Paper focuses on Zayed University Banner Web is a renowned name in the educational field around the world

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Zayed University Banner Web

Located in United Arab Emirates, Zayed University is a renowned name in the educational field around the world. It was founded in 1998 and was named after Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the nation’s founder. Within this timespan the university has made itself one of the most reputable organizations of the world.

At its start, the university tasks like finance, student registration, auditing, grading were all done in traditional manual way. Faculty was hired and human resource was utilized for fulfillment of the tasks. However, it was feasible for only a limited number of students and as the number of students grew bigger and bigger with time, these tasks became cumbersome and wasn’t being done efficiently and on time. This made the university panel scratch their heads and think of a way out of this problem.

Banner Web:

The solution to the above stated problem was picked out to be the introduction of Banner Web application. Banner web is a web-based utility that assists its users (students) to manage and view their information using internet. It is designed in a way that helps students to conveniently view their schedule, grades and handle other related information.

Zayed University first implemented Banner Student then integrated other departments like finance and accounts. Banner web is witnessed to be the best option for their hurdles



. As stated by the Chief Academic Officer of the University, Mr. Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen:

“For the first time, students can see what courses are required and completed

For their degree programmer on one easy-to-read worksheet. Advising for

At-risk students have been greatly improved and student academic dismissals

have decreased due to better planning and course selections.”

Banner Web Process:

Banner web allows the following process for the students through internet:

             Registration of course

             Drop Course

             View current schedule

             View grades

             View personal information

             Financial aid

             Search Class




Design of the banner web:

The application has been designed in such a way that the students’ information is input to the system, queries are made to the database and output is generated.

The components include students, courses, grades, faculty and academic personnel. Whole data is stored in a database comprising of these modules. The software is divided into the modules: Admissions, Registration, Billing/money owed Receivable, monetary resource, and Graduate Scholar records Banner is most usually accessed bya large number of students via the SISWEB interface. Faculty and personnel have client software that interfaces without delay with BANNER. Teachers get admission to banner through internet-based class/grading rosters.

The University of California Davis BANNER gadget runs a hard and fast of applications offered by SunGard referred to as Banner. As such, many different schools use comparable systems. The Banner pupil statistics device debuted at University of California Davis in 1992.

HTML has been used for all fundamental format and placement of items. CSS is utilized for design and styling thrives to make sure international conformity and ease of layout alterations on a global scale. ASP, energetic server pages, is applied for all actual time content material improvement and facts business enterprise. Eventually, square, structured query language, is employed for all information management, retrieval, and garage.

Viewing from the architectural point of view to the BANNER system, it is maintained with the aid of 15 different systems: One master database server with the 60GB banner database sitting on it, 2 internet servers for SISWEB interface, three AFS servers that incorporate 'banner forms' (source, executable files, and Oracle software bureaucracy), 8 machines that execute applications known as "citric", and 1 testing machine much like the grasp gadget.

Assessing the banner web:

The banner web utility for the Zayed university students can be accessed by the following URL: http://bannerweb.zu.ac.ae

Through this link, user is directed to the Zayed University’s banner web portal where one can perform the tasks like viewing and managing their academic data.

Process Design of the banner web:

Design process implies to the making of a plan or to propose how a system would work and how the data would flow throughout the system. It is as abstract layer of implementation.Procedure layout usually makes use of a number of tools along with flowcharting, process simulation software program, and scale fashions.


Working of banner web system:

To start our discussion on how the banner works, let us first take a look at the necessities for being eligible to use the banner web for Zayed University.

             You must have a proper and valid 9 digits student ID. This ID is assigned to the students at the instant of him admitting to the institute. This ID is unique for each student and cannot be duplicated as it is used as a students’ identity for his academic record.

             You must be registered to the banner web system and have your own Registration access code, abbreviated as the RAC. This code is provided to the students by their respective advisor. So prior to using the utility a student is required to meet the advisor and get his RAC. In case a student does not have his RAC, he can be logged in to the system but cannot register himself.

             Student is required to register himself to the system. By registration it is emphasized that the student will enter his academic information to the database.  Once this information is added, it is used for carrying out further tasks that the system provides.


The dataflow can be explained by the following example:

The student goes through the link to access the dashboard of the system. Once reached, he enters his 9 digits student Id and the network password. The system is moves to the database where it looks for the required 9 Digit Id. As mentioned earlier this Id is unique throughout the database, it is used as a primary key for database.

Once this primary key has been located, the database fetches respective rows and columns from the database that is required for that specific webpage. Just like any other database application, the data is retrieved and stored on every query by the user. It offers all the basic operations that database provide:







Cross functional Capabilities:

The banner web is a one in all web application that caters diverse data of the university ranging from students personal information to their grading by the faculty to the billing finance system. All these modules work in complete integration ensuring integrity and security of the user’s data. Hence, it is a huge, complicated and diverse database that has been starred with a very user-friendly interface to let its users use it with ease.

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