Assignment is about analyzing SI theories for an identified issue to overcome issues regarding monitoring performance


Identification of issue

Performance management is major issue within organizations wherein leaders are unable to assess the performance of employees. While dealing with many employees at one time it is important to determine the efficiency alongside its alignment with organizational objectives. Individual performance of employees will affect achieving organizational goals and objectives. In order to overcome issues regarding monitoring performance it is important to set strategic business actions and record progress of both employees and organization. It is important to examine whither the individual performance is set closer to organizational goals. Besides, ineffective relationship, orientation and lack of communication between employees and leaders will limit the reach to those goals.

Monitoring performance variables-

· Network tools that help in comparing statistics including historical data

· Comparisons within network performance

· Investigation of potential problems

· User response times

· Line utilization

Analyze theories for an identified issue
Performance management cycle help in identifying the management of employee actions and identify any identified risks or gaps affecting organizational goals. The Performance Management Cycle includes 5 elements that help in building performance management system that is required to strengthen the actions within organization (Meyers & Van, 2014). The elements of performance management system cycle has been identified below-

· Formulation of goals and objectives

· Monitoring and assessing performance

· Record performance results and feedback for future reference

· Develop compensation or Reward system based on results of individual performance

· Assess whether individual performance is aligned with organizational activities and objectives (Teece, 2014).

Goal setting theory was implemented and established in the year 1968 by Edwin Lock. The theory intends to explain individual goals that are set by the employee of an organization. The individual formulation of goals by employee plays an important in motivating oneself to superior performance (Steinbach et al. 2017). In order to follow their goals, it is important for employees to direct themselves and understand weakness and strength. If the goals set by an individual are not achieved, the individual tends to improve their performance. On the other hand, there are employees who modify goals in order to make them more realistic. With the improvement in performance it will help to reach the achievement that the performance management system aims.

Expectancy theory has been established by Victor Vroom in the year 1964. The theory originates from various hypotheses that studies that individuals intend to adjust their behavior within the organization requirements and objectives. It is important for the employees to anticipated satisfaction regarding performance, valued goals initiated by them. The individuals modify their behavior and outlook in every way to improve performance deriving satisfaction at higher levels (Arnaboldi, Lapsley & Steccolini, 2015). This outlook and improvements certainly help them to attain targeted goals. It helps in understanding the concept of performance management where performance is partial by the expectations of developing initiatives.

The theory helped to examine the fundamental goal of performance management within an organization. It helped to understand the significance to promote and improve employee effectiveness for self and professional development. Herein managers and employees are entangled within continuous mad collaborative process to develop, plan, monitor and execute actions

Analyze approaches for data gathering

Gathering data from Ethnographies, Oral History, and Case Studies and reviews

During this research researcher is involved in organized framework initiating research from relevant and realistic grounds. The case studies, reviews and historical data stands for real life examples that help to examines research grounds of employee performance management and issues within natural settings (Yazan, 2015). It uses sets of combination tools and techniques like observing observation, interviews, and surveys and cross checking with records and case studies if any. Ethnography acts as holistic approach towards research evaluation (Bloomfield, Nelson & Soltes, 2016). Herein the researcher acts as a confounding variable in assessing document that has been studies and recorded.

Theoretical books, academic articles and journals

The recorded data and documents are supported by theories mad frameworks in identifying its appropriateness.

Evaluate data

Managers and leaders need to have influential behavior driving employee actions. This can be further accompanied with appraisal and rewards. It is examined that Performance appraisal works under three fundamental functions-

1. Enable timely and appropriate and adequate feedback of employees regarding one's performance

2. The requirement of modifying or changing behavior of an employee in developing standards of working habits

3. To provide information regarding risk, issues and other necessities timely to managers and communicate right footedly

As per the study, the employees re requested have clear view of their role and responsibilities. Secondly, managers and leaders of an organization need have proper conduct over knowledge and authority. Cooperative behavior and communication will help in resolving issues regarding employee performance. The issue identified above is mentoring performance of employees (Bloomfield, Nelson & Soltes, 2016). Employees being the runner of activities of an organization need to be assessed and monitored timely. The methods that are required to be followed by managers are outlined below

1. Improve techniques of assessment

2. Develop Anchored Rating Scale of employees

3. Evaluate alignment using evaluation scale and profess measurement record

4. Formulate Human Asset Accounting Method

5. Manage work by targeted goals and objectives

6. Paired Comparison Method

7. Ensure reward and compensation in driving motivation

8. Assess through Rating Scale

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