Would your answer be different if Karl already had his hair cut and shave before being informed by the real cost

Home, - Does he have to pay the full price in this case

Question - A sales representative in a shopping centre handed Karl a flyer promoting a style cut and shave for $12 at Lion's Mane Barber Shop. As he was actually in need of a haircut and shave, Karl dropped by the barber shop, which was also located in the same shopping centre. When he arrived at the shop and presented his flyer to one of the barbers, he was told that there had been an error in the statement of price on the flyer - it was supposed to be $22 and not $12. The shop manager tried to convince Karl that this was still a bargain price given that a style cut and shave would normally cost $30 in other barbershops.

Karl got upset, as he passed by two other barbershops in the same shopping centre that sold haircuts and shaves for $20 to $25. If he had known about the supposed mistake in the Lion's Mane flyer, he wouldn't have bothered coming to the shop. Answer this question using principles from both contract law and the Australian Consumer Law.

(a) Does Karl have any legal grounds to claim the price of $12?

(b) Would your answer be different if Karl already had his hair cut and shave before being informed by the real cost of the services was $22? Does he have to pay the full price in this case?

Answer -

a) The karl has the ground to access the price of $12, when coming into the contract law it would recognize and analyse the system form legal that would govern the contract in both formation and dispuites case.

The flyer cut pruce was not initiated by the shop and needs to be done in the same amount of price. Over the law, through some expectations there are no parties towards the contract and cannot get to bound those. Basically, the ACL Australian consumer law provides the karl with the set of guarantees for the cut and $12 that is being incomplete to reach the karl, one which could be the acceptable quality term. The acceptable quality will be considering with many factors that karl could demand for the $12 for the shave from shop that will be containing for the needy and can get the cut through reasonable price.

b) Yes whatever the price is informed through the shop the karl has to pay the full cost that is $22 has to be paid. Even though the shop management does not inform about the price of the cut the karl should be asking for the price since it is his duty for asking the price. As per the contract law, the act is to be made through the time being force, which does not need of the warranty for the quality of work as its just an cut.

The management of shop should be expressed through the implicataions, which would make the customers for the particular cut will be relies on the fixed amount. As per the consumer law act, the unfair national contract terms should be fixed with the standard form of consumer and contracts from the small business. It should also adhere towards the law guaranteeing from the rights of consumers from the goods and service side.

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