Assignment explains about the effects of technology on performance of the team & the management of employee team

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I. Introduction

Different people have different ways to complete a task. Setting a standard can reduce the time taken to complete the task and helps to achieve the desired result. In the contemporary world the use and effectiveness of technology based communication has gained a wide acceptance. This investigation will center on the job of initiative in dealing with the virtual group and significance of Personal characteristic hypothesis in dealing with the virtual group. Managing a virtual team is the foundation for managing a team through telecommunication teamwork.

This study will describe the how the change in the technology has resulted in the development of virtual teams. This examination will demonstrate the job of group and the colleagues from better places.  

II. Managing a virtual team

1. Multiple communication tools

Building up specialized instruments has the advantage of two-crease. As made reference to by Gilson et al. (2015), to think about the utilization of various correspondence modes like screen recording, telephone call, and video calling the primary criteria is to make the importance is communicated to all the employees. Many organizations have the department for development of communication tools that include sales, public reaction, and promotion. As per Avolio et al. (2014), Internet can also be used for advertisement. The contemporary business world uses a number of technological instruments to facilitate communication within the organization. The most common ones that are used are inter-group chat, video calls, conference etc. initially only face to face communication or via email were used in the organization. But those are now replaced with instant messaging apps and chat-boxes (D'Innocenzo, Mathieu and Kukenberger, 2016).

3. Schedule regular meeting

As made reference to by Pinar et al. (2014), Video calling is the most ideal method for boosting proficiency since it makes a daily practice for the remote group who are passing up a major opportunity in the gathering. Initially the meetings that were to be scheduled were done with the help of face to face meetings that gave been replaced by video calling and conference. In a large portion of the cases the chief with the utilization of screen recording, telephone call give a reasonable deliverable rundown on which both colleagues and the customer can concur. D'Innocenzo, Mathieu and Kukenberger (2016), expressed that basically pointing out the responsibilities to finish isn't the correct route for overseeing groups.

The traditional gathering reduces the chances of the group to know the data which they have to know and the issue the group should be comfortable with (Ruggieri, Boca and Garro, 2013). Current leaders give the group opportunity for execution of the activity in less guidance given and help to manage the potential misconceptions by making the use of technologies like automated regular feedbacks or evaluating and comparing the capabilities of the employees. As made reference to by Daft (2014), clear deliverable diminishes the hole between the prospect of venture group and the desire for customer of from the task. Micromanaging is additionally the correct method for dealing with the group as it consequently results in conveying the interest and guidance required in the group.

4.  Creating professional work environment

Gilson et al.(2015), opined that setting up remuneration framework keeps the individuals from virtual group roused and urge virtual individuals to assume greater liability. Meritocracy implies the procedure of remunerations and acknowledgment of individuals based on their execution. As mentioned by Daft (2014), transparency needs to be the primary goal in the contemporary organizational scenario. It recreates to work better and do diligent work.  As it results in effective evaluation of the employees capabilities.

In this regard the technologies like Internal Customer Ratings or the Pivotal Tracker's Points System can prove to be effective. Leaders in the contemporary world make a working environment which characterizes straightforwardness that encourages associates to comprehend and examine the by and large authoritative objectives.

5. Use of project management tool

Complexities and lack of time has resulted in an urgent need of the employees to provide instant presence. As made reference to by D'Innocenzo, Mathieu and Kukenberger (2016), coordinated effort apparatuses are utilized in the virtual group which is otherwise called groupware and cooperation framework. Video call as opposed to ordinary call abstains from misconception and help to be regarding all the colleagues. Coordinated effort devices are IT based apparatuses which bolster the cooperation and by encouraging sharing and stream of data (Hbr.org, 2018). Along these lines for this situation utilizing web innovation can end up being recipient as every one of the representatives can be come to at a fingertip and it talks and to send snappy mail at whatever point there is some discourse.

Devices like Google Docs are utilized as an administration device which is considered as legitimate time following application. Video conferencing is another technique that fortifies the connection of remote virtual associates by making them more coordinated into the gathering. Utilizing cooperation devices can spare voyaging cost and time and finishes the work all the more productively as the work is very much overseen. As made reference to by Weisband (2013), video calling gives the best quality cooperation in the gathering via telephone calls.  

III. Role of leadership in managing a virtual team

1.      Strong Interpersonal skills

As pointed out by Ruggieri (2013) that the leaders of a virtual group need to indicate legitimate feeling toward collaborators that in a significant number of the cases isn't conceivable with the assistance of technologies. This underscores on the need of keeping up equalization among the utilization of innovation and in addition manual advancements. As specified by Avolio (2014), goals of contention between collaborators is imperative as it settle the difference and relational clash decidedly which can likewise be considered as the subset of correspondence that requests a viable utilize individual correspondence.

Pinar et al. (2014), specified that knowing about virtual collaborator's close to home style is important which helps while accepting choices as it is fundamental for task of occupation and working up an association with other virtual colleagues. Researchers say an assortment of identity winds up utilizing a similar methodology which depicts set of characteristics which personality and catches the different manners by which individuals are unique in relation to one another. An extraverted individual can discover accomplishment in individuals situated occupations like deals while it is hard for a thoughtful individual to discover achievement in a similar activity. Identity attribute reflects how troublesome or simple the errand is for the virtual colleagues. 

2.      Demonstrate flexibility

The virtual team leader needs to know how to pivot when the priorities of the work change and can shift and steer the team accordingly in the right direction. Team leader should ensure that all the team members working acquire necessary skills so that they can effectively collaborate from distance. As mentioned by Gilson (2013), they need to know the problem and determine the right person to be chosen which can be started by establishing criteria. The performance of team leader and virtual members depends on team goals which include management of performance and selection of individuals.

Being flexible is needed to accommodate the needs of the diverse workplace. The virtual employee has to adapt to shifting priorities which is considered as valuable asset beyond experience and skills. It helps in the development of dynamic nature of virtual employee. As mentioned by Schmidt (2014), the team leader needs to be flexible and needs to answer the queries of virtual coworkers. Being flexible creates an environment where a virtual employee can look after the work and also after the personal needs.

3.      Creating team based on the specific roles

Belbin team work can be ordered into three gatherings that are People-arranged, Action situated and thought arranged. While arranged work can be sorted into three sections that are screen evaluator, master and plant. The group winds up lopsided if all the virtual colleagues have a similar conduct and team work. Each team work is related with relational qualities and normal conduct. The virtual employees needs to test the group for development they are outgoing individuals and are dynamic who appreciate addressing standard and recreation others.

As mentioned by Schmidt (2014), if all the virtual colleagues have a comparative shortcoming then the group in entire may prompt shortcoming. The virtual group leader needs to control the group towards the goal and know the estimation of each virtual colleague. On the off chance that the virtual colleagues have the comparative quality they may finish the errand of a virtual group and take duties in characteristic style. According to Ruggieri, Stefano and Garro (2013), individuals arranged jobs can be isolated into three sections that are a facilitator, asset examiner, and group specialist.

V. Conclusion

It can be observed the importance of overlapping of work hour and creation of professional work environment helps in exchange of information between virtual employee and virtual leader. Use of project management tool creates the record of data and projects which are allowed to virtual coworkers. It concluded the role of leadership in a virtual team and the role of interpersonal skills, demonstrate flexibility and initiative taken by the coworkers in a virtual team. Personal trait theory and Belbin team role are the models which are used in managing the virtual team and providing the right path to the virtual coworkers.


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