The report states about the detailed study of E-learning & their qualities.Online medium gives flexibility & convenience

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The report states about the detailed study of E-learning and their qualities.  Technology has made new scenario by changing the method of teaching learning abilities and change the concept of traditional learning method. Various kinds of modes been analysed through online medium. The Traditional form of learning gives the advantage but through online medium, flexibility and convenience will be helpful for getting the information wherever user wants as discussed in detail in the assignment. As a student point, the usage of virtual education is the most valuable to the students for budding knowledge. All the important sources and materials are provided online. The report states the brief idea concerning the demand of using the virtual learning. Their advantage and disadvantage of electronic learning has also been discussed. 


Ability to critically evaluate whether two articles are appropriate for students

Two journal articles are enough to provide all the sources and material of virtual learning. Two journal articles provide the maximum information as it covers the concepts, details, advantage, drawbacks in reference to the quality and speed. From the article point of view, growing demand made e-learning completely changed and change the whole concept of old form of learning.


Literature review

According to Pande, et. al. (2016), electronic learning is the form of interaction or grabbing knowledge through digital media and internet. It is based through internet and mobile based medium. It is the best way of flipping classroom with effective online sources. E-learning is an important concept that is based on electronic technologies in context to educational curriculum. E-learning or electronic will be growing for the development in the carrier. E-learning is a flexible mode of purchasing the documents through electronic forms. Through the system of e-learning, users get the information by communicating with the users. Training orientation programs are generally aware with e-learning.

  E-learning is simple to use as course is done through electronic medium. E-learning is the medium through internet as education or program will be delivered through online `to somewhere else. The Program or course is to be delivered through online basis and it is the major outcome of distance education courses.  Even though live interactive sessions and communications with the teachers been done. It is the successful source of learning platform requires through modern form of management.  There are lot of benefits of e-learning as it is an easy source and affordable than traditional learning. Online courses are enrolled with various interactive and more knowledgeable sessions. The quality of e-learning method is high as it is based on varied number of link formats and effective and efficient method for delivering information. Through online learning, students need and requirement is fulfilled and it is best suited for everyone. People comfort and dependability resulted through the online medium and its source. Learner gets the updated and current through the online medium.

E -learning is cost effective method as the reason behind is flexible mode of providing knowledge to the students. E-learning also enables learning with higher target audience. It is a foremost element of e-learning by identifying the target audience and according to the expectations of e-learning courses are developed. Proper diagnose the need of training for the users by keep surveying the background and their learning preferences. This will be important for growing of a learning course. In order to improve the knowledge of learners, E-learning completes the criteria for evaluation.  For understanding the learning points, learners should keep in mind for analyse the assessments and according to analysing, feedback will be improved for the learner. Virtual learning helps to improve learning experience and achieved the objective if learning. It is the major medium for tracking the progress of learner as data will be analyzed regarding trends in learning and their preferences of subject matter. 

E-learning provides global connectivity to all the users. Due to the good quality of E-learning, various kinds of learners offer opportunities with common interest. It crosses all the boundaries for providing knowledge to the users. E-learning is the core platform in primary and higher education. There are various institutions that are providing e-learning tools to the students. These tools are used for the academic programs. The range of electronic learning techniques is used for higher education. 

The major focus of E-learning is considering on outcome and development of usage. The future of E-learning will be determined on the basis of quality. The nature of e-learning strategy is high as it depends on shifted number of connection designs and successful and effective technique for conveying data. Through web based learning, understudies need and necessity is satisfied and it is most appropriate for everybody. Individuals solace and reliability came about through the online medium and its source. Student gets the refreshed and current through the online

The development of quality of e- learning is in education is that it e-learning put emphasis for students. The term quality in E-learning is flexibility and easy medium of providing information to the users. E-learning has been granted to the higher training through online medium.  Both teachers and students are taking full advantage of using of resources through online. Wikipedia and You tube is an important example that requires collective information as content will be helpful for redirect students. E-learning tools are used for training of staff members and employees regarding by operating in workplace.  The material of e-learning is accessible throughout day and it ensures the level of productivity. In the workplace organisation offers convention mode of training methods.

Online technology has been advanced through at a rapid rate. The development of smart phones will help to provide knowledge to the users. There are various other modes of online communication including social media, wiki, and message board etc helps to keep in link with matters related to course. Thus it is fully based on the learner as quality enabled the course of a learner. In the survey, it has to be seen that the use of e-learning generates the experimental results. With the effective quality, the e-learning services have been used by the students rapidly. E –learning user can learn wherever they want like libraries, home cyber cafes. For gaining social interaction, online communications are embedded at a prior rate.

Quality in e-learning is also a major problem in education system. Certain problems depicted about the server quality, system quality that led to increasing the problems. The concept of online learning is difficult as the fact of knowing to learn online. Quality improvement and accountability is considering the two roles that creates tension in quality assurance. With the negative effect of e-learning, technologies also create the problem for the user because at certain point of time, e-learning will not work. It is a learning platform which is emphasised on online learning services for the education. E-learning also provides quality training to providers through experienced and professionals.

E-learning allows face to face training and development to students. The online service is now a major trend in educating the student and superior learning material is been provided to the users.  The quality of e-learning capacity becomes wide as it also offers a chance to get knowledge from expertise. Successful quality assures required structured in effective and efficient manner. The enhancement of quality will be taken place for the evaluation and assessment of quality. The main cost driver of e learning is that it is preparation, designing and development. The staff and professionals are the main cost drivers. Flexibility and online assessment helps in encouragement of the productivity and development (Pande, et. al., 2016).

According to Foreword (2014), the concept of E-learning is fully analysed through the brief study and description. Overall knowledge brings idea of usage and their demand of usage of online medium. The growing demand and regular usage of online learning will be helpful for getting updated information. The analysis is done on the basis of two journal articles. Asastudentpoint,theusageofvirtuallearningisthemostbeneficialtothestudentsfordevelopingknowledge.Alltheimportantsourcesandmaterialsareprovidedonline.Thereportstatesthebriefideaconcerningthedemandofusingthevirtuallearning.

E-learning follows the concept for the bright future in education and online courses. Students are more capable of choosing numerous kinds of subjects on the basis of convenience and their flexibility. There are various kinds of customized options available through online courses as it manages time. Through varied types of online courses will be helpful in development of carrier. It serves as a benchmark of developing the educational backgrounds.The reason for starting the concept of e learning is getting knowledge from traditional form of information will not give appropriate outcome.  As a student or a professional, information is gathered through books and the reason for emergence is to get the information through internet and users need not to go out and research for it. The need of e learning now days at the prior level as it is facilitated virtually everywhere. The requirement of e learning is also important in business purposes as for training employees. This will be helpful in enhancing productivity. 

Current market knowledge and updating information and in detailed manner is the basic reason for starting the concept of online learning. Other reason is that traditional learning is expensive and taken for the longer duration.The skills required for development for carrier development is digital literacy and skills to learn independently through online medium.  The level of improvement changes as technology is modernised as it is the easy medium for learning to students. It is a learning platform which is emphasised on online learning services for the education. E-learning also provides quality training to providers through experienced and professionals.

There are certain ways in which quality has been improved for the learning process. Language is the foremost e learning tool as teachers play an audio visual movie for the knowledge gathering to the students.  E learning has also been introduced a new concept of online learning for those who is unable in physically present in classroom. It also gives the benefit equally with the interactive sessions of those students who are absent in the class. Online learning is highly focussed for relaxing people. It is the fast delivery of lessons provided to the students. Thus it becomes a wide scalability for all the online users. It helps in retaining the information for longer duration.

The learning concept has been improved through the quality of education as it starred through the implementing of technology. There are certain devices including projectors and smart boards for the topics for easier to understand and even questions should be displayed on screen rather than speaking entire questions or writing in board. E-learning creates positive factor for teachers as development of technology helps in focussing in development in carrier.  Majorly sites help in grabbing the knowledge through digital world. The quality seems present in a higher sense. The student who does not understand the parts and information as they can pause and replay that video again and not required asking to the teacher.  E-learning concept is wide in today’s scenario and students are benefitted a lot from this mode and also the parents are learning from this type, people are getting educated and also updated with this kind only.

E- Learning is a vital part for gaining knowledge to the users is but only through the medium of online can make less learning. The face to face interaction is done in e-learning methods but not as same as sitting across the real person and there is no substitute for it. E-learning has the problem of resolving errors band obtaining clarification from the professionals.  In this learning course, student feedback will not take as the prior format. There isa drawback of scarcity of trained professionals in online medium as it is fully structured program.There are lot of chances happen when online learning materials become outdated and causing certain kinds of errors as the best professional and trainers will sit and communicate with the people and student. Online or live training becomes fluid because the best method will be used through offline training methods.

 A good course if e-learning requires numerous components including multimedia, development of web and technical support. E-learning practice is evolving with a high trickier practice. Online learning is objective in nature and assessments are limited to questions. There is lot of risk is the level of security learning programs. The biggest advantage is that children and Youth are become addicted to Smartphone’s and their online social media applications. 

By giving the reason of getting information, youth are using social media applications. This will distract the users from learning and in that case traditional learning help to provide information related to the important material. There are various kinds of institutions of e-learning that not met with academic standards. The problem occurred when the user find the difficulty for transfer credit from online institutions. In context to the effective cost, there are various e learning institutions charging the some fees as traditions institute of learning. Internet is taking a developing role in their lives. 

Online learning is more accessible then traditional form of learning including the online resources, and various other materials take long duration for finding from books. It will be offering as an opportunity to the users for learning skills and more features will be provided through it. The scope becomes large in new generation. Most important users need not to carry their laptops because e- learning is learning through smart phones itself. Users are fully engaged in technology as it is highly accessible for getting the knowledge of real world experiences. The education takes full support through online medium and convenient ways for increasing knowledge to students. Learners provide a chance of opportunity for the customized package. 

In the regular courses, e-learning helps in grooming the knowledge which is given by professional experts. There are basic elements in which e-learning is growing at the rapid rate as e-learning is highly focussed on these things. The E-learning courses are good as emphasising on growing area of interest. The growing area of interest is based on the online training courses. E-learning quality and service is based on the demand of the user.

For the learners e-learning is considered as the core factor. In the process of online courses quality, high quality standards provided to the users. It is the valuable component for setting benchmark for the online courses. There are four elements for the development in e-learning which includes curriculum.  For the best practices and updating information, a strong curriculum has been made. Learners will be able to perform better. Another element is the learning design that refers to the user of online who created learning environment that is so effective. 

Technology also generates good support system for gaining various kinds of opportunities. The quality of virtual learning is high as the users of e-learning should highly emphasized on basic things including font, graphics and multimedia. Graphics is the core part of e- learning in which users are flexible to understand the subject matter. Maximum return of investment generates the demand of e-learning and their quality. E-learning delivery should be resulted an outcome for the people. The quality assurance professionals are helpful in contributing the outcomes as demand is higher. The concept of E-learning is more successful and it is fully based on the learning capacity of the learner. Certain phases included in the quality of project through effective online experiences (Foreword, 2014).


From the above content, it is concluded that the use of e-learning has certain advantages and limitations. It is based totally depended on the user. Two journal articles been reviewed for the knowledge gathering of e- learning. The learning capacity and their flexible approach help to grow the online learning. It is one of the dynamic and development of innovation that resulted in growing demand and one of the most successful medium. Various kinds of modes been analysed through online medium. Traditional form of learning gives the advantage but through online medium, flexibility and convenience will be helpful for getting the information wherever user wants and helps the users to be upgrade his information level, the emergence of this concept due to the needs of the users is also explained in the assignment in detail. In addition there are various factors which lead to the emergence of e-learning and how it can be enhanced is also detailed in the assignment.

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