The main aim of the project was to perform waste audits at the present for implementing zero waste generation

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The project is based on University of Toledo initiative for minimizing the waste material impact on the environment.An initiative for reducing the harmful effects of waste material is proposed by the university for its campuses(Song, Li, & Zeng, 2015).University tries to adopt zero waste methodology for carrying out athletic events in premises and has remained a centre of attention for the zero waste activities.This initiative is related to the environment as well as students and faculty members.University has a background for supporting sustainable products and services(Zaman, 2015).

 TheUniversity of Toledo is the main body which has launched innovative projects for the care of the planet.In the university strategic plan 2015, there were three projects present for the goals of suitability(Singh, Ramakrishna, & Gupta, 2017). University aimed to represent the active engagement policy with the management of energy and water efficiency.The concept of zero solid waste was also present as a part of a university initiative.The project is based on reducing the 90% of solid waste materials from John F Savage arena. The selection of this particular facility is based on the capacity to performance audit on waste material generated during sports activity. Savage arena generates a definite amount of landfill waste which should be measured and reduce according to the zero waste initiatives(Pietzsch, Ribeiro, & de Medeiros, 2017).

The problems are based on reducing the number of waste products which are generated from landfill(Zwier & Blok, 2015).The selected facility aims to provide solid information for minimizing waste materials.The activity of waste audits eventually helped to provide an idea of wastegeneration, and it was required to decrease the number of waste materials for the campus. The motivation of the project is based on environmentallysustainable goals which the University of Toledo has provided for the overall community.One of the purposes was to analyse the athletic process which impact the waste generated from landfills.A room of improvement is present in the existing facility in order to apply the concept of zero waste process(Elgizawy, 2016).

The project was also related to the design and layout of Savage Arena in order to decrease the 90% of the landfill(Napier & Sanguineti, 2018). University of Toledo strategic plan isan important part of the project because it helps to provide a guiding direction towards the zero-wasteinitiative. This report would provide a piece of comprehensive information about the project and will explain all forms of progress carried out for zero waste initiative’s report would also provide information regarding the timeline and budget for the project and key deliverables(Banerjee & Singh, 2017).

Project objectives

The project aims to perform a study on landfill waste in Savage Arena and design a unique process which prevents the generation of waste materials. The projects aim to prevent a major portion of landfill from the existing facility. Major objectives are stated as 

Provide recommendation tothe existing facility in order to reduce the amount of landfill waste

Provide a range of alternate options for solid waste prevention.

Upscale the existing facility to zero solid waste campus

Project Team

The project team included a group of four people. Issacs Shaw and Ryan Runion was a part of the project, and it also included Mohammed Almutairi and Diego Sirra.All of the people have equal roles regarding the research project.Project duties were divided equally into four group members.

Design and Analysis

Processes for problem identification and refinement

One of the processes which were used for problem identification was the implementation of zero substantial waste initiative on the current facility(Franchetti, 2015). The Savage Arena had a regular schedule of athletic events which were the leading cause of increasing landfill waste. In order to identify the problem, an audit was carried out for the whole study. The audit process work on the definition of zero waste concept. The process of the problem identified was based on three different areas. One was the waste reduction carried out for the facility.This involves the main cause of waste and tends to sport out the reason and tendencies which help to raise the context of the problem. The second area is based on the recycling methodology.This also played an important part for the problem identification because in Savage arena the methods of recycling waste were not upto the mark(Fischer & Collier-Meek, 2017).

Another part of the problem identification was based on the component of recycling streams.The audit carried for the facility showed that recycling streams were not working up to the mark and this increased the number of waste materials(Wan, Feng, & Ma, 2017).It is considered in the Zero waste alliance that recycling methodologies should be based on an efficient process.The initiation of the problem was based on present challenges present for Savage Arena facility.Another part of the problem identification was the process of composting.This was not available in all the region of Savage Arena facility, and it raised the context of the problem(Gutberlet & Kain, 2017).

In order to refine the problem, it was divided into steps.One of the steps carried out a study for analyzing the total amount of waste produced by the facility at an ordinary event(Thi & Kumar, 2015).This helped to provide information about the facility and the direction required for problem resolution.Problem was also refined by analyzing the present chain of waste generation.It was found thatmore than half of the waste was untreated by the facility and made a huge burden on the present strategies of waste prevention. The calculation for the waste rate was simple.It accounted for the initial waste produced and the amount of landfill material present for the waste area(Silva & Stocker, 2016).

Problem was also present in the present waste management of the Savage Arena facility as the concerned stakeholders have less information for recycling(Zen & Subramaniam, 2016). The problem was refined by using a systematic methodology where the waste is recycled and reused was calculated from the total percentage of the facility. The auditing report also provided a solid lead towards the problem as zero waste was required to be applied for the present facility. It would be applied by decreasing the 90% of waste for Savage Arena facility. The process of problem identification and refinement tend to provide initial information for the Savage area, and a major goal was to implement the concept to zero waste for the facility(Edwards & Othman, 2016).

Problem was also identified on the base of states as the waste generated by campus was present in the range of 8 million pounds, and it was on the rise(Hashim & Mohamed, 2017). A possible process was required to identify the problem present between the landfill as well as diverted waste. It was done by the help of analysis of waste figures and research for the past events of Savage Arena(Lara & De la Rosa, 2017).

Steps were taken to identify the solution

The solution was to reduce the landfill waste to a prominent level. One major step to identify the solution was based on solid waste audit reports(Mourad, 2016). This was the initial step which would provide anaudience for a potential solution for the facility. The main issues were the number of supporting events and the size of the facility. Savage Arena was the busiest place used by the university to organize athletic events and provide a display of sport-related ceremonies. The audit report tends to provide the base information for the stream of data generation.This method to provide a piece of comprehensive information about the problem. The solution from this step provides information that a major part of the landfill waste is not recycled and dumped into containers(Zacho & Mosgaard, 2016). Changing the present practice can help to decrease the cost of waste and provide strategic resolve to facility issues over a waste generation.

The facility also raised issues with the greenhouse gases because half of the waste was incinerated in landfilled containers(Borchiellini & Corgnati, 2017).The solution was to avail all the changes inrecyclingabilities for the facility and allow university zero waste concept to be applied for the facility.The main challenge with the potential solution was based on treated 66 percent of untreated waste which was developed fromaluminumcans as well as plastic waste and cardboard. Thesematerials were inadequate to supply during the programs of athletic event and sports ceremonies(Murray, Skene, & Haynes, 2017).

Another step taken for the potential solution was to estimate the number of events which was organized for the present facility(Braga, 2015).This step was innovative and required at the demand because estimating the actualpercentage of attendance would provide a figure for the total cost of wastegenerated at the facility. This will help to provide a solution regarding the waste and university policy for recycling and composting techniques. The step carried out cost analysis for the products which were disposed of the surroundings(Yukalang & Clarke, 2018).

It was found from the audit report the cold drinks tend to provide the maximum number of waste materials. Some of the cold drinkpackaging’s can be recycled to full fill the needs of people and apply the concept of zero waste to Savage Arena(Ikhlayel, 2018).The potential solution was based on the technique of composting where a soft drink can be replaced with the help of biodegradable cups.This would be a potential solution to reduce the element of waste atthe University of Toledo. It would also save the cost of manufacturing which the facility has to bear in order to stagetheeventfor the larger performance(Triguero & Álvarez-Aledo, 2016).

Composting would be an ideal solution for the facility because the products found in waste materials can be recycled and there would an additional saving carried for the materials which are biodegradable and provide a cost benefit to the facility(Yay, 2015). The audit report tends to provide an important solution to the problem of wastematerials. Landfill waste should be treated owing to the nature of the environment and the cost of materials(Deus & Battistelle, 2017).

Merits and demerits of all solutions evaluated.

One of the ideal solutions was to adopt the method of recycling which was based on the analysis of solid wasteaudit(Sakaguchi & Pak, 2018). This showed that recycling could reduce the burden of the facility system and also provide a suitableapproach to the issues of waste collection and disposal. One of the merits was saving in cost. The facility would have a financial benefit for recycling the wastematerials which are dumped directly in the landfill materials.Savage Arena would save 664 dollars in recycling material. Newopportunity for waste collection would be developed for the facility, and there would be fewergreenhouses emission present for the overall disposal. About half of the waste materials can be removed from the main collection of wastematerial.This would be an important benefit for the facility because themain purposes of sustainable action to reduce all forms of waste and implement a cleaner environment for the University of Toledo(Marchi & Pulselli, 2017).

Another solution was to use the facility of composting for materialswhich are biodegradable and require less care(Banerjee & Singh, 2017).This solution was developed from the cost and benefit analysis.It can state that the potential merit of this solution decreases in cost sped for the packaging material.The facility would have to use lesser packaging material, and the amount of waste wouldbe reduced to zero. This directly helps to provide a resolution for the objective of the study(Borchiellini & Corgnati, 2017).

The potential merits of the solution are better, but a slight disadvantage can be stated for the potential solution. In implementing the concept of composting and recycling waste,Savages Arena would have to promote the use of cusps and biodegradable products of soft drink and other important material which issued by the audience in sports events(Braga, 2015). This would affect the number of attendance and may provide a financial drawback.Overall the potential benefits are more valid as compared to drawback for the proposed solution. It would have a direct impact on the zero-waste reduction plan and would eventually remove ninety percent of waste from the facility. It would also provide a strategic plan for the management of Savages Arena(Deus & Battistelle, 2017).

One of the areas was related to the avoidance of contamination in Savages Arena. The potential solution was based on the search of volunteers which can remove the main element and sort out each category of waste materials to the main course level(Edwards & Othman, 2016). This solution is connected with the area of zero waste reduction because the contamination of wasteproductstendsto affect the nature of environment and facility. Overall the solution of composting was considered an effective method to deal with the university strategic plan for zero waste reduction. Allthe potential solution hasrelatedmerits. The impact of these merits can be accounted on the base of the change on facility waste management systems as well as existing strategies for sustainability(Elgizawy, 2016).

Decision-making process

Decision-making process leading to the solution that was pursued. The decision for the potential solution of composting was pursued on the base of facts and figures(Franchetti, 2015). Two audit reports were helpful for regulating the percentage of waste for the present facility. It was found that half of the landfill was dumped into the container without the use of any recyclable technique.18.2 percent of the plastic bottles were dumped into the main courses.Aluminumcans and cardboard also hold a responsible amount of solidwaste which affected the decision-making process(Elgizawy, 2016).

The decision was also affected with the help of a huge volume of trash material which was not related by the facility(Fischer & Collier-Meek, 2017). Some of the consideration was present for the recycling facility where a major amount of material was soft drinks can and plastic materials. Thisraised thetechnicalityof the issue and affected the decision-making process.Aluminium and plastic bottles were not recycled by the facility this showed that an important opportunity was missed in reducing the amount of zero waste(Gutberlet & Kain, 2017).

Another factor for the decision-making process was the revenues present between the recycling methodologies(Lara & De la Rosa, 2017).It was found from the audit report that 624 dollars could be saved by implementrecycling technique.This was the element which affected the process of decision making and stressed that a potential solution to aa of zero waste should be provided to the facility. Theopportunity was consideredan influentialarea. Theemission ofgreenhousesgas for landfills was also an important area which affected the decision-makingprocess. Savages Arena was required to adopt zero waste technology as a part of the university strategic plan. This would have accounted for the waste materials and removes the primary issues of disposable options(Gutberlet & Kain, 2017).

The decision-making process was based on problem identification as well as comparative cost analysis(Marchi & Pulselli, 2017).This is because as the number of attendances starts to grow in Savages Arena, there was a direct effect on the percentage of trashed dumped at the landfilled containers.The strategic objectives of the university were different as compared to the cost of composting. Thesolution was provided on technical grounds which helped to increase the terms of audit data and decision based on the recycling products(Gutberlet & Kain, 2017). 

The decision was based on the total waste production of the University of Toledo. This showed that about two percent increase in wastehad been observed for the university(Sakaguchi & Pak, 2018). An additional recommendation was carried to save the area for waste. The proposed solution for the area was the method of recycling and compositing. Analyzing the components to zero waste also shows how solid waste can be reduced from the landfill. This would require the techniques of bulk purchasing and smart packaging. Both of the events would be important for reducing the waste generation because the athletic events would increase for the facility. In order to decrease the sources of the landfill, it will be required to adopt better recycling practice(Yay, 2015).The method of education would also become a decisive factor for reducing the components for waste which increase the expense for the university.

Details on design and analysis including any system analysis

The goal of the study was to analyze the amount of waste generated by the Savage Arena facility in the University of Toledo(Yukalang & Clarke, 2018). The methodology for the design and analysis was based on two waste audit reports for the infrastructure which projected cost comparison for the current disposable materials and the long-term cost for the facility. Research metrics was apartoftheauditanalysis, and it helps to provide information about the potential material which can be reduced for zero waste initiative(Zwier & Blok, 2015).

The audit report visualized the current waste stream of Savage Arena. The audit was performed by our research team by attending the Toledo men's basketball games where five thousand people showed up in the initial performance(Edwards & Othman, 2016).

The method of analysis was based on percentages and waste figures which were present for Savage Arena. The descriptive technique was adopted to explain the audit results. It was found from the present waste factors that higher amount of non-recyclable waste was generated for the facility. This included about 66 percent for the total waste products(Sakaguchi & Pak, 2018). Aluminum cans and cardboard were also present as the major part of the waste products.The design of the analysis strategy was based on an objective to reduce the 90% of the waste streams which were present for the athletic event.The component for this strategy included three areas.First was the reduction of waste materials from the source.Bulk purchasing and smart packaging materials were used for this concept because it can reduce the amount of expense and also provide a positive intention regarding the packaging material.The second component was the recycling education which would be provided to people in terms of treatment of the landfill waste(Zen & Subramaniam, 2016).

Composting was also a part of zero waste strategy as itaffected the food consumption option and provided a switching cost to silverware which affected the major waste material for the facility.The research study performs system analysis of the waste products which become a part of the increasing volume of waste materials(Banerjee & Singh, 2017). University of Toledo athletic department was very helpful in providing systematic analysis for the waste figures(Borchiellini & Corgnati, 2017).

Another technique wasbased on alternative product analysis. This strategy aimed to compare the past events for athletics and investigate the number of waste materials which were generated on the base of packaging materials as disposable of the landfill waste. Sales estimate also provide a rough analysis for the packaging material which is used to make the compostable product(Yukalang & Clarke, 2018). This strategy compared all the waste products which were a product from the athletic events and waste products(Zwier & Blok, 2015).

Cost Analysis of cold drink was carried out as a part of the alternative analysis. This shows that cost per years accounts for 166,226 dollars(Zwier & Blok, 2015). The difference in cost was present in less amount as five thousand US dollars can be saved with the help of recyclable materials. Major strategies for the analysis were the auditing strategy and alternative cost analysis(Franchetti, 2015).

Current Status of the Design

Design is applicable and can be implemented on the university which would divert 90% of the waste materials in recycling and composting chambers(Banerjee & Singh, 2017). This would also help to reuse the product whichis directly dumped in the landfill containers. It also included disposal analysis. Current status shows that zero waste target can be achieved with the help of diversion rate as well as the calculation for the waste produced for the Savage arenafacility. Thedesign of the study is perfect for analyzing the cause of waste materials and proposing a better solution for the University of Toledo. Design is also affected by the process of calculating waste. The facility size of Savage Arena is 33,000 square feet. It hasa maximum capacity for basketball games aswell asconcerts.The recycling technology which used for the waste manage maintains an average of 27dollars per ton for the disposal of waste(Borchiellini & Corgnati, 2017).

The design for the research study was to recommenda potential solution for removing issues for waste storage(Edwards & Othman, 2016). For the design, a brief layout was made in order to investigate the real cause of issues and analyze potential recommendation for the area. Design is valid for the objective of zero waste. The results from the audit report provided a brief context for the technical requirements of the design.The representation of main course levels and increasing amount of waste materials raised potential gaps for the waste management for Savage Arena(Edwards & Othman, 2016).

Landfill and dumping procedures have a potential impact on the environment as well as the sustainability of the facility(Fischer & Collier-Meek, 2017). The building looks to carry out major athletic events and will be expecting a higher number of attendances for the games. In this context, it is required thatdesign should be implemented for reducing waste materials and achieving the objective of zero waste(Fischer & Collier-Meek, 2017).This designfulfils all the requirements of the facility,and it has allowed an innovative method to replace the non-recyclable material with environment-friendly products.

Alternative cost analysis also provides a solid event for recyclable products because all waste products can be not be recycled with the same design and methodology(Edwards & Othman, 2016).The current design of the research design fits with the requirement of people because it helps to provide the difference between the current and recyclable products and provides an accurate cost analysis from audit reports. Design is also good for the present recyclable options present for the Savage Arena.This is because rocket recycling can be used in terms of a replacement for soft drink bottles.Less cost would be required in this design, and it would be important to save 0.01 dollars for the whole facility. Eventually, the design of low cost would help to achieve the motivation of zero wasteconcept for the entire facility(Franchetti, 2015).

Activities required for implementing project into the facility

First activity would be analyzing the major sources of waste production. This would be done by contacting the officials on university and analyzing the present trends for waste generation. Second areas would be evaluating the current waste managementfacilities which have affected the area and imped in achieving zero waste concept(Singh, Ramakrishna, & Gupta, 2017). The main purpose of the project is to design a waste process which diverts the 90 percent of landfill waste from the facility and provide a sustainable environment for sports events(Borchiellini & Corgnati, 2017).

The second step would be changing the existing waste management cycle and replacing the previous design with the prosed study. This would improve the separation of recyclable materials where facility layout would be a great lead toward the implementation(Mourad, 2016). Moreover, the waste materials would be sorted out in three different forms. One of the forms would include recyclable materials. Second would be the cardboard and plastics which cannot be refused owing to the present nature ofthe facility. WasteStreams for the savage area is required to be modified in terms of increasing cost and expense(Song, Li, & Zeng, 2015).

It is also required that compostable products should be approved on a recyclable standard(Mourad, 2016). This would help to decrease the technically for the waste materials and allow the facility to reduce the amount of waste generated for the present landmarks.This would also require a seriousness of waste management of the University of Toledo. In order to successfully implement the project to Savage Arena facility, it is required that a local composting company should be allowed to take charge for an excessive amount of waste materials. This would help to reduce the cost of individual items and allow zero waste concept for the facility(Zaman, 2015).

It is also required that a collection facility should be installed for the program where waste streams are not managed with the help of present service(Singh, Ramakrishna, & Gupta, 2017). This would help the Savage arena to manage the amount of waste being produced in terms of packaging and soft drinks bottles. The project can also be implemented if awareness is raised for people for zero waste initiative.If less amount of landfill is recorded for the facility, then the main objective of the study can easily be achieved(Zwier & Blok, 2015).

Implementation ofthe project would also base on thelabelling of containers on the amount of information and packaging material(Zacho & Mosgaard, 2016).This activity would help to separate the amount of waste which can be recycled and composited forenvironment-friendly outcomes. Currentlabelling of the waste containers is unclear which raises confusion for the zero-wastegoal. Therefore, people openly dispose of waste materials on landfill. This increases the area of pollution, and it is required that appropriate waste containers should be used forproject success(Zacho & Mosgaard, 2016).

The project would also require services of volunteers which would reduce the waste material and manage the waste collection process(Mourad, 2016). It is required that in order to reduce the maximum amount of landfill waste a list of volunteer services should be proposed. A waste station would be building in the facility which would reduce the principal amount of waste present for each of the section(Zen & Subramaniam, 2016).

Discussion of relevant standards

The BPI standards were used for the composting process. This stated that ASTM D6400 would be used for labelling plastics which are required to compost according to the zero-wasteinitiative. This standard is based on correct labelling practice which is carried out to separate waste materials from the landfill waste(Banerjee & Singh, 2017). The standard states that plastics which are recyclable shouldbe placed in separate condition and the specification should be provided for the containers.Plastics which compost satisfactorily would be separated from the landfill. The purpose of the specification is to identify a product which providesan economical form of recycling procedure. The scope of the standard is based on the product which is based on environmental condition(Braga, 2015).There are plastic materials which cannot be composted for recycling purpose. This standard provides a separate detail for each of the product and helps to include the packaging material. Some of the specialcoatings tend to affect the disintegration of plastic. Key areas for the standard include biodegradation as well as composting and labelling of products.The standard also specifies the hazardous process which is related to the composting practices of plastics as well aspolymercoatings.High priority should be given to products which can be easily degraded with the help of natural techniques. The second standard is based on ASTM D6868.This standard provides a piece of comprehensive information for the plastic which islabel owing to the requirementofthe facility(Franchetti, 2015). This standard is alsorelatedto the process of compositing and was applied for the process because it helps to provide a solid base for the Savage Arenafacility.The standard for ASTM D6868 shows thatsomeofthe additives can be composted owing to the presence in plastic material. In order to carry out successful composting it is required that packaging information should be clear and explicitly provide the nature of the material(Franchetti, 2015).

Standard basically provides information regarding the disintegration of composting as well as adequate practice for degradation and composting activities(Wan, Feng, & Ma, 2017).The standard covers the practices which are required to compost plastic material under aerobic condition. Theapplication of the areais relatedtothe Savages arena facility(Yukalang & Clarke, 2018).

Project Deliverable

State clearly what has been created as the deliverables for the completion of this project. 

The first area for project deliverable would be the creation of audit data for the identificationofthe problem. Savage arena facility required to achieve the initiative for zero waste which reduces 90% of the waste generated for the sports activity(Borchiellini & Corgnati, 2017). The audit data was created from the waste reports gathered from the waste managementfacility. The audit report for waste and alternative product analysis showed that a major opportunity for recycling and composting missed for the facility owing to the increase in waste generation. The storage containers were not labelled correctly, and the maximum amount of recyclablematerials was dumped into landfill containers(Marchi & Pulselli, 2017).The project aims to collect and represent audit data which form the base of initial research for the university initiative. The second deliverable is based on the percentage of attendance receives for the sporting event(Pietzsch, Ribeiro, & de Medeiros, 2017). The project aims to record the number of attendances which was observed for a sports event. This would predict the pattern of waste generated for the present facility. The project also aims to deliver a design process for the building which would reduce the ninety percent of waste materials and allow the building to becomesustainable(Sakaguchi & Pak, 2018).

Cost analysis of alternative products was also the main deliverable.A list of figures for cooldrinks, hot drink food items,soft pretzels, and packaging material was created from the analysis of the alternative products(Sakaguchi & Pak, 2018).It wasfoundthatthe major issue of waste was present for the failure for sorting packaging material and following the standards related to recycling and composting. Projectdeliverableswere topresenta recommendation for the waste station supplies. A list of recommendation was created for the implementation of the project. It provided information about the layout of building as well the specific type of containers which should be used to store waste materials(Zaman, 2015).

Composting option was also provided as the basic partofthe project. It created a recommendation for the plastic material which can be recycled with the help of natural process(Zen & Subramaniam, 2016). Some of the composting optionswere based on classifying the plastic material for packaging and recycling process.

Improvement inthe current process for zero waste was achieved with the help of design. This design was relatedto the diversion rate where waste materialswere classified on the base of reused and composted materials(Zen & Subramaniam, 2016). Principalsentries were the table and silverware product which have been used forthe composting process and suppress plant diseases.Itwasthe main part of the project deliverables where the components of the waste materials provide information for the future of zero waste project(Borchiellini & Corgnati, 2017).

The project deliverable was also based on measuring the event of recycling where composting and landfill disposals were based for the dumping facility(Deus & Battistelle, 2017). The recommendation for the area was based on waste disposal cost. The project also estimated the concept for the landfill wherethe cost of disposals was estimated owing to the present waste production.The aim of the project was to reduce the cost disposal rates which can reduce the expense of Savage Arena facility(Elgizawy, 2016).

The main aim of the recommendation was to apply the zero-waste methodology for compostable products. This would account for the services of companies which can helpthe Savages arena to achieve the objective of zero waste(Edwards & Othman, 2016). The action of improvinglabelling practices was also a part of the project deliverables. This was due to the current practice of the university where the waste containers were not labelled according to proper standards. This affected the waste management process and elevated the signs of confusion. The project aimed to reduce the confusion by recommending the use of BPI standards, and it was applied for the consumer practice(Franchetti, 2015).The project also aimed to improve the current level of education where for people. It was recommended that people showed the educated for recycling and sustainability. This would reduce the waste generation and allow University of Toledo initiative to be achieved with the help of zero waste goals.


Zero waste concept maximizes recycling and composting procedures. This would minimize waste for the university campus. The goal of the project was to divert 90 percent of the waste which has been set to landfills where the use of incinerators tends to reduce the impact on the environment. The project includes a design which diverted the extra amount of waste materials and providessustainable cost analysis for the project. All the stages were carried out with the help of auditanalysis, and the percentage was recorded on the base of the past figures and level of attendances. Project objectives were up to the mark, and all the deliverables were achieved during the process. Zero waste process was designed successfully and provided a range of cost-effective option for Savage Arena facility. The research also obtained important metrics for the project. The figures for the disposal as well asrecyclablematerialsbased on the strategy for providing recommendations. Themetrics included information for the initial cost as well as the level of sustainability. Areas which were based on potential waste were also analyzed, and a theoretical waste diversion was carried out for the landfill. Ithelped to provide a positive time frame for green significance and switching of the waste stations.

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