Assignment is about basic strategy needed to move Benedictine Monastery Of Admont for long term orientation.

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Basic strategy needed to move the company in a new direction based on environmental analysis and company values

Thestrategy combining of fashionable and good design which in short improving the quality of the wooden panel productproduced in the company Holzindustrie GmbH (STIA) is mainly needed to develop. This helps the company to move in a new direction based on environmental analysis of the threat of Chinese cheap wooden and laminate floors on the market which is less expensive than this company wooden panel’s price and company values such as loyal labor force, customers who love the product of this company and good behavior with the employees. 

KPIs align with the identified strategy

Qualitative, leading, process and financial Key Performance indicators effectively measures to bring success in the new strategy adopted by the companyHolzindustrie GmbH (STIA) to bring back their position in the production of wooden panel product in the market.

The indicatorsused by the company from KPLs indicators should be aligned in the following way to properly implement the strategy to bring success in the long run production of the company –

Financial indicator- This helps the company to measure an appropriate idea of financial performance when operating an index because the company has already faced financial losses in the last two years (Podgórski, 2015)

Process indicator – This indicator helps the company to represent the efficiency of the strategy during the time of processing it to achieve the key goal.

Leading indicator– This indicator helps the company to predict the outcome of the strategy.

Qualitative indicator– This indicator helps the company to represent a report about the reactions of the customers about the new quality product in the market.

 Other relevant metrics that would effectively measure the success of the strategy. 

Internal and customers metrics will effectively measure to bring the success of the strategy adopted by the company. A positive metric of a company is a significant and increasing number of customers to bring success in strategy (Grace & Lo Iacono, 2015). The internal peaceful working atmosphere between employees and managers within a company effectively helps to bring success in strategy.

 Department(s) having the main responsibility for implementing the strategy

Project management department, financial department, and Human resource department will play the primary responsibility for implementing the strategy. The project manager can share tips, new techniques among the workers to carry out the strategy (Brioso, 2015). Financial department will help in accounting for and controlling the company's finances. HR department will assist in maintaining and organizing the workforce of the company.

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