The focus of this research project to give a quality project work for blockchain application and cyber security

Home, - IFN702-Project 2 Literature Review- Blockchain technology for cyber security


The popularity of blockchain application is increasing day by day since its introduction in bitcoin industry. Blockchain made a long-lasting effect on the world. It is adopted by various fields and totally changed the life of people. It effected the currency market. It is adopted commercially. It gained popularity among the researchers, organisation practitioners and developers because of its undeniable privacy, trust and security features (Taylor et al. 2019). This literature report mainly aims at the blockchain technology in the field of cyber security. It will focus on the alterations that the blockchain technology will provide to the cyber security field including business associated security, transactions, privacy and integrity. The focus of this research project to give a quality project work for blockchain application and cyber security in order to understand the relation between these two fields which means how the blockchain technology acts to make the cyber security as strong as it can. To achieve this goal first of all this report will focus on the existing literature by well-known authors on this ground which will follow by the insights to make the new ideas and directions for future. In the end it will give the conclusion as per the report.


1.1.1 Blockchain:

The blockchain is person to person electronic record of transactions that can distributed publicly or privately among all clients. It uses the cryptography methods to track or identify the transactions which obstruct the any type of fraud and make the environment trustworthy. It successfully completes the transaction without any third-party participation which makes the procedure transparent.

1.1.2 Cyber Security: This is the method to protect the personal computers,laptops, network or any electronic devices which contains data from any unauthorised access as well as from attacks which tends to any damage.


From the article written by Michelle Drolet, 2018 there could be four features of blockchain which can help to enhance the cyber security:

· Decentralization: there is no third-party interference . this is peer-to-peer approach.

· Offers Encryption and validation: all information on the blockchain is encrypted and cannot be changed.

· Impossible to hack

· Blockchain can be private or public


This can be considered as one of the most secured procedure for electronic communication( Medium, 2018). In this, sender as well as receiver both use a key to encrypt or decrypt the information. Because of this, information cannot be hacked until having any particular key. This make the procedure more secure. For every private key, the public key is produced at initial stage. In this way, without this key the information cannot be disclosed.

1.1.5 Previous Studies:

· With the increment in technologies every field including cyber security is adopting the latest and fast-growing application to improve the quality of their services. In order to the relation of blockchain and cyber security, the Systematic Literature Reviews are very limited (Taylor et al. 2019). In one of the articles written by Salmanel al.authors greatly described about the challenges and issues related to the security services and highlighted the blockchain technology techniques for these security issues. This is really very beneficial study for the researchers who are keen to this ground.

· According to the Systematic Literature review done by YliHuumo el al. 2016, 80% of articles mainly concentrated on the bitcoin projects. As blockchain have expanded so this report will focus on the studies done in the field of cyber security. It will find out how much work have done in this field.

· In the end of 2016, there was one research work conducted by the Conoscenti et al. which showed the effectiveness of blockchain technology particularly in the field of IoT and various peer-peer gadgets. They also only highlight the one point that is the use of blockchain application in data abuse identification excluding central mechanism. According to the Taylor et al. 2016, they also did not highlight the broad effectiveness of blockchain application on cyber security area.


All the studies discussed above did not told about the use of blockchain in cyber security field. As the blockchain is gaining popularity day by day so it is necessary to summary of latest studies particularly in the context of blockchain and cybersecurity and provide a guide for future researchers.




The main objective of this project work is to review the existing literature, finding of that literature and then summarize the all valuable knowledge from these literatures in blockchain technology for cyber security field. For more clarification two research-based questions are derived which are given below:


1. What are the recent applications of blockchain which helps to improve the security?

Discussion: A significant analysation of recent practical applications may assist to gain deep knowledge of blockchain technology for cyber security.

2. What is the procedure of blockchain technology to enhance the cyber security?

Discussion: Various blockchain security related features can help to overcome the issues related to security. It may help to get information about the mechanisms which are used to implement the application of blockchain for security manner.



· Selection of project topic.

· Get permission from assessor.

· Submit the signed project agreement on university portal.

· Oral presentation

· Rectifying the errors as per the feedback

· Writing the project plan proposal while considering the important factors.

· Regular group meetings and making logbook.

· Browsing the articles related to blockchain for cyber security aspect.

· Selection of best articles.

· Colling the information

· Acquire knowledge on cryptographic mechanism implementation in blockchain application for cyber security.

· Giving enough information for development of private and public key.

· Make the oral presentation using graphics.

· Submission of final project report.

1.2.2 AIMS

· To analyse the current use of blockchain technology in cyber security.

· Focus to provide information about the blockchain technology which includes the useful features and importance.

· Risk identification and approaches to resolve these risks.

· The perfect usage of management approach in this literature work.


3 Stakeholders

· Students- To collect knowledge and implement the valuable knowledge to this project

· Academic Assessor- Helps to provide valuable feedback and guidance throughout the whole project.

· Peers- To gather useful knowledge as well as to answer the doubts.

· Project Co-ordinator- To analyse the report.

· Project Supervisor- To provide proper feedback and guidance during the project on weekly manner.


4. Project Methodology

This project is concentrating on the blockchain technology application in the cyber security field for enriching the efficiency of Information Management Structure related with the cyber security field. This is a literature review project. For the completion of this project the steps which can be taken are given below:

· The primary aim is the development of project in view of previous study based on this project topic.

· The secondary data gathering will be the technique of data collection.

· In the last the development of full project report and final presentation on it.

· Finalize the main valuable resources from various articles on this topic.

5.Project Management Approach

Study suggested different categories of approaches to handle the project. But for this project the approach which is going to take in use is the DSDM agile approach. The main reason behind the use of this approach is its iterative nature an incremental characteristic which ensure the quality delivery of final product. Bonner, Kulangara, Nerur, &Teng, (2016) say that "Evolutionary development and process flexibility are cornerstones of agile development and have the potential to confer several benefits on agile developers." The iterative nature of this approach make the students able to make alterations as per the stakeholders advice and feedback during the project. Also this need to be consider that students got very less time to complete their projects. But they need to deliver the quality project. They do weekly meetings with their supervisors so with this approach they can make changes according to the feedback provided on weekly basis. With this DSDM approach students can deliver high-quality project report. This method is perfect for this project because of following reasons:

· High-Quality Project: Without compromise the quality of the report based on the stakeholders feedback.

· Delivery on Time: Work will be completed as per the timeboxes without any delay with limited time.


5.1Results and outcome with scope

This report will give information associated with the application of blockchain to the information management structure related to the cyber security field. To raise the usefulness of this project the product breakdown structure will be mentioned in this report so the time allocated for this project can be optimized in quality manner. This project will also give the information associated with the various processes at the time of developing hash key, public key and private key. It will beneficial to understand the process that how the blockchain will improve the cyber security.

6. Communication Plan

This is one of the important factors related to project management. Communication plan can raise the usefulness of project management by enhancing the exclusive information sharing circumstances by including project management group in well interaction procedure related to the whole project management planning(Siyal et al. 2019). An effective communication plan needs very well analysation of each activity related with the considered stakeholders and Project management procedure. It also tells the outcome of each communication procedure and helps to raise the usefulness of project management procedure.

8.Potential project risk and risk mitigation Strategies

Project mitigation strategies supports to enhance the quality of project management planning. An quality risk plan structure is given below which includes various risks related with the project, which can help to enhance the exclusiveness of the project. This will help to take quality steps to develop the approaches to resolve the associated risks in future.



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