Assignment focuses on employee rights having the major influence on the culture of the organization

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Employee Rights are something that is essential in every organization. By having rights and responsibilities employees not only know what they are entitled to do, but also what they are supposed to do. In any major organization, employee rights and responsibilities is something that should be conveyed to every newly recruited employee. The following paper looks at some of the employee rights and responsibilities, and looks at four employee involvement strategies and contrasts arbitration and mediation as well.

 Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Employee rights is the what an employee is entitled to within the organization. This could be mentioned in the contract of the employee, or mentioned in the rules and regulations of the organization. Employee responsibilities are the duties that the employee has to perform within the organization.

Due process

Due process is essential for the employee. This is seen mostly before an employee is terminated. This looks at ensuring that there is enough documentation regarding the poor performance by the employee. This means that the employee is aware of the rights and responsibilities and the error that has led to the termination.

Duty of diligence 

Any employee in an organization has the duty of diligence. Employees must perform their due diligence in the organization, and in the fulfilment of their role in the organization. This ensures that the employee is giving their best to the organization. This also ensures that the employees don’t act in a manner that is to their own advantage.

Duty of obedience

Duty of obedience is the duty that refers to the obedience of the employee towards their superiors within the organization. Employees have the duty to listen to their superiors in the organization, and act according to the instruction that is provided to them. The duty of obedience is when an employee manages to act in a manner that is to the benefit to the organization, and is aimed at preventing mishaps in the workplace;.

Duty of Loyalty

An employee has the duty to be loyal to the organization. The duty of loyalty is in place to ensure that the employees are loyal to the company, and to their superiors. This prevents employees from revealing trade secrets, or harming the company in any way.


Employment-at-will is a law that appears in many contracts for employees. This means that the organization can fire employees without any prior notice, or any explanation. This is against employee rights in most countries, however, it is permitted in the United States of America.  

Employee involvement strategies

Employee involvement strategies are the strategies that are used to involve or engage the employee in the matters of the organization. They are important to the organization, since many of these strategies have been known to boost performance.

Sharing Ideas Between Teams

This is the first strategy. Sharing ideas between teams can help the team build on an idea that is already good, to make it better. It makes the employee who came up with the idea proud about the idea. It boosts performance by engaging the different teams of employees, and by using peer-to-peer learning, which is always beneficial to the organization. Keeping them involved in company decisions Keeping employees involved in company decisions is one of the best employee engagement strategies. The employee feels that they are important and that their voice is heard in the organization. This increases their loyalty towards the organization, which also boosts performance as well. This is budget-friendly strategy, and does not involve any extra expense on behalf of the organization.

Celebrate achievements

Celebrating achievements, not just of the organization, but also of the individual employees, can help employees get involved in the organization. Employees tend to feel that their achievements are important to the organization (Wallace, et al, 2016). This also helps in increasing loyalty towards the organization, which is also responsible for the increase in the performance.

Provide Opportunities and Time 

Providing Opportunities and time for leadership and high-achievers is an effective strategy to engage and involve employees. In many fast-food chains around the world, the basic employees who are high-performing and achieving are able to apply for management training. This is beneficial for the organization, as they have managers who know the processes within the organization.

 Arbitration and Mediation

Both arbitration and mediation are considered to be substitutes in organizations to settle disputes instead of taking the dispute to the court. In a mediation, both the parties are expected to sit down with a neutral third party. The duty of the third party is to get both the parties to settle on a monetary compensation or a similar settlement that is beneficial for both the parties. None of the parties are obliged in any way to agree on a settlement. Mediation is an informal negotiation process, and the statements madeduring the mediation process are not used as evidence further (Andrews, 2018). Both the parties have full control over the settlement process during mediation. However, arbitration is a formal substitute for the court process. The arbitration process is generally conduction in the presence of three or more arbitrators, who can act as judges. This is a fully legal process, and can use evidence and the rules of the organization and the law of the country. There are no settlements or compensation that can be made during this process. It is a win los lose situation, and the result of the arbitration process is final. Employee situations that are minor infractions, and are not against the rules and regulations of the organization can be settled by the mediation process. Mediation is used when both the employees are willing to settle the dispute at hand, and require a mediator to decide on the appropriate settlement. However, issues that are related to the law, or are drastically against the rules of the organization, such as sexual or workplace harassment, are generally solved by the arbitration process. The arbitration process can also be used in cases where the employees are unwilling to settle after mediation.

 Employee Rights Influences Culture

According to Xing (2016), employee rights are the major influence on the culture of the organization. If the organization has a binding set of employee rights, then the employees feel secure in the organization (Xing, et al, 2016). However, if the organization does not have employee rights that are binding, then it can create a sense of fear in the organization. According to Shen and Benson, (2016), a socially responsible organization, in which the employee rights are clearly defined, has a better organizational culture, since the employees are loyal to the organization (Shen & Benson, 2016).

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