Assignment is about distributed intelligence i.e. used when a large system is considered for processing by distribution

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Distributed intelligence is all about the separating processing into multiple sub-systems. When a large system is considered for processing, the total work load of the system can be distributed across several sub-systems where in each subsystem competency can contribute to the overall process objectives of the organization.  Systems thinking work on to differentiate system into multiple subsystems and integrates the functionality of each to outreach the ultimate objective of the overall system. The following part of the discussion will introspect systems thinking approach and it is concerned more with the application of the systems thinking model to the human organizations (Bonabeau, 2001).

? Simple rules of distributed intelligence that will apply to human organizations,

? Human organizations can be subjected to the application of the distributed intelligence principles.

? Simple operations like working in unison for a shared objective and vision can be the core idea of distributed intelligence system.

? There is need for well defined boundaries for each of the sub system operations and further it is also required that decisions of each system should not interfere in the decision making of other systems. 

? Individual autonomy will remained however sharing the information and synchronizing and aligning the individual functionalities with the core objectives of the functionality.

? Advantages of Distributed intelligence Vis a Vis Command and control leadership

? It is possible that the distributed intelligence can take advantage of multiple capabilities for a core challenge or an objective a system needs to accomplish with.

? Such unison of the capabilities will work for better operational outcomes from the system.

? Distributed intelligence will take into consideration of the diverse operational capabilities of the system and hence the operations will be more effective and efficient.

? Command and control is more centralized in leadership and hence may not be successful in all sort of operational environments.

? If there is diversity in operations and if single direction and single orientation does not work, distributed intelligence is of no use. Command and control leadership functions well, when there is unified direction and clarity in objectives (Uhl-Bien et al.,2008).

? Distributed intelligence examples

? The organization selected at present is an advertising consultancy organization; where in the final advertisement will be made by taking in intelligence and expertise of different sub systems. An example case of making an ad for promoting baby food, will take in the intelligence of the people with the knowledge of the food,  a group working for making the content in text, an another group for the images, another group for the sake of providing the compliance with the legislations and other compliance requirements. Hence the final advertisement will be met with distributed intelligence capabilities of the current organization.

? Similarly in military combat, sometimes distributed intelligence of the troops will be needed to face the army assault during the battle.

? As a facilitator of learning

? Distributed intelligence will work to contribute to the learning of all the stakeholders in the organization. 

? As each and every agent will be participating in the collective functionality of the group, there will be expertise and experience accumulation to all the agents and hence this in turn will work for the collective accumulation of knowledge.

? Such knowledge collection will work to enhance core competency of the organization and will contribute to the learning of the organization as a whole.

? Hence distributed intelligence can be considered as a facilitator of learning and so will contribute to the development of a learning organization.

? Advantages

? Collective expertise can be taken advantage of(Walden).

? Distributed intelligence will work for quick decisions and quick actions

? Collective performance will contribute both for efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

? Multiple domain knowledge requirements, dependence on centralized decision making systems will be eliminated in this system.

? Leading and managing the organizations with distributed intelligence is more flexible.

? Expansion of the organizational functionalities and capabilities is also much easier with the distributed intelligence.

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