Assignment is about Violence against women in South Asia has become a global issue which is on the rise.


Why human rights for Asian women?

“Violence against women in South Asia has become a global issue which is on the rise.” According to latest United Nations women’s report, about 600 million Asian women arestill strugglingfor theirbasic human rights to vote, to educate themselves, to equal pay, to work,to health and mainly to free from violence.

1. Women’s rights in Sri Lanka

It was a winning point formany Sri Lankan women, when Sri Lanka claimed the UN Convention in year 1982 towards elimination of discrimination against women and to protect women’s rights in Sri Lanka. Further, the constitution was revised ensuring that equality before the law and equal protection to all citizens including both woman and men.

? Domestic violence against women

It is proved by many international research carried out, more than 60 % of Sri Lankan women are still victims of domestic violencein factthey are routinely harassed both verbally and physically; the “Prevention of Domestic Violence Act” was enactedto prevent such domestic violencewhich was another winning point for Sri Lankan women.

? Gender equality

It is also a fallacy to think that, “men and women can never be equal”andSri Lanka has to go a long way in order to achieve 100% female liberation wheregender equality remains as a distant dream for most Sri Lankan women astheta are still dictated by a male oriented tradition.


? Sexual harassment

According to many international surveys conducted in Sri Lanka, another disastroussituationfaced by Sri Lankan women is sexual harassmentespeciallywhen travelling in buses and trains. It is everyone’s duty to prevent such sexual harassment.

2. Women’s rights in India

In July 2016, the British government issued a report,presenting real cases related to violence against women in India asa majority of Indian women are still struggling hard to savetheir basic women’s rights towards gender equality, child marriage &domestic violence. 

? Gender  equality

It is also reallynecessary to figure out how far the Indian society have comein terms ofGender equality rights of women towards health, economic, education and political in comparison with men where there is discrimination against women at every level.

? Crimes against women

`       “Crimes against women are reported every two minutes in India” as more than 2.2 million cases / crimes were registered in the last decade taken place in many forms such as rapes, dowry deaths and killing. .

3. Women’s rights in Pakistan

As we all are aware that, this fight against discrimination and violenceis an ongoing process in Asia,Pakistani woman of today enjoy a better status in the society than beforethough certain women’s rights are still being violated in view of rape, murder (honor killings), acid attacks and domestic violence.

? Violence against women

Violence against women takes place to the extentthat, Pakistani women are not allowed to use DNA evidence to prove their cases in terms of violence against women.

? Forced marriage

Forced marriage is still in practice in Pakistanwhere a marriage takes place even without the acceptance of both parties.

4. Women’s rights in Bangladesh

As there are no considerable differences in the patriarchal mindsets of people like in most of other Asian countries, Bangladeshiwomen had struggled and still strugglingto save women’s rights while achieving increased political empowerment and better job prospects.

? Domestic violence

It is frequently discussed in the international audience that, no matter caste, class, age, race or religion, Bangladeshi women are frequently faced with domestic violence contributing to 47% of adult women in the form of physical abuse by their male partner. 

? Rape and physical spousal abuse

It is found that, from2004- 2015 dowry related violence increased from 3,000 cases to 5,000 cases where rape and physical spousal abuse is taken place.

? Extensive trafficking in women

There is extensive trafficking in women for the purpose of forced prostitution within the country.

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