The following paper discusses one of the emerging issues in the educational sector as one of the complex & biggest issue

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Educational Setting Issue

1. Introduction 

Educational institutes play an important role in the development of an economy. Basically, all educational institutes learn students about the skills and other different skills. The following report refers to specific issues in an educational setting.  A particular issue regarding educational setting is the privatization of education.  The whole paper will discuss this issue, its importance and related leadership changes in order to completely address this issue. 

2. Educational issue

One of the of the biggest issue in today’s educational sector is being privatization of schools that creates problems for the poor in terms of monetary and education benefits. The selected study setting is education and the leaders in this setting are education minister. 

Description of issue

Privatization of different educational institutes is one of the complex issues in today’s world environment. It refers to the process of getting all authority, management, and transfer of assets by a single private sector. Being an educational leader it is a vital responsibility of the person that each student should give equal opportunities to learn and study. Privatization of educational institutes carets various problems for such children and students who do not go to schools (Noddings, 2015). The issue address to change, in the next section it would address that as an educational leader how this serious issue can be solved. This is one of the biggest challenges in the education forum. 

Purpose of addressing the issue

The basic aim or purpose of addressing this issue that as an educational leader there must be some changes and alternatives. As an educational leader, there must be some policies, rules or regulations that must be addressed to solve this problem or issue. Moreover, generally the primary purpose of address this issue is to identify what biggest challenges the educational sector are facing. Mainly, due to the privatization of different schools others local schools dominated. This is discussed that about 60% of children could not go to schools just because of the lack of monetary resources and funds. While this is because of the maximum number of schools being privatized. Therefore, the purpose of addressing this issue is to highlight the changes that can be made as a solution to the issue. 

Significance of issue

The issue privatization of educational institutes is significant to study because it can give the reason behind why children could not go to school. The basic aim of an education minister or leader is to make aware that every single child is getting an education. Although, education centers facing various issues but this issue is serious one among all because it helps to explain the inefficiency of the educational sector. Generally, private schools charge high fees and charge other extra expenses from the students to meet their cost (Epple, Romano, & Urquiola, 2017). So, I have selected this issue to address in order to evaluate the inefficiency. The issue helps to understand how private sectors, organizations or companies make a profit with a high charge from respondents. 

Educational setting

The study setting that is select is the educational sector. In educational sectors, there are too many people involved such as management of the education sectors, students, parents of the students, upper-level management such as principal policymakers and others. The issue that is selected is unique because it covers and highlights the importance of education.  Up to a maximum extent, education must be free or low cost so that every child can get the education. 

Local/ regional or national aspect

The privatization of educational institutes is a complex and biggest issue all around the world. Whether, it is regional, local, national or international level this issue is very important. At a global context, this one is the serious issue. 

Some national and international readings about the issue of privatization address that privatization of education decreases the level of education. Due to the privatization of the educational sector, poor children could not go to school. Due to lack of resources and facilities, they could not access such high-quality medium schools. Therefore, this issue just not is at the local or regional level but it also presents at the global level. 

3. Argued Views

Privatization of educational institutes

Privatization of educational sectors does not only affect the education facilities of the students but somehow it also affect the economic power and development. Such as more will be private institutes in a country less will be power held by the government. Due to privatization, government institutes dominated, they hold less power and authority to run the operations (Xu, Tihanyi, & Hitt, 2017). There are numerous studies that discuss the drawbacks of privatization of educational sectors. 

A related study of privatization of educational institutes discusses that private institutes negatively affect the facilities of the poor children (Alam & Halder, 2016). It does not only affect the facilities but it also affect the policies, rules, and regulation of the education sector. The study related to the privatization of educational institutes in India. It is discussed in the article that about ten years ago almost all schools get privatized. Moreover, the emergence of privatization had done due to various reasons. One of the biggest reason for the emergence of private schools is policy shifting. In order to shift all old policies to new one most of the educational institutes get privatized. Another biggest reason behind privatization in India is the need for competitive rivalry. Numerous educational institutes get privatized to get a competitive position among other schools. 

India is one of the biggest countries in terms of population. Therefore, during the privatized movement in India, one of the biggest reasons behind the privatization is rapid population growth. Therefore, these were the biggest reasons behind the privatization. So, further, in the article it is discussed that that privatization of educational sectors creates a negative impact. One of the biggest negative impacts of privatization of educational sector was the high cost of education that is also discussed above. Private educational institutes have high cost as compared to other sectors. So, private institutes and authorities collect high fees and additional expenses in order to increase their income. That situation is beyond the fixed capacity of poor and middle-class income groups. 

Usually, private educational sectors have poor management and poor faculty. The main objective behind the privatization of the educational sector was to maintain the quality improvement and this objective was not to be fulfilled.  The staff related to education was not to be properly qualified that was the biggest problem behind the privatization of educational institutes. Moreover, the privatization of the educational institutes in India exploit the teachers and professors by paying those amount which is not according to that amount specified by the regulating agencies. It causes a violation of rights to the education system, lack of transparency and illegal transaction fee. 

Another study relevant to this demonstrates that privatization of the educational institute's negative impact on disparities in access to higher education (Zeichner, 2017). The disparity is basically included gender disparity, geographical disparity, and disparity based on economic class. Low-income value people or parents cannot afford high private school and they have to go to local schools to get an education. 

Moreover, the studies conclude that private schools and authorities have a lack of transparency and stakeholders do not get the complete information about the functionality of the enterprise (Stafford & Stapleton, 2017). 

Concepts that are more relevant to the case

The concept that is more relevant to this case is that privatization of educational sector now becomes commercialization. The main motive of all educational sectors is profit. The only aim is how to make a profit without any consent of who benefit to what. The government sector is unable and inefficient to maintain the standards of administration due to lack of accountability as well as responsibility. Another most relevant concept that is relevant to the case focuses on quality. Private educational institutes more focus on price, how to make a profit instead of learning of a student and other outcomes. The key matter is privatized education institutes focuses on quantity, not quality (Marginson, 2016). Therefore, this directly affects the quality of higher education is degrading. 

How readings teach new things about the case

The readings regarding the issue are discussed above. All these relevant readings help to learn new things about the case or issue. For example, the reading explains that private education is just a business. The primary aim of such institution just to make money or profit for their own sake. It has learned that as an educational leader there must be some policies or rules that can be changed. In order to minimize the privatization of educational institutes government of a country might take some steps. It must be kept in mind that education is not a business for all (Deming, 2018). It is learned that the state can make it better by suitable legislation and policies. Moreover, the related readings taught new things about the case that educational sectors build a nation of the future by providing quality of education. So, if the educational sector only focuses on quantity as compared to quality then a bright nation cannot be built. 

How readings assist to be as a leader to make decisions and take actions

A leader is one that critically analyzes the situation, problem and then makes an alternative to solve that issue. The readings related to privatization of education institutes helps to make a decision and change policies as an education leader. Such as, as a leader, the reading helps that what is the most evolving issue in privatized educational sectors.  Moreover, the concept in readings “education is served as an education” help to make a decision that this should not be happened or practiced. As an educational leader, one might address this change by introducing policies and rules. 

4. Change feasibility 

Now, the issue is related to the privatization of education sector that is one of the biggest and complex issues. So, as a leader one might can take some steps or change policies. There are some changes that can be done to solve this issue. 

One of the biggest actions that government takes to solve this complex issue is the reduction of the tax rate.  When the tax rate will be reduced all students can get the education from the high-quality level schools. This way does not help to all such students that cannot afford education but it also help to increase the economic condition of a country. 

Another way that a leader might use to solve this issue is to introduce public-private partnerships. Public-private partnerships allow all public, as well as private schools, work jointly for the benefit of society (Dees, 2017). This type of solution helps to minimize the borderline between private and private sector. Such as all private and public schools work for the betterment of society. Their only concern will be the education of children and awareness. 

Another way through an educational leader solve this issue is to make sure that education is not a business instead this is the way how to learn and teach.  Moreover, another technique or policy that can be used is the fee structure. The government should make such a fee structure that is favorable for all. It should be affordable for all. Not only that, but the government can also introduce specialized or vocational plans in order to solve this issue.  Specialized or vocational plans will refer to the process of giving training to all professor and teachers. They will learn how they can enhance their skills and capabilities. When all teachers or professors will be equal in education and skills then this issue can be solved. 

Additionally, the government can reduce this issue by giving good income to all teachers and professor whether they taught public or private. 

Learned about leadership

The related study and case help to learn how much leadership skills are important to solve any issue or barrier. From the related study, it is learned that leaders can solve any issue by taking corrective actions or decisions. 

Will study contribute to policy change

Yes, the whole study relates to the policy change and rules and regulations that might be addressed to solve the issue. The changes are discussed above and all changes are in practice such as reduced the tax rate, public-private partnership, and other such solutions. 

How feasible is a study 

Yes, if the above changes can use the change could occur in the education sector study. The study will be feasible and provide effective outcomes if the above policies might address. 

5. Conclusion

The following paper discusses one of the emerging issues in the educational sector. As in emerging trend, one of the complex and biggest issue is privatization of educational sectors. The issue is important to study and discuss because it helps to explain the importance of education and its value. The relevant studies have been discussed related to this issue that helps to understand how privatization negatively affect the study. Therefore, as an educational leader one might address some policies or regulation such as reduction in tax, collaboration among private and public schools, professionalized projects plans in which training will be given to teachers and professors. This solution might help to solve this issue. 

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