The paper states internal environmental analysis & its role in identifying basis for sustained competitive advantage

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Healthcare management requires a proper evaluation of the surrounding through which the operations are carried out on a regular basis. Through this, the management gets an opportunity to be informed and at the same time plan ahead on ways to solve the problems that they may encounter. Healthcare organisations require this strategy for it helps in giving them an outline of the expectations that they should meet and offers suggestions to the same effect. The evaluation is crucial in helping in the running of a better system and ensuring that all factors are brought to task in cases of any further requirements. 

The internal environmental analysis evaluates the levels through which the organisation operates and helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses that it faces (Ginter et.al 2013). By conducting the analysis, the body, therefore, gets the chance to understand the needs of the users and what the management can do to improve the operations. Internal analysis can focus on the various benefits and limitations that the healthcare organisations bring out through the way that they operate and the structuring of the organisational management (Ginter et.al 2013).  The strengths are in great the best shot that the firms have of portraying better performances while as the weaknesses go a long way in ensuring that the healthcare does better. 

The management of the healthcare faces hard tasks in ensuring that they provide better services as compared to the competitors (Ginter et.al 2013).  Through this, it is crucial to identify the skills and capabilities that the management can provide better than the competitors. Brand personality is also important in ensuring that the consumers remain loyal for they identify with the type of services that are provided. By understanding the requirements, the organisation gets a better chance to outperform the competitors by ensuring that they give their best to the consumers and improve on their weaknesses (Ginter et.al 2013).  The internal analysis evaluates the cost capabilities and helps in determination of the projects that the organisation can carry out and the ones that are not a priority. Competitive advantage is crucial in making sure that the organisation has one step ahead of the competitors. 

Understanding the environment through which the operations take place should be prioritised by the healthcare organisations since it provides the strengths and weaknesses that they face (Shanks, 2016). At the same time, it helps in analysing the opportunities that are available and through this, the management gets a chance to evaluate the available resources and their capability skills. Internal environmental analysis creates opportunities to understand the healthcare organisations more deeply and provide insights for core competencies (Shanks, 2016).  The financial and human resources establish the necessary strategies that the teams put in use to help in eliminating the competition that they face in the long run. Rare resources that the competitors do not possess overtake the competition and provision of efficient services brings out loyalty by the consumers (Shanks, 2016).  

In summary, healthcare organisations require undertaking internal strategic analysis if they are to continue to deliver better services. Through this, they will get to know their strengths, weaknesses and the threats that they face. The evaluation also brings out the opportunities that they should take advantage of with an aim of improvement of their operations. The use of rare resources provides the organisation with a better competitive edge and ensures the provision of best services. Therefore, for the success of the organisations, the management should evaluate the internal environment and make sure that they use their advantages appropriately.

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