The report discusses on Innovative Idea to Promote the Tourism in Kuwait to analyze the present condition of the tourism

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Innovative Idea to Promote the Tourism in Kuwait


The major aim of this paper is to analyze the present condition of the tourism industry in Kuwait and what are the major barriers towards the development of the tourism business in Kuwait. In spite of several challenges, the country has managed to make a lot of developments in order to provide a satisfactory level in the tourism and hospitality industry. This, in turn, will help to develop the nation’s socio-economic conditions. On the other hand, we will also relate the decision-making process in respect to the Hat theory in the later part. The essay is based on the innovative ideas to promote the tourism of Kuwait.


Tourism has taken a new shape in the modern age and has become an essential industry contributing towards the nation’s economic conditions. Almost every nation has separate ministries related to the field of tourism. There has been an immense development in the tourist spots across the world. Tourism is, indeed, an excellent source of earning foreign exchange for any nation which can manage the industry effectively. The general nature of the tourist is that they are in search of entertainment and adventure along with knowledge enhancement in various fields. People also like to spend vacations in exotic five-star hotels and also interested in learning about the cultural heritage of a particular nation.

Kuwait is a small nation having mainly people related to the Islamic faith located in the Middle East on the Noth western of the  Persian Gulf. Kuwait has a very rich and vast history. Modern-day Kuwait was initiated in the 16th century. The country has the maximum number of desert and there is as such no difference in the altitudes. Kuwait is one of the economically endowed countries across the globe and has a huge number of oil deposit reservoirs. It can also be stated that the country has a well-developed industry related to tourism.



Although it is believed that Kuwait’s tourism is little underdeveloped compared to other Gulf Nations yet it has a tourist footfall around 362,000 in the year 2011and the growth is expected to be around 639,000 by the year 2021. The government officials of the nation have stated that they have an aim of attracting around one million tourists in Kuwait within the next five years. The tourism industry contributed around 635 Million USD which accounted for the 0.88% of the nation’s export. There is also a high potential for the growth related to the field of the domestic tourism industry. There are many Kuwaiti families who like to spend the weekends especially the evenings in the tents build in the large camping communities in the desert areas during the winter season. These tents are furnished with the various comforts of a home. Moreover, Kuwait has a large number of beaches where the local people, as well as, the tourists like to spend the time while engaging themselves in the Leisure activities. It was from the year 2004, that there has occurred a huge change in the tourism sector of Kuwait and large developments have been initiated in order to promote the hospitality sector. Around 25 number of hotels and resorts have been built. These exotic hotels have the facilities that will provide the necessary attraction for the tourists to Kuwait as well as promote the domestic tourism. Moreover, the nation has an accessible and mild atmospheric condition during the winter and spring season which further enables to attract the foreign tourist.

There are several unique tourist destinations and sightseeing in Kuwait for attracting the visitors. Some of these places include the well famous Kuwait Tower, Old Souk, the liberation tower, the waterfall corniche, the grand mosque, and the beautiful array of exotic beaches. There are also other famous destinations in Kuwait which attract a huge number of tourist. They are namely Dhow Harbour, Dickson house, Aqua Park, and the infamous National Council For Arts and Letters. The country oil industries also contribute towards attracting tourist towards the nation. Kuwait’s tourism websites also have several other attractive features like amusement parks, resorts with swimming pools, yacht clubs, and the attractive green island which is first artificial island across the GCC countries. Moreover, Kuwait also provides an opportunity for the tourists to experience an authentic rich cultural heritage and the interactive sessions with the local inhabitants. There are several popular destinations related to the historical evidence, religious places, Museums, and churches. Tourists are often attracted by the rare blend of the modern and traditional architectural artworks and paintings in the mosques and churches.The nation is also the home of one of the tallest skyscrapers of the universe and has rich culture and architecture in the Kuwait city. The well famous museums include Saif Marzooq Al-Shamlan Museum, Kuwait National Museum, and the Tareq Rajab Museum. There are also a huge number of entertainment centers in the country like Al-Sha’ab leisure park and the Zoological Garden which are major tourist spots both in terms of observable features as well as entertainment features. In addition to all these, the country also has several numbers of islands namely green Island and the Faliaka Island. The Messila beach is famous for sunbathing and exotic games. The nation is also well connected and served by road, air, and marine services and a huge number of restaurant chains serving delicious foods. And lastly, the country has an excellent continental atmospheric condition which is very much suitable for the European and American tourists. (Reisinger, 2015)




It is because of the fact that the nation is having several oil refineries and global project it enjoys the facilities for the overseas international customers and this will help the nation to improve on their import business. Along with the petroleum sector, the tourism industry will provide the nation with an added advantage of economic growth. All the features related to Kuwait described above can attract a huge number of tourist in Kuwait which is definitely a beneficial aspect. In this aspect, it can be concluded that the nation has the capacity to offer something different. So in order to attract more tourist towards Kuwait and promote the tourism in Kuwait, there are essentialities of some innovative ideas. Firstly, there are a large number of beaches across the nations which could be converted into exotic islands having attractive features like luxury hotels and several modern aspects of enjoying vacations. Some Islands can be developed as private island especially, for the high-end consumers. Additional features like desert safaris and bonfire can be arranged for the tourists who are staying in the tents. The beach chalets where many people like to spend their leisure times can have recreational activities like fou-wheeling, boating, fishing, jet skiing and other attractive beach games. The tourism development authority and the government of Kuwait can take the initiative of developing programs that are attractive to the Muslim world and will attract Islam Tourist. Moreover, Kuwait can also make an advancement of their cultural tourism concept by developing popular festivals and events making it relevant to the tourist of the western world as well as the Islamic nations. The government of Kuwait can develop collaboration with other nation’s government on tourism which can make an increase in the number of tourist arrival in Kuwait. lastly, the nation should also add an attractive feature to the nightlife which will also help to attract tourist. Due to the attractive features discussed above, Kuwait has the potential to attract both western based tourists as well as the Islamic tourist. Moreover, as Kuwait has a peaceful relationship with the western nations which will make the process more easier. Hence, this innovative ideas can be helpful for Kuwait to develop tourist attraction that will not only cater towards the western taste but also will enhance the peculiar requirements of the Islam world. this, in turn, will propel the industry towards much greater heights and will enhance towards nation’s social and economic developments.

In this whole process of developing and promoting tourism in Kuwait, there is an effect of parallel thinking. On the other hand, the process of effective thinking has a particular direction but can effectively change its directions according to the changes occurring in the circumstances. In this respect, one can find a clear relationship between thinking and the theory based on Thinking Hats. There are six different colored thinking hats and every single hat has separate symbolic feature. The different color hats include white, red, green, black, yellow, and blue. The white hat symbolizes the objective facts and figures, the red hat indicates emotions and feelings. Next, the green hat signifies the creativity, while the black hat represents careful attitudes and cautions. The yellow hat refers to hope, positive, and speculative feature while the blue symbolizes controlled and organized thinking. It is this blue hat which helps an individual to gain a control of the mind and take exact decisions in regards to the related activity. (De Buno, 2017)


This theory is developed by Edward de Bono, the Six Thinking Hats is an essential creative thinking tool which helps in taking an individual decision as well as group thinking. This tool helps the individuals as well as the groups to study the various options and decisions from numerous prospective. It influences the process of thinking to deviate from the habitual manner of the linear thinking process. This process of thinking involves different thinking aspects catered to six different roles and functions. Each of this thinking roles is symbolized by six different colored hats discussed above. This thinking hat is an effective tool promoting the process of parallel thinking. The entire process allows an individual to have an experience of a more rounded view of the situation. One can easily reach towards a successful solution with a positive viewpoint but also considers the problems from various other angles. Now, in this process of effective thinking, Kuwait depends on the promotional type of thinking. It is a true fact that if we share our culture, heritage, and values it will help other nations to know about us and will help in spreading the nation’s fame across the globe. In order to study the rich heritage and culture as well as to enjoy some exotic amusements and adventures, we visited some famous tourist spots in Kuwait. We made a visit to the Green Island, the Messila beach, the Kuwait national museum, and the Al- Sha’ab leisure park. We also visited places like amusement parks, the Kuwait tower, and the Grand Mosque. We also spent a night in the tent build around the desert.  (Kinvunja, 2015)

Now, in the below discussion a detailed meaning of the six hats are described with context to the innovative idea to promote tourism in Kuwait.

White Hats –

The tourism is Kuwait is increasing with the time and the government initiatives are focused towards increasing the number of tourits visiting the country. The sample dala collected through different orgnizations can be analyzed and a proper startegy can be made for the overall tourism development. This data collected would reflect the number of increasing tourists in the kuwait. This reflects the white hat concepts.. The data are generally based on the statistics. They are capable of looking gaps in knowledge. In this case, past results can be analyzed to reach a conclusion.

Example – It was from 2004, that developments in tourism were initiated and more hotels and resorts were developed in Kuwait.

Red Hats –


The new concept and ideas should be linked to the emotions and feelings of the individuals. Moreover, some more innovative and creative strategies should also be considered which will match with the choice of the tourist. Kuwait people are welcoming in nature and offrs great hospitatlity to the tourits. This special gesture would attract a large number of people towards the country if properly marketed. The aesthetic aspect of the innovative ideas should also be considered and addressed carefully.

Green Hats –

. This is the stage where the team or the individual can design and develop the necessary creative solutions to the problem. Here there is a small criticism of the idea and it deals with a freewheeling method of thinking. Offering some unique and innovative tourism opportunity to the tourists would increase overall tour experience of the people. Deseart safaari along with the Delicious local foods can be offered to  the people which will reflect the innovation and uniquness.  This particular addition will provide an edge to the innovative strategies developed to promote the tourism of Kuwait. This will be an added expectation for all the residents of Kuwait.

Black Hats –


The overall enviornment of the Kuwait is Cheerful and colorful. The people’s friendliness and hospitality reflectes the positive vibes. The cheerful and colorful enviornment and friendliness will help in making Kuwait a beautiful destination for the tourists. This reflects the Black hat concepts.

As the tourism is maintained by the Kuwait government and the tourism department, the political condition of the nations is the key parameter to continue with the innovation.. The development of the exotic islands and other added features are also very cost effective. Developing tourist attarcting places will also help.

Yellow Hats –

A positive and progressive attitude towards the tourism development could be considered as a benefical point for the country. Need to consider the aspects which are related with the tourism and make proper changes.

The development of tourist friendly transportation system, easy access to  the historical places and Desert safari development in Kuwait reflects the Positive and progressive thinking towards the tourism development.


One can easily enjoy their leisure time in the exotic beaches with their friends and family and reduce the boredom of daily life. The children can enjoy themselves in the amusement parks and the people can also enjoy the essence of the adventure sports and desert safari. The nightlife will add an extra variable to the leisure activities. Moreover, the nation’s culture will be promoted and as many tourists visit Kuwait there will be a cultural exchange as well as socio-economic advantages.

Blue Hat –


Managing overall development which are being done to improve the tourism in  the country is a challenging task. This is being done by the authorities and results are coming as well of this control over the entire ssystem.


The entire discussion is actually based on the green hat as the various innovative ideas in promoting Kuwait tourism is a process of new ideologies and something which involves an out of the box thinking process and will also enhance the tourism of Kuwait to the rest of the world. The implementation of the innovative ideas aand its implimentation is benefitting.


It can thus be concluded that the process of thinking brings in new and innovative ideas. The innovative ideas related to the development of Kuwait tourism will provide the nation with an socio-economic development and establish the culture and heritage of Kuwait. (Wolff, 2015)



In this age of the modern world, individuals get attracted to new innovative and creative idea and thought process.


In the entire discussion, Kuwait has developed certain innovative ideas discussed above which will promote the country’s tourism and attract the tourist. The innovative ideas involve developing the beaches into exotic islands, arranging for a desert safari, providing the relaxation in the nightlife rules, making collaboration with other nations, promoting the Islamic culture and heritage, introduction of adventure sports in the beaches, etc.


The discussion can thus be concluded that Kuwait has a very rich heritage, culture and a well-developed tourism which is expanding and developing on a continuous basis. The nation has attractive features to attract tourist from several places across the globe and the nation is taking more initiative to develop the tourism that will also provide the country with socio-economic benefits.

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