and the user needs to check the online applications or website before making any transactions (Zhou et al.,2018). The buyers also make the contract with the online merchants, and if not get the delivery then it will be a fraud case. Another side, if the merchant provides him with fewer products or takes excess time for delivery, then it is a breach of contract. The cybercrime is rising in a distinct manner and in the case study it is just limited to money laundering. This is a major offence in the Oman region because the majority of the cases it is seen to be the related with the criminal activities.


From the above study, it has been identified that the number of cybercrime is increasing all over the world for that reason the government of every country needs to provide proper security in both public and private sectors to secure various confidential data. Apart from that, with the advancement of technology the young generations are more attracted by online shopping for that reason mass marketing scams easily target the public through various third-party apps. For that reason, Ahmed needs to gather proper information to this website before transacting the amount. The upgrade of digital technology also has positive benefits because it also reduces the overall expenses in case of any business so that most of the public and private organisations are using proper security and antivirus software to block different malware, third-party applications and advertisements. The 17 years old boy Ahmed needs to inform the local cybercrime department as soon as possible for taking further actions.

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