Assignment about Role of CMS in Healthcare Systems developed quality &safety indicators for various health care system

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Role of CMS in Healthcare Systems

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has the basic purpose ensure quality health care at lower cost. For this purpose, the Institute gathers information of various clinician at large scale. Due to reforms of the organization, the practice transformation has been observed. In practice transformation, the behaviour practices improve. The behaviour encompasses core competencies like quality improvement, improved patient health and engaged leadership. Team-based healing and continuous relationships which encompasses beliefs, culture and values (cms.gov, 2016, p. 01).

CMS formulate various strategies which have a significant impact on the various aspects of a system. The major impact is on the quality. CMS has recently introduced a new quality strategy which has been created by mingling CMS and NQS (HHS National Quality Strategy). Recently, the CMS has introduced meaningful measures framework in the year 2017. The basic purpose of this framework is to improve the health outcomes for patients, their family members while at the same time reducing the burden from providers as well as clinicians. There are various other priorities on which the organization is focusing on such as patient-centric measures which are meaningful to providers, clinicians and patients. Avail desired outcomes where possible. Opportunities should be provided for quality improvement.

                On the other hand, these quality measures are largely due to which it is difficult for clinicians to manage them effectively. This is mainly because in the quality strategy along with measures for physicians it also has made necessary that MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act) is implemented. However, the implementation of MACRA law will be highly beneficial for patients because they have to pay for the value of care, not for the volume. Previously EHR has been used for the payment and various other purposes. However, fraud and data breaching cases are high due to which in the new quality program, CMS has introduced the Quality Payment Program. Implementation of this program will enhance the progress of Medicare program. However, first, it is necessary that a specific relationship is established with the frontline clinicians, patients, their families and professional organizations. the major benefit of this program will be to the patient as they can get quality care at the minimum cost.

                CMS has also elaborated six categories such as clinical care, patient and caregiver experience, patient safety, population health, affordable care and population health are the main categories in which the quality of an organization will be measured (ehrintelligence.com, 2018, p. 01). Along with other issues, the specific focus has been kept on the reporting system of physicians. CMS has introduced a new reporting system due to which the burden of reporting will be reduced

The major impact which these quality measures can have on the hospitals and its stakeholders include

·         The reporting burden will be reduced

·         Improved feedback which hospitals receive on their performance.

·         There will be value-based payment

In the new quality policy of CMS prominent changes has been made for the rural areas. For instance, CMS will be focusing more on the rural areas which have a high poverty rate, fragmented healthcare delivery and chronic conditions in comparison to others. CMS also has done a partnership with ONC for facilitating and promoting interoperability among rural healthcare facilities. Along with improving access, the quality of programs will be also enhanced by implementing an EHR system in rural settings. CMS will continuously collaborate with the Federal Rural Health Policy office for ensuring that the quality plan successfully implements in the area.

The quality measures which CMS has designed are meeting various ethical standards. For example, it is the basic right of every citizen of America to have a better access to health care. Previously rural areas did not have better access to the health care facilities and burden on the physicians. However, these new policies will significantly address these issues in the rural area. Moreover, the main focus of CMS is on the areas which have poor people and facilities are low (healthcareitnews.com, 2017, p. 01).

Moreover, cost of healthcare is increasing with every passing time. This is mainly because the patients with chronic disease are high in America and caregivers are few due to which not all the people can have access to health care. Increasing cost reduced the access to health care which is ethically not justified. CMS has introduced the new payment system according to which the patients have to pay the money according to the value of care rather than volume. This new policy will improve the health of citizens. The policy also has been made for fostering relationship among patients, families, caregivers and other health care providers for improving the quality of care which is necessary for the improved health.

Policies will impact on the patients as well, for instance, the reporting information system will assist the customers in selecting the high-quality providers and consequently, a large number of customers will ultimately get help from the experienced and high-quality caregivers. Moreover, due to the increased focus of consumers on quality and enhanced competition in the quality area will urge the providers to increase the quality of care for increasing the market share (Jeongyoung, Konetzka, & Werner, 2011).

                Extra protection has been provided to the nurses in CMS policies. Under CMS policies it is necessary for the nurses that they have proper information about the reporting system such as they should know how to identify and then report about abuse. For instance, they can report about frequent staffing change, protection from retaliation, follow-up counselling and increased supervision. Moreover, it is also necessary for the nurses that they have improved relationship with patients and elevate the quality of care (healthcarelawinsights.com, 2016, p. 01).

                CMS is the basic institute which organized and issue the policy related to the public health. Most of the policies are about quality standards. Most of the policies are according to ethical standards. Significant steps are also taken for the nurses. They will be saved from the abuse and they can report it in an effective manner.

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