Study states about dealing with drugs as many people suffer from addiction for various things,alcohol & illicit drugs




Many people suffer from addiction for various things, from alcohol and illicit drugs to prescription drugs and tobacco.” Most drugs of abuse can alter a person’s thinking and judgment, leading to health risks, including addiction, drugged driving and infectious disease”(Jones et al., 2018). Treatment, education, and policies are the most vital means of treating substance abuse issues. To increase access to treatment and the availability of treatment in areas that are more prone to substance abuse would significantly reduce the number of individuals abusing. Policies also play a role by limiting access to some addictive drugs, while monitoring prescription drug use. Policy can also provide valuable funding for surveying and research to determine key demographics and areas that may be more heavily afflicted by substance abuse.  

Drug courts

Drugs courts are defined as the judicially supervised court dockets which offer a sentencing alternative of treatment which is then mixed with supervision for individuals living with high substance use and mental health disorders. They are referred to as problem solving courts which take a public health direction utilizing models that are specialized in which the prosecution, judiciary, law enforcement, defense bar, social service and treatment, mental health and others work together to assist addicted offenders into long-term recovery. They reduce the revolving door of drugs and crime by offering long-term treatment to drug addicted offenders by use of things like counseling among others. The courts need strict accountability form the participants of the program via frequent in-person court hearings and also intensive hearings. Also, it helps in achieving abstinence from alcohol and drugs use, reduction of domestic violence, reduction of property crimes, requiring of W-2 tax paying employment.

Current legislation related to treatment versus imprisonment

Taking away primary freedoms from an individual may influence the manner in which an individual thinks or works. Imprisonmentinvolves taking away the privileges and freedoms from an individual and putting them under incarceration and out of the public. Rehabilitation of a criminal is of utmost importance in the incarceration process. 

The way the court work involves an individual being tested randomly and when they appear at the court. It makes a drug userto stop using drugs and abide by the legislation. Sanctionscan make an individual to take themselves to a detention in a couple of days or a weekly basis at a time which give them the opportunity to still maintain a job, and serve out their sentence. Another alternative to imprisonment include some recovery programs which comprises a distinct method as compared to jail time, technical teachingand boot camp given to the individual need to be composed of a good structure in his her future. Boot camp prisons may provide proper access to rehabilitative indoctrination i.e. education, drug treatment programs, and awareness than it may be accessible in the current jail.  Boot camp approach packages are important activities for affected individuals and those whose parents are concerned with their lives, or individualswho do not respect the law. Boot camp jails are not only for youths they can be applied to adults too.  

Legalization and decriminalization of illicit drug use on a personal basis

Drugs have always been under the spotlight, and it will always remain a hot topic because of its illegal nature. Formerly illegal, it seems that drugs have now come a long way, with a growing list of countries and US States that have either decriminalized or fully legalized the use and possession of drugs. Of course, decriminalization and legalization of drugs come with consequences, on both the country’s legal and underground economy, but it also affects other countries that have yet to do the same. Hence, this research paper will analyze the full scope of a country’s decision of decriminalizing and/or legalizing drugs, in terms of political, legal, social and economic factors, while concentrating on the United States as a platform for analysis, and Marijuana as the drug analyzed.

The decriminalization of drugs

The term “decriminalization” refers to the annulment of criminal charges in reference to criminal activities. In this case, a certain act which was once punished through criminal charges and jailing, is now only punishable through non-criminal charges such as fines. In this context, the decriminalization of drugs would mean that if an individual should be caught carrying drugs on his/her person, he/she would not be subjected to criminal prosecution but rather, a fine would replace what would previously have been a guaranteed prison-termed sanction. However, the main factor to consider about decriminalization is that non-criminal charges only apply when and if a person is caught with a non-significant amount of drugs, which thereby implies that decriminalization promotes and is lenient only towards drugs that are used for personal recreational use, and that it still condemns drug trafficking.

The legalization of drugs

The legalization of drugs would imply that the prohibition laws dictating drugs to be illegal are disregarded. As a result, the “illegal” aspect of drugs is now considered legal in the eyes of the government and society in general. The main difference to consider when it comes to legalization and decriminalization is that one is a variation of the other. Decriminalization is only one form of drug legalization. In a legalized context, should a person be caught with drug possession or drug usage, they would not be subjected to any kind of criminal prosecution or fines and ticketing just as long as they are in compliance with state laws such as age, place and other such factors. Moreover, as long as an individual is following state rules on licensure or taxation when it comes to the sale of Marijuana, they would still be immune to criminal and non-criminal charges; whereas decriminalization only allows for personal use and small amounts when it comes to possession.

Arguments for legalization and decriminalization of drugs

There are some concerns in legalizing drugs.  One of the primary concerns is that their is addictive in nature.  Some addiction treatment specialists have seen firsthand that long term use does lead to addiction.  Some users will develop dependence over time.  Stopping drug use leads to withdrawal symptoms that range from irritability to anxiety.  Another concern pertains to altered perception. By definition a drug changes the way the body works and alters the way a user perceives things while under the influence.  Marijuana is also believed to be a gateway drug which has the potential to lead a user to more serious illegal substances.  Because marijuana affects individuals differently, to regulate makes it difficult and for this reason is why some feel it’s easier to keep illegal.  “It gets too many people on drugs. It would put too many drugs on the street, we don’t need that.”   There has not been a lot of research done on marijuana to understand its short term or long term side effects.  While evidence is still lacking, there could be health risks involved with marijuana involving the respiratory system.  


Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham are credited with establishing what is known as the Classical School of Criminology. According to Beccaria, people have free will to choose either legal or illegal acts.  A fear of punishment will deter the majority, but it is up to society to make sure this punishment is severe enough to deter them.  Classical Criminology came about during the mid-nineteenth century.    During this period of time, law, punishment and justice were dealt out very harshly.  Some have referred to it as barbaric as torture to obtain confessions were common place.  People could have been thrown in prison for the most petty of “crimes”.  Crimes such as disobedience to your parents was included.   Other times, people were put in jail for simply no reason at all.  Beccaria is most known for his notes, oddly enough, that were taken during his tenure at the Academy of Fists.  In July of 1764, a publication titled On Crimes and Punishment detailing his notes.  With this publication, he was now known as the father of modern criminology.  Beccaria’s view of bad laws, not bad people took the world by storm and shed an entirely new light on the laws.  A few of these are: punishment should be based on the act, not the actor; punishment should be based on the pleasure/pain principle; and capital punishment should be abolished.   

The effectiveness of the video camera as a deterrent

The use of camera is helpful in monitoring and solving crimes. In the article, “Subdivisions, Establishments Required to Install Cameras” published on July 17, 2011 issue of Philippine Daily Inquirer stated that Cebu City ordinance proposed that no business establishment, especially those that handle money like banks, lending firms and pawnshops, should not be allowed to operate without CCTVs. In the relation to the present study, the researchers believe that CCTV cameras would be a useful way to record evidence against crimes. SOCY 304 Surveillance and Visibility” by David Murakami Wood is the study by David Mukarami Wood in Queen’s University Department of Sociology stated that the technologies of surveillance.


Using particular case studies of photography (including film, video and CCTV), face recognition biometrics, and RFID tagging and they argue that these technological systems in themselves have important social effects, but that it is their place in political economies, and their social construction, that makes them powerful.

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