Q The following part of the discussion in essay will further evaluate the feasibility of the electric and gas vehicles Home, - Compare and Contrast between Electric and Gas Vehicles INTRODUCTION AND THESIS STATEMENTS Transport sector is one of the very important sectors that consume more energy on global perspective also it is one of the major sectors that yields maximum amount of pollution into the environment. Traditionally automobiles do operate on petrol and diesel fuels and in later times they got blended with different alternative fuels like methanol, ethanol etc for reducing the overall emissions being emitted from. Also complete bio-processed fuels like ethanol were developed in the later times as alternative to the traditional fuels and employed in automobiles for variety of applications. Gas fuels have evolved as alternative to the liquid fuels in the recent years. Gas fuels like Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), producer Gas and LPG (Butane in liquid form) became some of the prospective potential alternatives to reduce the overall pollutions from the liquid fuel engines (Ferrera, 2017). Electric vehicles have come into force in recent years with the invention of more efficient energy storage systems. DC electricity based vehicles do produce zero emissions during operations and also the noise generated by them is negligible. Though there are no immediate emissions from electric vehicles during operation, there are emissions in the total Life cycle of manufacturing the vehicle and also there will be emissions during the generation of the electricity based on the actual generation process. If the source of electricity generation is thermal power plant there will be emissions from the same, if the source of electricity is from hydel power station, there won’t be emissions. Also, if there is usage of renewable energy resources like solar power plants or wind turbine power plants for power generation, obviously there won’t be emissions and hence the complete energy operations of the electric vehicle will be of zero emissions. Hence the hypothesis can be stated like “it is possible to reduce effective operational emissions to negligible quantity by electric vehicles and also it is possible to reduce the emissions considerably by employing gas vehicles inspite of traditional liquid fuel vehicles. However the feasibility and usage of each of these vehicles will be justified by cost effectiveness”. Compare and contrast of the Gas vehicles and the Electric vehicles: ? Both the gas vehicle and electric vehicles can be employed for similar range, speed and traction terrain requirements. Both of them are reliable and they are promising alternatives to traditional liquid fuel engines. ? Gas vehicles employs Gaseous fuels in nascent and blended form like LNG, CNG, Producer gas etc and they do operate based on the principles of combustion and compression ratios. The energy obtained from these engines is comparable with the traditional vehicles. Electric vehicles will derive the required the energy from the energy stored in batteries and the charging of these batteries will be done from diverse electrical energy sources (Gallagher et al., 2014). ? Gas vehicles and electrical vehicles work on different operating principles, gas vehicles will work on Otto cycles where the compression ratios are slightly higher than that of petrol engines and still less than diesel engine compression ratios. The variation does depend on the particular fuel type. Electric vehicles will work based on the DC motor principle. The energy of the battery will be employed to drive the DC motors which in turn will be employed for driving the vehicles (Ehsani et al., 2018). ? Gas vehicles will give lesser emissions when compared with the traditional fuel based vehicles. However Electric vehicles will emit absolutely zero emissions during the operation. In any case, based on the source of energy used for charging the battery, there can be indirect emissions associated with. There can be emissions based on the type of power plants employed, thermal power plants, renewable energy power plants etc. If the source of energy is renewable energy, then electric vehicle operations are absolutely emission less(Lajunen & Lipman,2016). ? The cost effectiveness of electric vehicles is not very much matured, still they are approaching economic costs and in short time, it is more likely that the prices of the electrical vehicles will come down drastically. ? Fuel distribution networks for gas fuel based vehicles is not very much matured when compared with liquid fuels in most of the countries, however it is in process to gain more market share. Same is the case with electric vehicles(Ellingsen et al.,2016), the networks for quick charging stations for electric vehicles are not very much established and they will get established in the coming times. Conclusion Based on comprehensive evaluation of different sources of information discussed in the article, it can be said that the electrical vehicles can find more future applications. With increased reliance on renewable energy systems and with more energy efficient applications, it is possible to obtain zero emissions and also it is possible to obtain more environmentally friendly technologies. Further classified applications like noise free applications of hospital premises etc, can be met with electric vehicles usage. Ofcourse till electric vehicles mature in their technologies, cost effectiveness as well in energy availabilities for distribution and operational requirements, gas engines will continue to remain as alternatives to traditional fuel engines. The ultimate objectives of environmental sustainability and eco-friendliness can be materialized using the EV and Gas driven vehicles.
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