The paper will reflect the scenario where a list of issues has taken place while executing the work processes



The primary purpose of this paper is to devise effective strategies for improving the district followership communicational skills based on certain issues.  The paper will reflect the scenario where a list of issues has taken placewhile executing the work processes and therefore, it will help in formulating the beststrategies to resolve these issues.  The use of proper communicational techniques facilitates the growth of the entire organization as well as it increases the overall performance of each of the employees.  It is important for a leader to follow ethical behavior and understand the entire work processes to achieve the desired goals of the business.  

Description of the Situation

LOCOLA Credit Union Bank has hired a new District Manager who have 10 locations under the District Manager. The district has been facing serious communication problems from last 21 months among the last district manager, district office, the supervisors, corporate office and the staffs.The new District Manager has been ordered by the head office of the bank to make plans for improving the District Manager's communication skills of fellowship by communication problems of the district. The new District Manager has used its expertise skills of leadership communications to make plans. The plans must consist of the role of communication to promote diversity, ethical behavior, to develop leaders, and to evaluate the styles of leadership and followership of the new District Manager.

Identification of the Leadership and Communication Issues

The district has been facing serious communication problems from last 21 months among the last district manager, district office, the supervisors, corporate office and the staffs. The bank has been facing problems due to constantly changing its supervisors and also the supervisors were inexperienced. The district office, corporate office and the supervisors of the bank arecommunicating conflicting messages to the staffs of the bank. The instructions are also ambiguous. Most of the supervisors in the district possess inefficient diverse communications style of leadership. The verbal form of communication was also conflicting with the written form of communication. The management teams and the staffs of the bank lacks open communication channels. The management of the bank does not deliver the instructions verbally to the staffs, but they assume that the tasks of the Non- Standard Operating Procedures would be executed inherently. Moreover, there wasa lack of feedback and also the issue of language barriers. 

Analysis of the Issues using Concepts and Principles

There were several issues which havesignificantly affected theexecution of the business processes throughout the converged market segments. The occurrence of the communication issues have played a vital role in improper delivery if the exact messages among the concerned people (Amanchukwu, Stanley &Ololube, 2015). The first issue is the constant changes in the supervisors which have raised the question of stability regarding the execution and the evaluation of the concerned business activities within the bank. On the other hand, there were many inexperienced supervisors that were not able to cope up properly with the execution and evaluation of the business activities.

Moreover, it has also been seen that due to misunderstanding several types of conflicts have raised among the employees and the team members which affected the execution of the business activities. There were various types of conflicting messagessent to the employeesfromthe corporate offices, bank supervisors and the district office. To maintain the conflict and reduce the issues it was vital for each of the people to work collaboratively by cooperating (Arnold, Connelly, Walsh & Martin Ginis, 2015). It was also found that there was ambiguity found in communicating the specific instructions. Lack in getting the precise information critically affected the performing the business procedures, and therefore it was required to execute the work processes with the help of proper and accurate information(Boies, Fiset& Gill, 2015). Also, it was evaluated that most of the supervisors retained the ineffective diverse leadership communication style.  It was crucial for each of the employees to understand the issues coming in between the execution of the work activities(Bornman&Puth, 2015). 

There are different types of communication style which evaluates the fact that the proper collaboration and mutual understanding is of great importance to achieve the desired goal(Chiarchiaro et al., 2016).  The communication concepts evaluate the fact that there are two primary types of communication which helps in transmitting the desired messages to the exact person. These are verbal and written communication, and it was not executed properly in between the corporate offices, bank and the bank supervisors. Furthermore, maximum the issues were found in between the execution of the verbal communication and the conflicts were associated with the written communication such as with the policies and the procedures(Du, Cui & Su, 2018). Another issue was lacking open channels of communication between the management and the respectiveemployees. One of the gaps inmanaging the business activities was insufficient verbal direction provided to the employees and this significantly affected the work processes(Hogg, 2018). The management was assuming that the non-standard functioning procedures tasks need to be executed inherently.  Also, it was seen that there was a lack of feedback and language barriers. The delivering of perfect feedback helps in facilitating the desired effectiveness and growth of a particular firm, but in case the feedback is not provided, then the issues cannot be identified particularly.It has been seen that providing specific feedback helps in enhancing the overall performances of the employees and the entire firm and thus, there needs to be feedback from the managers to improve the overall activities of the firm(Huang, Lu, Zhu, Li &Gu, 2016). For reducing the issues with the supervisors, the management team of the firm should arrange proper training manualsand training sessions so that the efficiency of the firm can be maintained(Jamal & Abu Bakar, 2017).  

Assessment of LeadershipStyles and Behaviors of the new District Manager

The new District Manager has to face several circumstances in the context of which the new District Manager have to take various decisions that might or might not differ from its common styles of personality. As a result, it might give rise to conflicts in the bank. So to overcome the issues of the bank, the new District Manager has to adopt an effective leadership style. The transformational leadership style and participative leadership style are the most appropriate leadership styles for the new District Manager.

The transformational leadership style of the new District Manager will allow to guide the supervisors and the staffs of the bank and provide them with confidence(Kesting, Ulhøi, Song &Niu, 2016). The new District Manager could directly get involved with them and encouraged them in their tasks so that the conflicting messages could be avoided. The staffs also expect unambiguity and safety. This leadership style would also encourage them to adopt the changes that new District Manager would bring in the bank according to the order of the head office(Maak, Pless&Voegtlin, 2016). To provide more guidance, this leadership style will help to focus on the staff of all levels of the bank, prepare them for changes and motivate them for the procedure. 

The transformational leadership style in the new District Manager not only allows to think differently but permits to perceive the situation alternatively.The transformation signifies that the nature of the bank has to be changed. The Manager needs to act and bring changes in communication systems, structures and procedures of the bank. The Manager has to take responsibility at each level of the bank.Through this leadership, the Manager is expected to communicate with the staffs of the bank, listen to them well and establish an open system of communication between the management teams and staffs. 

The participative leadership style of the new District Manager will allow inviting inputs from the staffs of the bank in all the decisions of the bank(Ricard, Klijn, Lewis &Ysa, 2017). The employees are provided relevant information about the issues of the bank, and the majority votes decide the actions to be taken by the bank. As a result, the employees of the bank would readily accept the plans and decisions taken with mutual consent. The new manager has to be more involved, communicative and open for discussing the issues and different matters of the bank and bring changes in one's thinking while leading the bank and working through various problems of the bank(Ruben &Gigliotti, 2016).

The conflicting messages from the district office, corporate office, and supervisors of the bank was to the staffs was due to lack of communication among them. This leadership style will allowbringing collaborative efforts among them; the new manager would guide them to get the relevant information(Ruben &Gigliotti, 2017).  The bank was facing the lack of feedback and language barriers, so this leadership style will help to get involved at various levels of the bank, listen to them and consider their ideas. It will solve the language barriers in the bank. The new manager could provide relevant information to the employees, supervisors, district office and corporate office and also feedback could be received from both sides.The reduction of the conflict messagescan be made by creating awareness among the employees to work cooperatively and collaboratively so that the desired goal of the firm can be successfully achieved(Saleem, 2015).   

Differentiation between Leadership Communications' Styles in Group, Organizational, and Public Communication Contexts

The participative leadership style is the best leadership style for group communication.  This type of leaders share information and ideas and undertakes all the inputs from the members of the group before taking any decision(Song & Lee, 2016).  The democratic leadership style also motivates the members of the team to get involved in open discussions before any decisions are taken by the leader.The transformational leadership stylealso helps to promote communication in a group(Tabak&Lebron, 2017). The success of this type of leaders relies on building a common vision among the individual and the company by effectively communicating the visions of the company and the processes for achieving those visions. These three leadership styles motivate a decentralized communication structure, where each group member interact with all other members of the group. These leadership styles also promote group discussions.

On the other hand, the transformational leadership style best leadership style for organizational communication. This type of leaders emphasizes the motivation and individual development of the employees, as theyhelp to combine the objectives and needs of the employees with the desired outcomes of the organizations(Yahaya&Ebrahim, 2016).In doing so, this type of leaders fosters commitments of the employees towards the organizations and encourage them to go beyond the estimated performance. The interactive leadership style establishes a relation by common exchange among the leaders and employees.This type of leaders set goals and clarify rewards, and they always approach their employees in the exchange of things with other things. As votes in place of works. The interactive leaders mainly concentrate on the psychology, safety, and needs of the employees whereas the transformational leaders aim to provide the basic needs of the employees and also go beyond the limits of the exchange and includes the staffs in every aspect for meeting the better needs like self-admiration. Identification of owns traits and characteristics helps in enhancing the overall performance and managing the work processes. 

Meanwhile, for public communication, it is essential to identify the effective leadership styles. The autocratic style of leadership is the best leadership style for public communication as it constantly engages the leader as a central figure of authority(Yahaya&Ebrahim, 2016). These type of leaders always maintains control and authority over their followers. The one-way interaction does nor permits the employees for participating in the decisions. The democratic style of leadership involves both the leaders and the followers.


There are a few of the important recommendations that needed to be implemented to enhance the effectiveness of the entire situation. It is strongly recommended that there should be one particular set of policies and legislation for each of the supervisors and employees so that each should understand their duties and responsibilities clearly. Secondly, each of the members should be actively communicated regarding work collaboratively and cooperatively to avoid any confusion while executing the work processes. Moreover, there should be hiring of experienced supervisors to complete the tasks monthly and also proper means of training needs to be provided to the supervisors along with the employees. It is also recommended that there should be a reduction of the verbal communication conflicts with the help of appropriate policies.  The management team should encourage open channel communication among them and the employees to reduce any confusing for the execution of the work processes.

Moreover, there needs the adoption of proper conflict management strategies for restricting and reducing the number of conflicts that took place among the employees. On the other hand, the employees should be encouraged and motivated regarding taking active participation and work cooperatively with the other members to increase the reliability and effectiveness of the work processes. The management team should also create the proper division of the work processes among the employees for executing the tasks within the mentioned time frame.  Another recommendation is to monitor the performances of the employees on a weekly or monthly basis and to provide them with regular feedback so that they can enhance their respectiveperformances.   


The paper effectively concludes the use of communicational strategies to reduce the issues while working in a group of members. There were several issues among the bank supervisor, previous district manager and the corporate office which can only be resolved with the help of appropriate strategies. This paper provides a description of the situation and the identification of the proper leadership and communication issues. Moreover, it highlights the assessment of the own leadership style and behavior to achieve the desired goals of the business processes. Complete problems have been highlighted throughout the paper with the help of suitable concepts and principles.   

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