Assignment reflects about the leadership styles herein the leaders will be delegating the followers to empower them

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Leadership Style (High/Low) Supportive – (High/Low) Directive Characteristics Delegating. It is a leadership style wherein the leaders will be delegating the followers to not only empower them but also guide them on the different work assignments in a given organization. It is high in directive behaviors since they will be providing the key instructions to the followers.  The major characteristics of this leader include - highly committed, empowered, motivated, and will have low focus on relationships.

Supporting      In this leadership style, the followers will get constant support from the leader. The leader will be participating in the different activities and will be coaching the follower to ensure that the assigned task is completed within the given timeframe. It is low in directive and more in supportive behavior as the leaders will be supporting their followers completely in this leadership style.           The characteristics of this leader include - supportive, emphasizing more on relationships, engaging more in conversation and communication, and thereby creating a trustful environment.

Coaching         In this leadership style, the leader will be coaching the followers on specific skill-set or on the objectives of the organization. The followers however will not be confident of his abilities and hence strictly needs to follow to the instructions of the leader. It is high in directive since the leader will be coaching the followers, building their trust and thereby allowing them to perform in a given working environment.            The key characteristics of this leader include - mentorship, authoritarian, focusing more on the tasks and also helping the followers to develop the desired skill-set in a given environment.

Directing         In this leadership style, the leader will be directing the employees considering their experience and skill-set on the different tasks of the organization. The follower will thereby be following the directions and hence it is high in directive behavior-set.         The characteristics of this leader include - knowledgably leader, working at senior position, focusing more on communication and transparency, and also teaching the Code of Ethics to the followers or the employees of the organization 

Situational       Situational leadership style is a leadership style wherein the leader will be delaying leadership as per the needs of the organization. Also, he will be changing the leadership style and his working approach considering the changes in the internal working environment. He will be more of supportive leader since he will be aiming more toward the objectives of the organization. The key characteristics of this leader include - willingness to perform, facilities the task so that employees can perform as per the needs, motivates the staff, and also listens to the issues so that he can work on the given problems at the workplace in the organization.

In different work case scenarios, the IT manager needs to perform across multiple directions that will allow him to perform as per the needs of the organization. He needs to perform the role of - stabilizer, innovator, unifier, and also act as a conflict resolution manger to ensure that the team is working in the right direction (Stachowiak&Bugel, 2013).

Also, he needs to look after the team and accordingly motivate them so that they can perform as per the expectations of the organization. The IT Manager further needs to lead the team communicate with the top-level management and accordingly formulatestrategies for all the departments across the organization.

There are several objectives and things that need to be performed by the IT manager in a given environment. These include –formulating the goals, determining the needs of the senior management and simultaneously understanding the needs of the end customers, improving communication with the team, deploying team based working approach, overcomingconflicts, empowering employees and motivating them, improving organizing of the tasks and allocating the resources to the team members as and when required, implementing knowledge management at the workplace to train the staff on the new techniques and modules, executing transformational leadership style, rewarding employees for their performance, mentoring the employees and also measuring their performance so that necessary steps can be taken as and when required, ensuring time and schedule management, and finally ensuring that all the objectives of the organization are achieved in a given working environment(Stachowiak&Bugel, 2013).

In all the different working circumstances in the organization, the five major successful tasks completed by the IT manager in a given working environment include - developing the goals and accordingly allocating the tasks to the different teams, improving communication to bridge the gaps, empowering staff so that they remain motivated and thereby perform as per the expectations, has a clear vision and hence will not get diverted from the tasks, and finally will resolve conflicts among the members and instead deploy a team-based working approach to not only complete the tasks that are assigned but also ensure that the productivity levels of the employees gets improved (Ovens, 2015).

The five major considerations that the Manager needs to take to ensure proper managing them in a given challenging work environment include - communicating the objectives, informing the vision and mission of the organization, training the staff on the different technical and management modules, implementing transformational leadership style, and allowing more flexibility for the staff that will not only allow the employees and the teams to complete the tasks but will also ensure that these teams have improvised on their efficiency and overall effectiveness in a given working environment (Choi, Feiock, &Bae, 2013). 

It might happen that different teams will be entering into disputes or disagreements and hence will result into performance loss in the organization. Under such case scenarios, the managers are recommended deploying techniques such as conflict resolution approach that includes - compromise, accommodate, collaborate, withdraw, and compete in a given working environment. It will not only solve the problems of the different team’s members in a calm way but instead motivate them so that they can perform as per the needs of the organization.

There is also a need to improvise on the communication to bridge any gaps in the current business processes in a given IT working environment that will allow the employees to remain flexible and ensure completion of the allocated tasks on given time.

In a given working environment, there will be employees with different personality types and having different communication styles; hence, by learning them and respecting their culture and traditions, the IT manager will be first able to win their trust in a given working environment (Adams, Mansi, & Nishikawa, 2013).

It will subsequently ensure of proper coordination, collaboration, accountability, following of ethics, and transparency in a given operational environment. On the other hand, even the staff will find such IT managers cooperative and thus will create a win-win situation in the organization.

Emotional Intelligence reflects to the capacity of the manger to remain aware and also to take control of the emotions of the employees at the workplace. It will allow the manager to develop better relations with the employees and thereby improve the interpersonal relations with them.

Thus, having a high degree of Emotional Intelligence will allow the managers to remain close to the employees, understand their needs, identify their motivation factors, and also resolve their issues at the workplace. It will thereby allow the employees to achieve desired objectives in a given working environment.

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