Assignment on PPMP20009 Leading Lean Projects to improvise the future outcomes in a given working environment

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PPMP20009 Leading Lean Projects

Leading Lean Projects Assessment Specification


The role of the project management frameworks and the different management techniques are vital in the present era. The management authorities are thereby looking out for teams that can assist them in organizing the global events in a better way. This report will focus on the organization of the FIFA World Cup Event that will be organized in 2022 at Qatar and will highlight the major organizing steps from the project management perspectives.


a) Critical Stakeholders for the Event

Today, it is notice that the organizations want to deploy new project management frameworks that will allow their project managers to perform as per the needs of the organization. However, considering the challenges of the internal and external environment, it is found that the organizations need to upgrade their project management techniques and working models in the present working environment (Hodgson & Briand, 2013). 

Under such circumstances, the role of the project managers become important as they not only need to learn the new project management techniques and styles but also need to implement the best project management framework in a given environment (Hodgson & Briand, 2013). The lean project management techniques reflect to the different data-driven methods that will allow the project managers to manage the complex projects of the organization in a better way. 

Now, considering the given event of organizing the FIFA World Cup for 2022 in Qatar, there will be different stakeholders associated with this given event. These include - the FIFA Management team, the Sponsors, the Project Implementation team, the Logistics committee, the Advertising and Marketing teams, the visitors and viewers of this event, the working and supporting staff, the operational teams working on the different phases of this project, VIP personnel, other major celebrities that will be endorsing this event, the local police authorities, government regulatory authorities, and also other security personnel that will be associated with this Mega Sports Event (Hodgson & Briand, 2013). 

Hence, the role of the central government and the project management teams will be vital as they need to consider the needs of these different stakeholders. It will thereby allow them to fulfill their needs and subsequently make them satisfied in a given environment.

b) Stakeholders' Management

The role of the project management team is vital as mentioned since they first need to look after identification of the different needs of the stakeholders in a given working environment. They thereby need to prepare the roadmap of the entire project that will allow them to match the needs of the stakeholders. 

Second, they also need to design the entire Project Execution phase so that all the working teams will come to know about their tasks and other working responsibilities. Further, to manage the different needs of the stakeholders and also considering the changes taking place in the external environment, the project management team is recommended to deploy a Project Charter as per the requirements and other specifications of this event (Arena et al., 2013). 

They thereby need to deploy tools for - data gathering, data analysis, and data generation reports. It will thereby allow them to discuss in detail the management plan, the project document, and also the stakeholder engagement plan. It will thereby not only improve work collaboration but will also enhance work coordination among all the working teams in a given working environment. 

However, the government and other concerned regulatory authorities need to verify and check for the needs of the stakeholders and also anticipate on whether they are met or not. They can accordingly take steps along with the project management team to fulfill them and accordingly make them satisfied in a given environment (Arena et al., 2013). They also need to determine gaps, if any, and accordingly provide recommendations to improvise the future outcomes. 


a) Lean Project Management Techniques

There are several phases of the project and hence each of the teams must be assigned with a particular task so that they can accordingly work upon it. Some of the major phases of the project will include - transportation planning for the tourists, management of the teams, focusing on development of required infrastructure, and also need to obtain all the necessary legal approvals from the respective departments of the government (Sebt & Alipouri, 2013). 

Further, the team will also require support of local police forces to make sure that they can have better control over the environment; they will deploy necessary security personnel wherever required and thereby ensure security of the players and the audience in a given environment.

Further, the project management team will be required to focus on the aspects of - marketing and promotions, team security, food and beverages department, planning and management of celebrities, and also ensuring that the ticket sale event is planned properly for the audience (Sebt & Alipouri, 2013). It will thereby allow them ensure successful planning of all the phases of the project in a given environment. 

The project management team needs to deploy certain techniques of lean management that include - identification of the purpose of the project, defining goals, establishing structure of the processes, implementing monitoring mechanisms, exploring ways to accomplish the goals of the project, developing a comprehensive plan that will allow the team work as per the expectations, managing finance and personnel from the project management perspective, and also deploying techniques of quality management in a given working environment (Sebt & Alipouri, 2013).

b) Implementing Lean Project Management for the Event

For a given project of conducting the World Cup of Football at Qatar, the project management needs to understand the major principles of lean project management. For this purpose, they need to first identify the key values that will be delivered to the target audience, map the value stream, determine the gaps in the different functional processes, create the structure for all the departments, and also implement ways of continuous improvement that will make sure of proper execution of the entire event (Bar & Gordon, 2014). 

The role of the project management team will thereby be vital as they not only need to meet the needs of the different stakeholders but also deploy these techniques to ensure successful completion of the entire project. 

They also need to implement certain plans that will allow them to reduce waste, brainstorm new ideas for successful completion of the project, and also provide training to the staff for improving communication and work collaboration (Bar & Gordon, 2014). Finally, they need to implement control procedures that will help them avoid errors and other mistakes in a given working environment. Some of the researchers have even recommended implementing PMBOK principles for this event.

c) Eliminating Waste and Focusing on Areas of Improvement

It is important for the project management to look after the aspects that can contribute to waste and other such issues in a given project. Hence, first they need to determine the major waste associated with this project. These include - transportation, overproduction, inventory, defects in key processes leading to waste, and also over-processing waste (Bar & Gordon, 2014). 

Hence, it is the responsibility of the project management team to look after such issues and develop ways to overcome them; they need to also determine the core factors that are responsible for such waste in a given FIFA event. Later, they need to tackle with these challenges by implementing lean project management techniques in a given environment. 

For example, they can control the waste associated with food and beverages by deploying strict monitoring mechanisms. Also, to reduce the waiting times, the project management needs to enroll quality management aspects and parameters (Bar & Gordon, 2014). They further need to implement inventory management techniques that will not only reduce the waste but will also optimize the use of different resources in a given environment. The waste associated with the different processes can thereby be controlled in a given environment. 


a) Event Background

FIFA World Cup can be considered as one of the major Sports Events that will be organized in the world. It will be played among 32 different nations at Qatar. However, the entire event will be organized at six major cities of Qatar and hence it will be the responsibility of the project management team to make preparations at each of the mentioned six venues (Florez, Castro-Lacouture, & Medaglia, 2013). 

Further, as per the research reports, the total budgeted amount for organizing the entire event will be around US $75 billion. Thus, the responsibility of the project management team will further increase since they not only need to organize this event but also need to ensure of promoting this event worldwide. 

Only then people from around the world will be visiting Qatar to watch this historic event. In addition, the project management team also needs to choose an appropriate project methodology that will allow them to organize this event in a better way. 

This event will have multiple tasks and hence the role of the organizing committee, the senior management team, the government, the regulatory officials, the administrative staff, and the project management team will be vital. They need to formulate strategies for each of the goals identified and accordingly implement the Deming's Cycle to achieve the objectives associated with it (Degirmenci & Azizoglu, 2013). For this purpose, they first need to identify the major phases of this event. 

Later, they can implement the Deming's Cycle, wherein they will be focusing on - planning, doing, checking, and acting on the given set of activities and tasks associated with this project. Researchers have recommended deploying the techniques of lean project management that will not only allow to organize this event in a better way but will also make sure of eliminating the waste, process gaps, and other challenges in a given working environment (Degirmenci & Azizoglu, 2013). 

This report is thereby focusing on planning of the FIFA World Cup Event that will be organized in 2022 at Qatar. It will take into consideration the needs of the major stakeholders, will identify the key processes and challenges that will be encountered during the execution phase, and accordingly will select the project management approach to efficiently complete all the mentioned tasks in a given environment (Arbaugh, 2007).

b) Processes from PMBOK that would be deployed

The mission statement of the organization is to host this Sports Event in the most efficient way that will allow the player-members and the guests and audience to experience one of the best times of their lives. However, for the purpose of achieving this mission, the project management team needs to follow all the phases of planning as discussed before. 

Later, they also need to deploy monitoring mechanisms that will allow the senior management and the organizing committee to review the current strategies deployed. They can accordingly make necessary changes wherever required (Sandøy, Aven, & Ford, 2005). 

Further, to overcome the challenges and to plan for the scope, time, budget, and other costs parameters, it is recommended by the researchers to implement the processes of PMBOK that include - time management, scope management, quality management, cost management, risk management, HR management, stakeholder management, and procurement management of all the functional processes of this event (Kalogerou & White, 2014). 

It will subsequently allow the project management team to overcome the challenges and the gaps identified and instead allow them to complete all the assigned tasks with the given timeframe and as per the expectations. They also need to allocate resources in the most optimal way to all the concerned departments that will allow them to complete the tasks and thereby improve their performance as required. 

Further, the role of the HR team is equally important as they need to train the staff in this direction and also assist them in their every need (Loftin, 2014). It will not only motivate them but will also make them perform as per the expectations of the senior management in a given working environment.

c) Processes from PMBOK to be utilized


Processes- It is necessary for the project management team to first determine the list of all activities that need to be undertaken and accordingly plan for the mega event. Simultaneously, they also need to determine the constraints and other challenges that could pose threats to this event. Some of the major constraints from this event perspective include - operational constraint, response time constraints, financial constraints, HR management constraints, and time constraints (Loftin, 2014). 

Elaboration- The project management team needs to implement PMBOK framework as per the stated direction. It will allow them to work as per the stated budget and scope and overcome any gaps if found in the current working processes of a given project. They also need to adhere to the legal requirements, work-breakdown schedules, and perform risk management strategies to ensure successful completion of a given project (Montes-Guerra et al., 2015). 

Researchers also recommend deploying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) within the PMBOK framework that will allow them to measure the performance of the different strategies implemented and make necessary changes wherever required (Montes-Guerra et al., 2015). The senior management on the other hand needs to review the different reports provided by the team and accordingly suggest them with recommendations for future improvement.

Agile Practices:

Process: Considering the challenges in a given project and also considering the increasing scope of the project, it is recommend deploying the practices of Agile Project Management in a given environment. 

It will thereby allow the team to - manage all the activities in a better way, reduce wastage, manage different risk factors, create and share knowledge among all the team members, reduce lead time and total costs, meet performance requirements, ensure completion of the project within the timeframe, follow the Project Charter, and also complete the project as per the stated budget. It will thereby allow the team to perform as per the given deadlines and also ensure successful completion of the project (Chang et al., 2014).

Elaboration- The Agile project management techniques thereby need to be implemented that will allow - developing better relationships with the concerned stakeholders, plan all the phases of the project in a better way, ensure approval of funds for the different activities, review and sign the contracts with the sponsors and broadcasters, allocate resources to the different teams as per the requirement, and finally, review the different strategies implemented (Chang et al., 2014). 


d) Conclusion

This report highlights on planning of the FIFA World Cup Event that will be organize in Qatar in 2022. The key highlights of this report focus on project management methodology, PMBOK principles, DMAIC framework, and how the role of the project management team will be important in the execution of this project (Kalogerou & White, 2014). 

The project management team thereby needs to gather required information for this project, plan for the different phases, allocate resources to the different departments, overcome risk factors, and finally ensure successful close-out of the project. 

The project management team needs to address the needs of all the concerned stakeholders and accordingly deploy monitoring mechanisms that will allow them to perform as per the needs of this project. However, the senior management needs to review the different procedures, determine the gaps, if any, and accordingly suggest recommendations to improvise the future outcomes in a given working environment.

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