Paper reflects the Product Lifecycle starting from product development and ending with product recycling

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Product Lifecycle

Importance of robotics to Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is consider as one of the most interesting field in robotics. It is an assumption by everyone that robots perform on assembly line and they are not intelligent enough to perform intellectual tasks. However, nowadays robotics are created as a man-made machine having logical thinking abilities with the help of artificial intelligence. The latest generation robots includes the ability to learn, ability of language using, ability of reasoning, and ability of developing own ideas. Thus with the help of AI, the robotics is able to achieve success with these particular elements of intellectual ability.

             Learning Robots- Modern learning robots hold the ability of learning in limited scope (Russell, Dewey, & Tegmark, 2015). Research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence. Ai Magazine, 36(4), 105-114.). They are able to identify whether a certain action is able to achieve an expected outcome or not. These robots are capable of storing the past information (records), so that they can bring successful result for the next time when it encounters such situation.

             Social Robots- There are some robots that are capable of interacting with others socially. For example, Kismet is one of such robot of M.I.T’s Artificial intelligence lab who can identify and responds towards human voice reflection and body language. Such humanoids robots works by using the unconventional control structure. The low level interaction of these robots is directed by lower level computers instead of using a central computer.

             Robots in organisations- Presently in most of the organisation, there is a sudden increase in adoption of AI and robotics to improve their HR capabilities and other daily activities (Auerbach, Concordel, Kornatowski, & Floreano, 2018). They are able to recognise face, identify mood and gender, cognitive ability, lying, and decode the educational level from video interviews.  There are companies like Nissan and Airbus who are thinking of introducing collaborative robots as co-workers in factories to increase the work efficiency.

Thus, robotics in combination with AI helps the human in complementing and improving their skills like creativity, critical thinking and problem solving ability.

Future of robotics

In future, it is believed that robotics with AI will eventually make human life simpler and make them highly dependent on robots for each and every task. Based on the Forrester report, it is estimated that almost 6 percent of the US jobs will be eliminated by robots by the year 2021 (Müller, & Bostrom, 2016). On the other hand, a report by McKinsey states that by 2030 about one-third of the job in America will be automated by robotics and AI. In the future generation, the robots will be utilising the automation and artificial intelligence to minimise the support of human workers in different fields such as; 

             Agriculture- Drones are the most expected robotics to be used enormously in future for different fields. For example, in future either drones or robots will have the capability to remove the weeds as well as targeting with pesticide. They can further monitor and examine the crop growth through their tiny sensors and would let the farmers know the best harvesting time.

             Home delivery- Autonomous delivery system for food and other things to consumers through driverless vehicles would make it easier and economically viable (Russell, Dewey, & Tegmark, 2015).

             Energy production- In future, it is expected that robotic systems will build and maintain cheap renewable resources for generating energy.

             Monitoring- Robots will be helpful in monitoring climate, bio-diversity, as well as the safety of pipeline for oil and gas.

             Cleaning water- Scientists claim that the future robots will be capable of cleaning harmful algal blooms and oil spills in water, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.

Therefore, it can be concluded that most of the physical jobs in future can be executed remotely from anywhere through robots, making human life more comfortable and flexible in a way.

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