Assignment is relationship between development and training with the business performance of small and medium enterprise

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Research problem statement
In today's environment government has initiated various facilities both the small and medium enterprises of their country so that they can easily provide all sorts of training and development to enhance their performance growth in the respective market (Beynon, Jones, Pickernell & Packham, 2015).Also, the enterprise development intervention supports the small and medium enterprises for training and development facilities. However, small and medium business continues to struggle with some enterprises within the country because several enterprises failed to provide the proper training that should help their business performance growth. Therefore, in order to fill the gap, the research has been conducted that determine the impact of training and development on small and medium enterprises.

Research purpose statement
Both the small and medium enterprises in the present day faces some issue on providing proper training for their employees and this has affected their business performance growth. Therefore, it is important that proper training is necessary for the employees so that they can develop their working style and thereby give their full effort for the firm. Hence, the purpose statement of this research is to evaluate the impact of training as well as development on the small and medium enterprises, and therefore the researchers identified the importance of the study about both personal and academic purposes.

The particular research will help to know the importance of training and development on the small and medium enterprises. In addition, with the help of this study the employees can able to develop the training procedure that can enhance their performance growth in the workplace(Bruhn, Karlan & Schoar, 2018). Apart from this, the process of data collection will help the researcher to experience various types of training techniques, and among them, the most suitable procedure recommended by them will help the manager in the future. Besides this, this study will help in gaining knowledge regarding the significance of training for both small and medium enterprises.

With the help of quantitative research procedure the researcher will focus on the need for training for the employees working in small and medium enterprises. It thereby help the researcher to draw attention on the positive impact of training and development procedure on both small and medium enterprises(Khalique, Bontis, Abdul Nassir bin Shaari & Hassan Md. Isa, 2015). In addition, another purpose statement of the researcher is to clarify the usefulness of training as well as development for these enterprises that always provide a positive impact on the performance growth of the particular organization.

Research method and justification
The research method is helpful for identifying the suitable as well as the best research techniques that should be appropriate for this research study. Therefore, in accordance with this study, the research method that should be applied is the quantitative research approach(Ogunyomi & Bruning, 2016). The respective researcher approach is purely based on the survey data analysis. For this survey, a total number of 100 participants are chosen from each small and medium enterprises including the managers to employees as well as the staffs of these enterprises.Hence for these research methodology sample are collected from one small enterprise and one medium enterprise and the employees of both these firms gives enormous support for conducting this survey fruitfully.The research method of this study is deductive basis because the impact of training and development of small and medium enterprises can only be demonstrated by concrete applications as well as consequences that are mainly deducted from the general principles.

Research questions and hypothesis
Research questions are formed that demonstrate the actual purpose of the particular research on the basis of the research problem. Research questions help the researchers to guide their methodology as well as the method used for this particular project(Georgiadis & Pitelis, 2016). In addition, it also helpful for building various collection tools for this research such as survey questionaries' and so on. The survey questionaries' constitute both quantitative and quantitative data but as the questionaries' is provided through both open end and close end questions so only quantitativeresearch methods are provided in this context.Besides this, with the help of the research questions, the researchers can easily reach the findings as well as conclusions for the study (Turyakira, Venter & Smith, 2014). Therefore, it is clear due to these reasons these research questions are chosen for this study.
Intended data collection tool and analysis
The data collection tool that should be used for this quantitative research method is both the statistical tool and interview questions that based on primary and the secondary data. With the help of primary and secondary data, the researchers collect the information in relation to the particular topic(Zhou, 2016). Primary data are considered as the first-hand data that used by the researcher for conducting the research procedures. Primary data are gathered, and then secondary data are collected that is based on the information gathered from the corresponding secondary data. Besides this, in future days for this particular research purposes, the study can also be analyzed through correlation procedures of SPSS that eventually provide the actual results for this particular study.

Sampling method to be used
The sampling method that should be used for this research process is the quantitative data collection procedure. Hence the sampling design chosen for this research study is the stratified sampling design because the data will be collected on the basis of strata and that has been helpful for the researchers to fulfill their purpose of study. This research design help the researchers to divided the employees into separate groups and thereby a profitability sample is drawn from each group.In relation to the data pattern, the researchers analyze the feedbacks of the individual respondents of the small and medium enterprises, and this is purely based on the survey questionnaires. Besides this, the DV of the training and development is only to deliver a bespoke training to the employees so that they can fulfill the organizations requirements easily. According to the authorJohnson, (2015), the quantitative data are considered to be the numerical data that are recorded with the help of various statistical tools. In addition, with the help of this quantitative data, the researchers enable to records great observations about the research study within a concise period. Therefore for the collection of data from the individual respondents the statistical tools used for this research purposes are the univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses tools.

With the help of these different statistical tools, the researchers will enable to describe their research questions as well as hypothesis too. In the case of univariate analysis, the frequency distribution was made on the basis of the business performance of the individual small and medium enterprises. From the business performance the mean, median and mode of individual firm statistics are determined, and after that, both the standard deviation as well as the Kurtosis curve are determined respectively(Kumar, Singh & Shankar, 2015). Apart from this the skewness of the statistical data that obtained through the quantitative sampling method are also determine from this statistical tool. In univariate statistical tool only one factor is chosen for the analysis while in bivariate statistical tool two factors are chosen and from this, the appropriate analysis is drawn. Therefore, the bivariate analyst is determining by two factors such as rationing and development procedure along with the business performance. Hence by using this bivariate statistical tool, the researchers enable to show the positive impact of training and development on small and medium enterprises and thereby it can be easily helpful for determining the effect regarding logical means.

Therefore, from this bivariate statistical analysis the Pearson Correlation that means the relationship between development and training with the business performance of the small and medium enterprises are determined. On the other hand, another statistical tool is useful for this sample study which is the multivariate analysis tool. With the help of this multivariate statistical tool, the researcher can easily test the mediation effect of the three processes such as development and training, employee as well as business performance of the small and medium enterprises(Flynn, McKevitt & Davis, 2015). The multivariate tool is based on three factors, and by using this tool, the researcher easily proofs the positive effect of the training and development procedure on increasing both the business as well as the employee performance of the firm. Therefore with the help of this sampling procedure the positive impact of training and development on small and medium enterprises can be easily determined by the researchers.

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