This paper is for Cultural Communication Values and Intercultural from depictions of the cultural group in U.S. media

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Cultural Communication Values and Intercultural


Today, the role of media is important as they are providing and sharing vital information and news about different parts of the world to a given nation. However, it is noticed that the media also manipulates the information and represents different images of the other nations with certain objectives or due to stereo-typed image of the other nation.

The relationship between media and gender is important as the media platforms will be demonstrating the cultural practices and the traditional values of the people practicing in a given nation. The cultural communication is trying to focus on the aspects of power distance so that it can determine how different people are working and what type of organizational values are followed in a given environment.

Power Distance Index

There are different nations that have different power distance index and will thereby be working accordingly in the organization. however, the extent to which people are following the cultural traditions will matter the most in a given environment. In the US, the media tries to portray different images of different nations without any proper evidence and support.

They are using the concept of stereotype in a negative senses and hence will refer to different employees in different ways. For example, in the case of the Asian Nations such as India, they are generating false impressions as the nation is lagging behind in terms of development and technological advancement. In the view of the US media, it is found that majority of the people in India are affected with poverty and famine.

Second, people from the Western countries cannot travel to India since they will face daily life challenges to live in such an environment. The perspective of representing the culture down and stating that the nation is high power index is not matching with what one can find in the Indian companies and organizations.

In one of the media reports by the Simpsons, it was mentioned that the India is an exotic place and is full of hard-working employees. The power distance index is high and hence it becomes difficult for the people to live in such an environment. Second, the living conditions are poor and even the organizations are failing to address the needs of the employees.

On the other hand, the same US media reports state that that power distance index of nations such as Australia is low. It allows employees to take decisions, provide authority to overcome the challenges, and also take the leadership roles in the organization. They have revamped their cultural values and are thereby allowing the employees to focus more on the organizational objectives (Lau, 2013).

It is thereby also recommended by the researchers that to improve the communication, one needs to aspects of Human Resources as well as overcome major challenges in the work environment (Lau, 2013). Second, there is also a need for the organization to deploy new communication approaches that will bridge the communication gaps in the organization.

The organization needs to make sure that they overcome high vs. low uncertainty avoidance issues in nations such as India that will increase the level of comfort for the people visiting India (Rogers, Schröder, & Scholl, 2013). Although, another research reports confirm that India is now one of the most well-developing countries of the world.

Second, the HR department of the Indian companies are focusing more on the long-term orientation and thereby training the employees of the organization. They are deploying team-based working approach and are subsequently fostering the cultural values directed toward the future. In addition, the media companies of the US also need to conduct a proper research through which they will be able to determine the new cultural values of the Asian nations.

They need to change their stereotyped view and instead determine how these nations have changed in the recent times. Today, the top-level management of the organizations are looking for expansion considering the needs of globalization. However, they first need to analyze their internal and external cultural gaps, problems faced by the employees, and the HR issues present in a given working environment (Rogers, Schröder, & Scholl, 2013).

Individualism vs. Team-based

In another case, the US media reports stated that the Australian work culture focuses more on the individualism factor as they score 90 in that index whereas India focuses more on team-based work and hence a low score on Individualism which is 48.

Despite this fact, the US news media portrays that the culture of India is more of individualistic and allows employees to take their decisions. It also allows the employees to have power and take the authority to take the decision at their respective workplace in the organization (Carroll, 2017). However, there are no authenticate reports or facts on the basis of which such reports can be proved.

It is a moral personality of the media houses and the media corporations to provide true facts to the people. It creates false images and impressions and thereby impacts on the other nation from different perspectives. Hence, the media firms need to first analyze the case, gather true facts, and only then publish them among the people in a given community.

Also, the companies of both India and Australia need to work on their respective gaps at the workplace, empower employees to perform as per the expectations, and also overcome the other external environment challenges to achieve desired objectives in a given working environment. On the other hand, the US media needs to overcome the stereotyped way of operating and ensure providing accurate and true news about the work cultures of the other nations of the world.


The role of the HR department will be vital as they will be focusing on these aspects and will be revamping the entire work culture. Further, they will also make sure of lowering the power distance index so that there is equal power distribution and decision making in the organization. The HR department should also insist of deploying collectivism approach rather than the individualistic approach so that all the employees will remain motivated and will work accordingly in the organization (Wherry, 2014). Even the media needs to gather relevant and true facts and accordingly publish their articles and other information in their publication mediums.

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