Assignment discusses about the leadership,the main driving force behind every successful organization, & related issue

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Leadership is the main driving force behind every successful organization. In this assignment, some key leadership issues are discussed in relationship with Primark U.K. After doing vigorous research from primary and secondary sources of information it is observed that, not only in the UK but also in all the countries across the world have been facing considerable challenges regarding the leadership. In this context, leadership-related theories, philosophies are also discussed. At the end personal reflection is also provided along with a brief over an overview of the issue of Primark, U.K. It will give a clear conception to the student and helps in maintenance of their understandability of leadership related challenges and its outcomes and the way to get rid of. All the mentioned points are provided below.

Key leadership issues:

In Primark, U.K, there is the main issue regarding the managerial activities, mainly in the time management of all the projects, proper supervision and maintenances for adequate completion of all the projects within a stipulated budget and time, strategic management, thinking, decision making powers, boosting up the employees and in many corners. All of these challenges are taken place due to proper managerial activities and lack of adequate leadership. In Primark, till now there is no system of the democratic environment. As the autonomous system or employee freedom is not engaged here in the daily routine based activities, employees get no scope to share there idea, knowledge, and planning. In this context, for every time, employees have to depend on their leader or seniors. It is both of time and cost-effective nature of managerial accountability also.

On the other hand, sometimes, in this organization, there is a lack of inspiration even for the employees. Extrinsic level motivation system is nowadays found to be present in all of the organizations except Primark, U, K.  There are no such systems of appraisals or rewards or promotional activities, so employees get no inspiration from there leaders which creates harmful immigration among them. In this aspect, it creates a excellent metal obstruction for these employees also. After some period, it creates a grievance which makes an obsession among the employees towards their organization. As a result, leaders genuinely feel a failure to make a connection with them and the organization loses its reputation. In Primark U.K there is no such system of employee training which makes employees incapable of completing the tasks with a schedules planning, and finally, it creates a significant issue.  Due to these internal leadership issues, all the internal and external stakeholders feel great discomfort. It indirectly hampers the organizational reputation and activity chart. It creates a significant obstruction in establishing proper control upon the employees. In this time, Primark is facing another issue with the change management. In this time, adequate guidance o handle the changing situation is highly crucial. Due to the lack of sufficient management and control Primark UK is deemed to be failed in the implementation of employee management which reflects a negate indication in their socio0econoical activities also. 

A brief overview of the issue of Organizational behavior and leadership principles:

As the entire world is now implementing large telecommunication system based activities, so its absence creates a significant question in Primark U.K. Due to lack of proper high tech instruments managers and senior leaders of this organization are not able to make appropriate monitoring over their employees. In this organization, due to the lack of proper leadership and guidance, suppliers are not working correctly. As a result, the great Irish fashion industry is now facing a great insufficiency also. In this aspect, there are three basic theories of the organizational behavior of the managerial persons or leaders with leadership principles are discussed below.

Bureaucracy theory by Weber:

According to this theory, Buerocracy is highly significant in all organizations like Primark U.k. Maintenances of a hierarchical management system will help the employees to be organized according to their activities (Gupta, 2017). It provides a clear idea about the job role of each employees, and they can do a proper job. It is observed from many web reports that, maintenance of Buerocracy types of leadership provides a large organizational format and structure where employee and managers can act in a systematic manner (Bolman & Deal, 2017). Maintenance of Buerocracy will help the organization to solve there employees engagement related issues.

On the other hand, when all the employees will be provided with their job roles and activities, then along with proper supervision and monitoring all of the employees will complete their tasks in the stipulated tie. It will help the leaders to achieve their al projects within a time limit along with quality. When in a plan there will be no requirement of extra budget, it will be completed smoothly with a great fruitfulness. Not only this but also in this buerocracy related issues when there is an ethical environment, then employees will be able to exchange their ideas, and it will help their troubleshooting power also. From all aspects, this bureaucracy system will benefit the organization to complete their task in a proper format in a schedules budget and timing (McMaster, 2018).

The scientific theory of management, by Tailor:

According to the scientific management theory, propounded by Tailor, it analyses the prudent way to synthesize the activities and making a move to enhance employee productivity. This theory is utilized mainly to improve economic productivity rate. According to this theory, manager or leader has to remove the old rules, on the other hand, they have to brew new ideas and activities to perform a particular task along with proper time and efficiency level. Such a system will enhance the working level of employees and the productivity of the organization. It is highly required to be implemented in Primark, UK. It is the way along with Buerocracy to make change management in Primark, U.K (Andriof, Waddock, Husted, & Rahman, 2017).

Process management theory:

This related leadership method deals with management system concerning changes and employee management. This theory inspires employees to do all the activities in a prepared and planned way. As a result, all the events will be completed in a particular period (Ivanova, Bilalova,  & Gabdulkhakov,2018). 

Reflective leadership philosophy:

As a leader of the Primark, UK I will prefer the bureaucratic system of leadership. It will help me in better team management and engage my employees in a valued way. This Bureaucracy will provide a new horizon for the employees to share their ideas, knowledge, and values with the others. I will inspire all my team members to maintain a friendly relationship with others.

Along with all of these, I will make the systems of employee training in a reasonable span. In this time, they will come to know about new infrastructures, new, and activities across the world. Above all, I will motivate my employees through the extrinsic motivation procedure and the appraisal system. Through these systems, employees will be inspired both internally and externally to complete their activities with proper efficiency. In this way, I would solve all the leadership-related challenges in Primark, U.K. I have observed in many web reports and other journal based sources that, motivation and team management needs many parameters. Maintenances of all of these parameters will help the organization make a clear scenario in front of their employees. Employees will get a clear picture of their activities (Gudic, Rosenbloom, & Parkes, 2017).  


At the end of the entire debate, it can be found to be present that, key leadership issues are mainly arisen due to lack of employee management and engagement. When all the employees feel the organization as their property, then it helps them to enhance the productivity level at all. Proper maintenances of ethics, value, and mission will help the employees to maintain the safety and protection of the organization also. Through conservations of leadership properly organization can mitigate their other issues too.


It can be concluded from the above assignment that, Primark U.K is nowadays facing umpteen issues regarding their leadership style. Training and education of HRM, leadership-related seminars for the managers are also highly recommended here to make a significant change. Through all of these activities, Promark will recover their issues and will enjoy a tremendous socio-e economic growth and development with their happy team members and other stakeholders.

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