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The Effect of Advertisement on Consumer Behavior


The aim behind the advertising of business organisation is to influence the customers and modify their purchasing behaviour and shifting it towards beneficial aspects for the business organisation. The advertisement focuses on providing announcement in a medium which can be observed by a widely spread area wishing to promote a product or service. The mean ideology which describes the necessity of advertisement focuses on conveying the message to the viewers while promoting a product or service manufactured by a particular business organisation. The analysis of the effect of advertisements on the customer behaviour indicates the factors which can be considered for upgrading the services provided to the customer. While promoting a product, it is necessary to focus on the behaviour of the customer which upgrades the profitability of a firm. It is necessary to evaluate the elements of advertisement which trigger the purchasing capacity within the potential buyers and motivate them to visit a store as well as purchase products.

The study would focus on the literature presented by other authors and use the collected information to conclude the level of influence of advertisement on the customer behaviour. A brief discussion of the literature considered for data collection would be provided in the study to help the reader connect with the information collected from the literature. Along with the literature brief, the scope and purpose of the study followed by an empirical analysis would be provided which would indicate key points for recommending strategies to effectively use the advertisement for influencing the customer behaviour.

Literature review
It is necessary to understand the customer behaviour as well as estimating the expectation of the customers which influences the consideration of advertisement and promotes a business as well as service and products manufactured by the organisation. According to Shareef, Dwivedi, Kumar & Kumar (2017), it was identified that the short messaging service has been an influential element used by the marketers to introduce new products within the market and maintain a proper communication channel to inform their potential customers about offers, discounts and latest launches. The regular advancement in the technological sector which influences the development of advertisement as well as promoting it in an innovative manner which affects the customer behaviour. It was observed that advertisement had a social influence using mobile marketing and was in scope for predicting the factors which would influence the customers socially (Shareef, Dwivedi, Kumar & Kumar, 2017). The authors specify that advertisement has been an effective model for influencing the performance expectancy by earning the trust of the customers that directly influence the behaviour of the customers as well as satisfaction.

Manandhar (2018) stated that customer behaviour implies the physical activity considered by an individual for evaluating and using of goods and service provided by the business organisation. The author specified that advertising is a tool for promoting and generating awareness about the products within the potential customers while motivating them towards the eventual decision of purchasing the product (Payasi, 2020). It was observed that the advertising has a major positive impact on customer behaviour which convinces the potential customers to purchase a product and express their satisfaction as well as concern to the business organisation. The use of mobile marketing and advertisement has been one of the technology advanced advertising method shifting away from the traditional advertising method. Traditional advertising methods were distributing leaflets and appointing human employees to convince customers for visiting stores which was both cost-effective as well as highly risky. The shifting towards technological approach using advertisement acts as a stimulator upgrading the reputation of the business firm within the customers' intention and manipulate their behaviour in a manner which proves to be beneficial for the business organisation.

The advertisement is one of the tools for reaching the customer and influencing their behaviour towards purchasing the product. However, it can be considered as an opportunity for receiving an easy measurement for enhancing the appearance of promotion and influence the customers accordingly. Shebli & Elarbah (2019) stated that the impact of advertising on the customer behaviour can be analysed by categorising it into two 2 factors, customer buying behaviour and consumer perception. The two factors at the base which needs to be considered while planning to use advertisement for affecting the customer behaviour and developing it in a manner which would be beneficial for the business organisation (Deshwal, 2016). It was observed that the advertisements motivated the interest within the viewers of the advertisement and generate intention of purchase which upgraded the reputation of the firm and convert the potential customers into loyal customers purchasing items regularly.

Research methodology

Purpose of Study
The main purpose of the study is to analyse the effect of advertisement on the customer behaviour and analyse whether the advertisements have any influence in converting the potential customers to loyal customers. The study would help in focusing on factors which need to be included within the customer buying behaviour as well as specifying the characteristics of the advertisement which focuses on the expectation of the customers.

Scope of study
The study would help in understanding the expectation of the customers as well as the influence of effective advertisement in the business. The competition in the market is increasing regularly which requires extensive study to recognize the assured competitive edge from the perspective of advertisement. It is possible to recognize opportunities within the advertising sector by analysing the effect of advertisement on the customer behaviour along with recognizing the elements which need to be added in the advertisement and upgrade the attractiveness of the ads (Iqbal & Batool, 2016). Also, the study indicates the negative influence which might hamper the well-developed customer behaviour and result in a reduction of the potential customers. Mission of the negative effect would provide scope to avoid the activities and ensure that the positive influence continues.

Source of data
The source of data considered for the particular research is based on secondary data sources which promote the secondary data collection method. In a particular study, the topic revolves around two variables, advertisement and the customer behaviour which has been a hot topic for over a decade. The primary data was collected from other authors' work which was used for statistical analysis. For the empirical data analysis, the real-life data is adapted from the study conducted by Arzanagh, &Danaei (2014).

Hypotheses of the study
The following hypotheses can be considered for proceeding with the study and attempting to verify one of the hypotheses
H0: The advertisement of products and services affect the Consumer Behavior and motive the potential buyers to purchase products.
H1: The advertisement of products and services does not affect the Consumer Behavior and has no contribution to motive the potential buyers to purchase products.

Method and technique used in the study
The techniques used for analysing the information for the study include descriptive analysis as well as the use of statistical tools such as correlation and chi test. The method for completion of the study involved statistical analysis in the information collected from works of other authors about the influence on the consumer interest and behaviour after providing advertisement about the services and products provided by a company.

Empirical analysis

The empirical analysis has been done based on AIDA consisting of attention, interest, desire, and action. The impact of the advertisement is always there on the consumer.

As per the figure, the hypothesis associated with the paper is as follows,
1. There is a meaningful effect of advertisements on consumer attention.
2. There exists a meaningful effect of advertisement on the interested consumer.
3. There exists a meaningful effect of advertisement on the desire of consumers.
4. There exists a meaningful effect of advertisement on the action of the consumer.
The sample size in the empirical study consists of 300 consumers and regular customers. The survey question has been designed on a Likert scale.
The finding of the survey can be collected or analyzed trough the Spearman Correlation. The table demonstrated the survey's result,

It is found that the table depicts the incorporation of all existing hypotheses of the survey when the significance level is 1%. It is also necessary to examine the relationship between different factors with the use of Spearman correlation ration as it is summaries in the result.

The result here clearly indicates there is a meaningful and positive correlation in different survey components. The highest correlation is found to be existing between action and attention (0.995, Sig. = 0.000), and the highest ratio is detected between desire and attention (0.986, sign. = 0.000). It is now important to focus on the various impacts associated with minor factors. It is about freedom text.
The survey contains the 12 components connected to the first factor, and the table demonstrated the ranking result.

Chi-Square=561.1473, P-Value = 0.000
Table: the test of factors connected with attention trough Freedman test
(Source: Arzanagh, &Danaei, 2014)
It is found that TV attraction plays a crucial role in attracting the attention of the consumer. The daily paper and magazine have no substantial impact on the consumer. The second factor that is desire has 6 components, and the table represents the ranking results.

Chi-Square = 646.761, p: value=0.000
Table: A test of factors connected with Interest trough Freedman test
(Source: Arzanagh, &Danaei, 2014)
Consistency of the consumer interest plays a significant role in intensifying the approach to purchase the product. In the survey, the third factor has incorporated the six components, and the table below represents the result of ranking.

Chi-Square = 723.714, p-Value = 0.000
Table: The test of factors connected with desire trough Freedman test
(Source: Arzanagh, &Danaei, 2014)
The role of the competitors is significant in gaining more desire that is followed by the quality of the product. The fourth factor also involved 6 components, and the table presents the result of the ranking.

Chi-Square = 915.776, P-Value = 0.000
Table: Test of factors connected with action trough Freedman test
(Source: Arzanagh, &Danaei, 2014)
The result here clearly depicts the convincing to consumers to buy products is the best way to attract customers, and the executive is to reveal the good characteristics of the product to attract customers.

The analysis of both secondary and primary data collected from other available literature pieces indicated that the influence of advertisement on customer behaviour can be analysed based on the advertising factors such as the use of print media and online facilities. It was observed that the advertisement showed on television have been successful in grabbing the attention of the customers and influencing their behaviour for the betterment of the business firm. The introduction of technologically advanced online advertisement has outshined the television advertisement in terms of increasing customer engagement and influencing their behaviour according to the objective of the business firm. The speed of reaching customers had widely increased after considering the online platform for promoting products and services. It has become a trend to utilise social platforms and appreciate business forms using the advance method for launching products as well as reaching their customers.It was observed that the use of advertisement has been so effective that people of purchase products based on the advertisement rather than focusing on the need of the particular item. The attractiveness of the advertisement influences the customers directly and generates the entire reputation of the business based on one single product used for promotion.

Conclusion and Recommendation
It can be concluded that the advertisement of products and services affect the Consumer Behavior and motive the potential buyers to purchase products. It is found that TV attraction plays a crucial role in attracting the attention of the consumer. The study would help in understanding the expectation of the customers as well as the influence of effective advertisement in the business. The competition in the market is increasing regularly which requires extensive study to recognise the assured competitive edge from the perspective of advertisement.

? The advertisement used for promoting a service or products should be attractive and easy to connect by the consumers. the consumer connecting to an advertisement tends to purchase products despite being slightly overpriced.

The advertisement should not promote any bad impact which might influence the view in a negative manner that would directly influence the reputation of the company rather than influencing the customer behaviour.

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