Assignment on GHL2018 - Employment relations, successful work criteria along with the stated coordination for future

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GHL2018 - Employment relations



Omantel as a telecommunication company has generated their effective market base in such a manner that focuses on the successful work criteria along with the stated coordination for future. The organization has believed that perfect employee engagement can bring perfect competitive advantage that can access the essential information and process with different progression (Coccossis and Mexa, 2017). As the employee engagement is an innovative thought for the organization so Omantel has formed the different strategic objectives to manage and create systematic work processing in a proper manner. The engaged employees within the organizations act and reflect the proper work assessment so that entire work assistance can suggest organizational betterment. When the employees say satisfied then they work with motivation and based on that the overall work processes can able to form the higher productivity base with profitability. 

1. Company’s background that critically assesses the effective employee relationship and conflict management


Omantel company background 

Omantel is the leading telecommunication company and service provider. Enabling the effective digital platform Omantel has generated their major market initiation so that the innovative ways of business development can able to proceed in a particular manner. The company has specified their service criteria and manage to system things in such a manner so that it can allow the different ways to adjust with the market (McDonald and Thompson, 2016). One of the most effective criteria that the company shares with the team is managing the better performance of the team and an effective work environment. 

Effective employee relationship

With the better work-related segment and managing the environment is an important thing to state the later development and growth perspective in a suitable manner. Omantel has specified their effective market orientation that helps to deliver the perfect market base and managing the teamwork in a perfect way (Haslam et al. 2014). 

Communication process 

The overall work-related concern and managing effective work processing can consider the better work implication. The telecommunication company has generated their effective base that can able to share any employee related issues along with the different organizational environment in a better manner (Alexander, 2014). Supervise the different work processes and talking freely about discrimination and harassment creates the perfect base that can follow up the effective work criteria. 

Employee training 

Provide the particular training to the employees and access the different work processes can create positive work processes in a systematic manner. The market-related revolution has come from effective employee training and progress with the current market approach (McBride et al. 2015). The digital powerhouse with the follow-up work processing of the employees considers the better work circumstances. 

Skill development and learning 

The organization with the core telecommunication work processing considers the perfect work scenario in order to manage the different work levels. Across the company, the employees are managing to create the perfect work assistance that they generate from the skill and learning related specifications in a perfect manner (Grabe and Kaplan, 2014). Providing proper guidelines and direction can state the efficient work processing that can access the perfect expertise to develop the strategy. 

Employee training and employee communication 

With more than 2700 employees Omantel is focusing on the rapidly changing telecommunication market with better employee engagement. In 2015 MENA Excellence Award for the Employee Engagement has awarded to Omantel Company and they are coordinating more with the employees to create the perfect work assistance. 

Conflict management within the organization 

The critical orientation related to management processes and view the efficient work criteria state the mainstream work process and solve any types of conflict within the organization. As the organization is comprised of various employees so managing the work processes with the symmetric management criteria can able to state (Valizadeet al. 2016). 

Omantel has focused on the different strategies that can solve any kind of conflicts and further manage to form the perfect work scenario for the employees. The different strategies that can manage conflicts consist of –


In the collaborating statement together the employees and management take the decision to solve any kind of conflicts that hamper the work processes. The proper solution that generates from the overall thing will help to state the conflict resolution purposes so that effective management processing can able to state in a better manner. In this kind of situation both the parties take the complete responsibility to solve the issues and find a better solution to manage it cordially (Vanhove, 2017). 


The compromising situation the parties form the opinion and idea that can follow up the better possibilities related to the conflict. Both the parties agreed to generate the formed association that can consider the future working initiation and system things in a better manner. By reaching out to the immediate settlement can focus in an appropriate organizational environment. 


In this process giving up different ideas and form things in a proper manner associate to solve any issues that lead to an end of the conflicts. Both the parties acknowledge their own faults and manage to solve the issues in a perfect manner. Managing harmony and creating the proper work circumstances are important criteria that help to specify proper learning from the situation (Dastmalchianet al. 2014). With right time management and accessing the different work projection can state the formed work purposes so that the applicable work segment can able to state. 


Competing with each other and prove one is right and another one is wrong falls under the category of competing for the statement. Any employees or the group needs to manage things in a perfect manner so that the collaborative work processes can consider better assistance based on the proper work involvement and their specification in a suitable manner. One party needs to stand up with a relevant opinion so that the conflicts can able to solve and generate a particular advantage in the market (Silvia and Schroeder, 2018). 


This technique follows the criteria where there is no winners or no losers. The ideas suggested by the different parties are rejected and the different persons involved in the entire matter individually takes the decision to manage the overall thing in a proper manner. The proper decision making and favoring any of the ideas and a final decision needs to have proper work coordination so that the overall association can able to manage (Nankervis et al. 2016). Where the conflicts are small and need to manage the relationship there the win-win situation generates the perfect scope to manage things in a proper manner so that the conflicts can successfully able to manage. 

My own discussion about question No.2:- 

With the strong personality and their assisted work processing can focus on solving any kind of issues so that the organization can able to get perfect guidance from the overall thing. The employees or any team needs to give up on one idea so that the conflict can able to mitigate. People in the same situation manage to structure the different goals and goals are moderately important to solving issues is an important thing in this overall process (Silvia and Schroeder, 2018). Managing the conflicts and generates better system processing has adjoined the future growth and development processes. As an independent variable the organizational behavior and managing the work process state the different assessment that can engage things in a better manner. The positive influence within the organization is a dependent variable that understands the effective market insight that can project the proper planning in a suitable manner. The possible conflict management style and generating the perfect processes can indulge with better organizational performance.




Omantel has specified their perfect employee management and the strategic work formation so that the overall work processing can able to match with the need of the market along with the organization. Each of the employees with better and coordinated work processes has considered the work-related quality and assessment in a proper manner. In order to generate a competitive advantage in the market, the company has stated the different service-related integration by taking the perfect assistance of the employees so that it can manage to form the systematic work evaluation. The employees of the organization can face different issues and it is the responsibility of the organization that they work as per the need of the organization. The motivated employees without any issues can manage to system things in a better manner. The organizational performance and considering the efficient work processes can find better management consideration that can focus on overall progression (Grabe and Kaplan, 2014). . Delivering the perfect information to the customer and provide the profitable growth to the different shareholders can adjust in a perfect manner so that the overall market initiation can able to state. Omantel has necessarily focused on the continuous tracking of the work process so they can solve any kind of issues at that point in time.  By taking help of the effective communication factor the organization has generated their organized workplace so that the employees can able to get perfect chance to work and bring progression. The encouraged employees focus more on the better performance and progress with better informative criteria in a particular manner. The organization has generated the perfect circumstances that can manage to specify the employee relationship and consider the overall development in a better manner. Any conflict within the organization needs to manage in a proper manner so that the necessary work process inclusion can able to state.


The employee engagement is now broadly accepted that can manage and state the effective organizational processes so that the overall association can able to construct things in a better manner. Achieving the suitable performance and generating the proper environment related connection can find the effective base that can focus on the employee wellbeing in a perfect manner. The understandable and skilled work process consider the applicable market assessment that can generate the perfect scope for managing later working procedure. The managers and the overall organization takes the responsibility to form the sustainable employee engagement. With each of the employees, the organization has made the emotional connection and based on that they carry out the different work processing in order to find out the particular work criteria in a probable manner. Employees within the organization need to learn about the different information processing so that the applicable work standard can able to form and manage to system things in a better way.

Content and Analysis

2. A strategic plan that focuses on managing for a sustainable employee engagement


In order to support the organization and the managers, it is essential to manage the coordinated work purposes in a systematic manner so that the ‘combined sustainability approaches' to coordinate the work purposes in a proper manner. An employee has high self-efficacy based on a perception of the surrounding social culture and managers, his or her engagement will be higher. The social learning theory was relevant to this study because it helped to explore how HR leaders create strategic planning tools influencing self-efficacy and culture, ultimately increasing engagement. As the personnel division focusing on human capital, influence engagement and culture through programs, benefits, and work environment, affecting an employee’s perception of value and self-efficacy. 

The different strategic plan includes- 

Learning and development programme: The previous research that the organization is initiated suggests that assessing managers with the upward feedback criteria can support in the progression of actions related change (Kim and Bae, 2017).Moreover, it would be quite appropriate to consider consuming the process of ‘managing work process for sustainable purposes in the employee engagement’ information in an upward and the 360-degree feedback process is suitable for the learning and development basis programme. 

Performance management and appraisal: In order to support and strengthen the prominence of screening the behaviors for the ‘supervision for the sustainable employee engagement’ on an existing basis, they can be cohesive into the organizational performance management and the appraisal system (Madden, 2017). Managing by walking around that keeps managers in touch with the people of the organization and is more likely to facilitate the productivity and total quality management of the organization. Management by walking around emphasizes the importance of interpersonal contact, open appreciation, and recognition in a proper manner.

Selection, assessment, and promotion: Omantel has generated their perfect market assistance so that the overall work process incorporation can able to manage in a systematic manner that focuses on effective recruitment and promotion of the managers. The suitable management form and process with the proper work involvement can generate better help that engages things in a better way for generating the better result for the future (Clegget al. 2015). By promoting the employees the entire work based formation can state the better result so that the identification related to the market efficiencies can able to maintain and connect for the future betterment (Shieldset al. 2015). 

Manage the changing behavior: Managers in the organization has focused on the different work processes that can help to generate the effective work process affirmation in a suitable manner. Encouraging and motivating the employees can state the effective market need so that the work based specification can able to manage and system each of the planning in a suitable manner (Ridley-Duff and Bull, 2015). With the suited work specification Omantel has specified their different market-related need and based on that the entire management is working to achieve success.  

Detailed acknowledgment related to suitable employee engagement

The support from the employees along with the specified market inclusion process with the generative assessment related to the work based formation and managing the work criteria in a better manner(Bratton and Gold, 2017). The Performance Recognition Program is an opportunity for employees to be recognized for their performance by their customers or supervisors. The program offers a Peer-to-Peer recognition, which allows employees at all levels to express informal recognition among co-workers.

Ten C’s of employee engagement 

With a better focus on the market especially on the employee's work projection, it is necessary to deal with the different employee engagement within the organization in a proper way. Ten C’s of employee engagement incorporates- 

Connect, credibility, convey, control, collaborate, clarity, career, congratulate, contribute and confidence. The effective market needs and focusing on the organizational requirements it is necessary to have the proper market evaluation based on employee engagement (Godard, 2014). Omantel has created their proper market initiation so that the overall work processes can able to manage and standardize the planning initiation in a better way.

The employees need to get the perfect suggestion based on the works they are doing and this process can help to access things in a probable manner. Positively the effective work processes can indulge better assistance for the future. With the better clarity of the jobs assigned to the employees, they get to know about the significance of the overall work criteria and state the effective work processing in a systematic manner (Nelet al. 2016). Any kind of information needs to convey on time so that the contribution in the work process can able to form. Control system and the collaboration in the work perspective manage to system things in a better manner so that the association can generate the perfect scope within the market. The confidence of the employees will generate from the employee credibility and their affirmed market statement with the work process essentiality. 

My own discussion about question No.2: - 

The managers within the Omantelorganization have generated the applicable market base that can process with the symmetric evaluation based on the different work processing by considering the later work segmentation. Omantel as a famous telecommunication company has catered the suggestive market criteria that can proceed with the systematic work segmentation and act as per the market need. The employee related proper coordinated work processing and generate the perfect market-related need can suggest the systematic work formation that can manage to create the standard work based indication in an applicable manner. Omantel's managers have considered and further measured on the different work process extent so that the overall processes can able to find the effective management segment in an applicable manner. Using the appropriate ‘management for the sustainable employee related engagement’ agenda to design and integrate into the learning and development sequencers can generate help the managers to adopt the behaviors in details.



The powerful strategic implication and considering the efficient market purposes will indulge with the higher level of engagement that can generate growth and development practices for the organization. With proper integrity and work processing, the company has generated the perfect scope in the market so that the pro-active work credibility can able to manage. Knowledge, unity, partnership, and teamwork all are essential factors that help to generate the specific market base for managing overall development in the future.

With the diversified workforce, the effective market coordination has generated a suitable base that can adjust with future advantages in a perfect manner. As the company is creating their effective base related to telecommunication so they have concentrated on the digitization process in a particular manner. In order to reach out to the customers in a perfect manner, the organization has generated the perfect base that can adjust with the better service initiation. Within the organization, different types of conflicts like intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup and intergroup conflicts can able to happen. By forming better management rules and regulations moreover managing the conflicts in a perfect manner can create a suitable base for solving any issues. Omantel has put an emphasis on the employment relationship so that the overall work procedure can able to state in a perfect manner. In order to create a suitable employee relation and manage the performance of the employees, it is necessary to have the effective communication and flow of information.  Enhancing the communication processes and managing the development segment considers the better work process association state the development and growth purposes in a better manner. The critical gaining and the assessed market symmetry can engage things in a proper manner in order to manage the positive work assistance.

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