The purpose of creating ITIL known as Information Technology Infrastructure Library was to improve the practices of IT

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The purpose of creating ITIL known as Information Technology Infrastructure Library was to improve the practices of IT Service Management that will align the IT services with the current needs of the business. It will allow the respective IT team of the organization to deploy specific tools and techniques that will not only improve the quality of the current business processes but will also improve the planning, implementation, and delivering of the products and services of the respective organization to their customers in a given environment (Abels, 2014).

Today, with increased challenges in the internal and external environment, it is found that the business processes are compromised and hence are not able to deliver as per the quality aspects of the organization. Hence, the IT department deploys certain tools and frameworks of IT management that will allow the team to not only assure the quality of the given processes but will also make sure that they will be able to deliver the entire IT solution to their clients as per their expectations and also within their given timeframe(Abels, 2014). Hence, the organizations continue to adopt the approach of ITIL principles at their workplace.

The purpose of IT Service Management also known as ITSM was to improve the implementation of the entire solution for the clients and also ensure that it meets the quality aspects of the clients in a given working environment. Further, it will ensure that the appropriate mix of people, processes, and technology at the workplace will provide value to the organization. 

This concept further refers to the activities and set of procedures that will improve the planning, delivering, and control of the different services provided by the organization to their customers (Chomko, Feldman, &Klingel, 2014). Thus, it will allow stronger alignment between the IT and the business for a given organization.

There are several books available that can not only guide the employees and the IT team of the organization on the different aspects and processes but will also provide them recommendations to improve their current working approach in the organization. These include - ITIL Service Operations, ITIL Service Design, ITIL Service Transition, ITIL for Business, and Metrics for Service Management: Designing for ITIL Best Practices. 

It will train the employees on the different modules and at the same time will improve the current working approach of the employees in the organization(Chomko, Feldman, &Klingel, 2014). It will thereby allow them to improve the productivity levels of the employees and also improve the current business processes of the respective organization.

Service Strategy - It refers to the service strategies that the IT team needs to deploy in the present working environment. They however need to need to conduct GAP analysis first and subsequently determine the future needs of the organization. They can accordingly formulate the service strategies that will not only fulfill the objectives of the organization but will also exceed the expectations of the clients in a given environment.

Service Design - It refers to the planning of services and service management processes that will allow the IT team to perform as per the needs of the organization. Also, they will align these services with the vision and mission of the organization so that the expectations of the clients are met in a given operational environment.

Service Transition - It refers to the transition processes that are implemented in the organization for changing the current processes in a given environment. With the changing trends, it is necessary for the organization to modify the existing processes and instead deploy new systems that will meet the needs of the organization(Chomko, Feldman, &Klingel, 2014). 

Service Operation - It refers to the day-to-day operational activities and planning of such activities that will ensure streamline flow of the business processes of the organization. However, the IT department of the organization needs to monitor these practices and accordingly recommend changes to improve the future outcomes.

Continual Service Improvement - It is a concept that should be implemented by the respective IT department for the purpose of improving their current services on a continuous basis. It is observed that with changing times, the trends change and also the demands of the clients will change; hence, the IT team will be required to deploy new frameworks and new techniques to suit to the needs of the clients. 

For this purpose, they need to learn the new concepts and also deploy the new mechanisms for the purpose of achieving desired milestones in a given environment(Chomko, Feldman, &Klingel, 2014). It will thereby allow the team to achieve the purpose and other objectives of the organization.

ITIL Functions - There are several ITIL functions that are performed by the IT department of the organization. These include - IT Operations, Service Desk functions, Facilities Management function, Application Management, and Technical Management functions that will allow them to align with the key objectives of the organization.

ITIL Processes - The major ITIL processes that are implemented by the IT team for the purpose of achieving desired objectives include - formulation of service strategies, service design, and request fulfillment of the clients, event management, access management, and problem management (Miles, 2013). They will thereby be working on the technical aspects of the needs of the clients and will be submitting the solution as per the stated timeframe and other parameters.

There are several frameworks developed for the purpose of improving the quality of the business processes in a given environment. These include - SPB's Quality Framework, the Total Quality Framework, the ABS Data Quality Framework and several others. 

The key objectives of deploying such framework in the organization include - formulation of strategic plans, regulatory compliance, achieving desired service excellence, continuous improvement plans, installing quality assurance system, and also executing quality management system in a given environment (Olaskoaga-Larrauri, González-Laskibar, &Barrenetxea-Ayesta, 2015). It will thereby allow the team to not only optimize the business processes but also achieve desired level of business excellence in a given working environment.

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