Report on Leading Business Organisation to manage all the business processes in a smooth and efficient manner

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Leading Business Organisation



This particular report discusses diverse aspect of managing operations in a corporate entity with specific focuses on understanding the organisation and leadership practices undertaken by CEO of RETSA to manage all its business processes in a smooth and efficient manner. It further discusses the contributions taken into consideration on part the staffs, leaders and other stakeholders of RETSA to initiate implementation of internet channel at a low cost. Prime focus on the way of CEO of RESTA considers motivational theory in order to motivate the staffs associated with it at large. Management methodology that can be taken into consideration on part of RETSA to implement internet channel at low cost is discussed in light of Lewin change model is done and for development of personal evaluation of leadership potentiality. The Myer Briggs Personality Assessment tool is considered.


Critical discussion of the way CEO of RETSA’s organizational and leadership practices identify requirements of both business and staff

The CEO of RETSA is observed to introduce a monthly based information management pack for sole purpose of bringing about excellence in business activities by discussing the areas that can be modified. In order to initiate this, the organisation concerned is observed to provide adequate motivation to the employees working for it. This included development of a pentagon structure and thereby elimination of hierarchical infrastructure within organisation. As cited by Haigh et al. (2015), working together in the form of a group along with providing acute empowerment to team leader assisted in reduction of error and satisfy concerned clients in a better manner. In order to assess the risks appropriately, CEO is observed to appoint an Actuary for calculating the profitability level that can be generated from each of the undertaken policies. The CEO, in order to manage the information system in an appropriate manner, has undertaken the initiative to develop road-map. This also included giving an award to the best employee on basis of feedback of customers.

Definition of the leadership style in terms of organisational practice Leadership style refers to influencing the workforce within an organisation and thereof influences them to work on accomplishment of organizational goal. From this perspective, leadership style is critical to organisational practices. As opined by Goulding et al. (2015), leadership style can form, direct and embed organisational culture and this in a way reflects its strong correlation of organisational practices. In RETSA, the situational leadership style in evident from the decision making of new CEO. While he brought various changes in operations, in sections that are resistant to change, he kept the older structure persistent. This influence productivity of workers and did not hurt sentiment of people having resistant to change. In addition, he appeared successful in motivating older employees to understand contemporary requirements and work in accordance.

Things that are working well

The fact that a practice to highlight internal procedures which contributed to providing good quality services to customers within the organisation largely contributed to enhancement in growth level of RETSA. Access to a large number of junior staffs who are observed to be highly flexible by nature assisted in better utilisation of the resources available within organisation structure and thereby generate significant amount of savings in General Administrative costs and Sales. An approximation of this can be highlighted with help of the figure provided below:


Taking into consideration, the figure provided above, it can be seen that revenue of RETSA is maintained at a quite high level while it showed some level of reduction in financial year 2017. As opined by Pike et al. (2015), designing of a standard compensation package taking into account welfare of workers also contributed to providing adequate motivation to employees to work for the organisation. Generation of large amount of revenue might have a result of initiative on part of the Medical Director to monitor the claims in a detailed manner and providing grants on basis of the case thereby avoiding approved rates in a way.

Things that are not working well

In contrast to identified efficacies, it as well requires mention that the concerned organisation is observed to face a limitation in relation to implementation of Information Technology (IT) in a proper and efficient manner. This might be a result of the fact that a majority of people associated with RETSA tend to be sceptical about implementation of IT since it results in hampering of customer service and professional client relationships as per them. As opined by Goulding et al. (2015), improper access to information is likely to have an impact on the organisational structure as a result of inability on its part to know the needs or requirements of all its targeted customers. It is the demand level prevalent on part of the customers that tend to determine its level of profitability.

The leadership style recognizes the needs of the business and its workforce

The leadership style appears successful in identifying the organisational requirements to a great extent. As the primary responsibility of the new CEO was ensuring sustainability, his decisions focused on establishing sustainable performance. A big part of it is noticed to be influencing employees in enhancing their productivity and retaining them. As opined by Alwi and Kitchen (2014), employees excel in terms of their productive contribution when they feel valued for their contribution. However, considering the falling rate of operational profit indicates a need for adjusting and introducing insurance products. The new CEO appeared to manage this part as well reflecting scope of improving earning prospect.

Whether each of the operational practices meets the needs of the business and its workforce Emergence of a conflicting situation could be noticed as a result of the fact that the present of CEO of RETSA has undertaken the plan to create a coffee bar within the organisational structure for purpose of development of informal communication among employees. Such an idea is observed to be largely opposed by the experienced workers of RETSA who regard this to be wastage of time. This, thereby, made them suggest the fact that workers are required to be encouraged to stay for longer hours at their respective desks and thereby contribute to enhancement of productivity level. On other hand, prevalence of such an idea on part of the experienced ones made the newer ones contradict it and put it as an issue of inadequate access to flexible working area



Contributions of RETSA stakeholders, staff and leaders in increasing successful implementation of internet channel at a low cost

Internet channels mainly focuses on getting access to customers at an easier pace through usage of internet connections which can be easily affordable in recent times. The contributions exerted on part of stakeholders, staff and leaders of RETSA in relation to increment of successful implementation of internet channel at a low cost have been discussed in detail:

Contribution of leaders

CEO of RETSA is observed to undertake the initiative to divide the implementation process among the employees associated with it on basis of their skill level. As stated by Battilana and Lee (2014), such division of work as per skill level is bound to enhance the quality of implementation. Trailing of a brand new internet channel of low cost in case of Private Health Insurance is observed to be highly beneficial.

Contribution of Staffs

The staffs associated with RETSA particularly the team leaders are observed to be highly dedicated in case of executing the job in relation to implementation of internet channel on them. This has been mainly a result of the fact that empowerment is highly preferred by these team leaders as a result of access to Accountancy High Performance Work Market Teams.

Contribution of other stakeholders

It is to be noted that new channel such as Professional Services Organisations and Trade Unions has been highly beneficial to complement the offerings existent. As cited by Birkinshaw et al. (2014), access to this particular channel assists in maximum utilisation of leading edge information systems. This, in a way, tends to play a major role in implementation of good quality internet channel.

Reliance to Basic Telecom Model in assessing stakeholder contribution at RETSA

The contribution can be well-explained with help of Basic Telecom Model diagrammatically illustrated as follows:

Taking the above figure into consideration, it can be seen the model tends to be of great help in case of development of a communication channel through the use of electronic devices such as computer and channel interface. In opinion of Alwi and Kitchen (2014), development of appropriate communication tend to play an important role in case of providing services as per preferences of customers targeted on one hand and bringing about modifications as desired by the consumers on the other. In opinion of K. Roehrich et al. (2014), people, in recent times, tend to be highly acquainted with internet and largely prefers to get hold of almost everything by accessing various online websites. Thereby, adoption of Basic Telecom Model might tend to be of great help in case of implementation of internet channel.


Increasing contributions of stakeholders

The CEO could increase the contributions made by RETSA’s senior managers, junior staff and key stakeholders to increase the likelihood of the successful implementation of the new low cost internet channel in below mentioned manner.

Appraisal for the employees: High rate of staff turnover tends to involve a huge amount of cost on part of the organisation concerned. The turnover rate is required to be largely controlled in order to minimise the level of cost required to be incurred on part of RETSA at time of conductance of business processes. For purpose of initiating this at large, the concerned organisation is observed to provide bonus of two types to the employees associated with it at large. The bonus includes 90 percent prompt for attendance and another is retention bonus provided on completion of providing six months of services to the organisation. This tactics can help RETSA to retain employees. However, there is significant scope of improving the non- monetary appraisal. Mouth of word and providing additional facilities can help boosting the confidence of employees.


Technical adaption: the information system performance at RETSA remains insignificant with respect to modern provision of IT in business. Therefore, focusing more on this ground can improve their performance. The sole responsibility of it is on managers’ and staffs’ hands. Managers need to decide on selecting and implementing IT software that can help RESTA. Staff, on another hand needs to work on utilising the system for improving operation. Guided by the sole purpose of enhancing the quality of internal channel implemented, an initiative has been undertaken on part of RESTA to investigate each and every call received by it. This contributed to improving its designed website and thereby develops good relationship terms with them.


Critical evaluation of approach of CEO in motivating staffs of RETSA

The well-renowned motivational theory namely Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can be highly beneficial on part of the CEO of RESTA to provide acute motivation to all its employees to carry on working in an efficient manner. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs mainly refers to a motivational theory that represents needs of people on basis of a five-tier model. 

The model provided above illustrates the basic, psychological and self-fulfillment needs prevalent on part of the employees at large. This particular five stage model can be categorised into growth needs and deficiency needs. First four levels can be said to be deficiency needs while the one at the top is referred to as growth needs. As mentioned by Albliwi et al. (2014), deficiency needs tend to arise as a result of deprivation and thereby tend to provide acute motivation to people when needs tend to remain unfulfilled on their part.


Assessment of employee motivation at RETSA

Taking this fact into consideration, the key factors that the CEO concerned are required to take into consideration at time of implementation of internet channel at low level of cost might include the fact that acute focus is required to be provided at time of fixing the wage level of the employees associated with it. As stated by Alt et al. (2015), this might be owing to the fact that it is the financial resources obtained in form of wages that tend to play a vital role in case of fulfilment of psychological needs such as need for food, water and needs for safety. This follows a need to become sufficiently socialise by nature. Thereby, in order to keep the employees intact and make them efficiently contribute to planned business related activities, adequate compensation in cash or kind is required to be provided on part of CEO of RETSA. However, to take proper care of this fact to some extent, the concerned CEO is observed to provide a compensation package comprising of living adjustment cost in annual terms, Long term insurance for sickness, Life insurance and Private Health Care. The CEO is also observed to undertake the initiative to hike the salary of employees by around 5% after ten years of service provided on their part irrespective of their job level or basic salary. Such an initiative might have been undertaken for sole purpose of providing a scope of growth to the employees in near future. This, thereby, might encourage them to remain associated with the organisation in particular.


Methodology in relation to change management that can help implement internet channel of low cost

Lewin change model entails creation of a perception that a certain change is required. This would follow designing of appropriate strategies to bring about the change and finally a movement towards the change perceived. As mentioned by Love and Roper (2015), such development of adequate planning procedure is essential for sole purpose of carrying out the business processes in a systematic manner. 


The figure provided above illustrates the fact the way the process by which the organisation concerned might show a tendency to bring about changes within the organisational structure. The concerned organisation, guided by the sole purpose of bringing about adequate changes within the organisational structure to bring about greater level of productivity is observed to take into consideration a number of changes within it. Leadership skills are one of the important skills to be built in an individual in order to run a fair and smooth business procedure maintain all the factors pertaining the business matters starting from the workers to setting up of deals along with maintaining great communications, implying motivations methods, delegating the matter, taking responsibility, being flexible and committed towards the particular job. The introduction of coffee bar by the CEO in favour of the working staffs was a great step to induce the effect of communication between the workers instead of just sending the snacks trolley through the corridor. On the context of the business policies and aspects, there are reflections of positive leadership by the company. The hiring of an actuary for the company eased the concerned risks related to the better assessment and is traded with transparent information connected with the profitability of the introduced policies in favour of the company.

Change management strategies to help implement internet channel of low cost

Taking such changes into consideration, the major factors that might tend to act on part of CEO of RETSA can be focussed on. Development of schematic planning of the changes required to be taken into consideration might be simple and easily understandable by nature. Pre-planning can help get access to the theories that can be undertaken from beforehand. Such implementation of planning procedure might tend to provide acute initiative to the employees concerned to carry on working collaboratively in a group. However, such a theory is bound to face certain disadvantages. In opinion of Gast et al. (2015), the disadvantages might include the fact that change tends to be constant by nature. Thereby, concept of refreezing or freezing might fail to be applicable at times. In addition, changes cannot be applied on personal basis.

Thereby, the CEO of the concerned organisation can be convinced to take into consideration the Lewin Change Model at time of carrying out business operations in the following manner:

? Implementation of the model might enable him keep the employees working under him well aware of the changes or the new business activities that would be undertaken within the organisational structure from beforehand

? Adoption of the model can encourage his employees to carry on working in a group. Working in form of a group assists in sharing of knowledge or information among employees as per requirement from time to time and thereby bring about efficiency in business processes undertaken.

? The fact that the undertaken change might tend to remain consistent in times to come, might tend to act as a boon on his part. This might be owing to the fact such kind of consistency is likely to make the employees extra conscious prior to bringing about the changes planned in real terms.


Personal reflection on potential Leadership style


In order to have a well-affluent personally assessment, I have undergone the personality assessment test with the help of Myer Briggs Personality Assessment Tool. On the context of the personality assessment tool, a fair result is obtained. The result figured out the traits present in me in order to have the desired leadership quality. On the context of the result, it is assessed that I am more of an extrovert type person along with a 42% chance of being introvert. This implies I am equipped with the ability to get adapted in the social and cultural events more frequently and can have an interpersonal relationship with the social beings. The test mentioned me being very intuitive. That is, I am more committed to react on the basis of the feelings of mine rather than basing the actual fact related to the matter of concern, and also being very less observant. The test revealed me to be more supportive towards thinking on a particular decision than gathering feelings. The test identified me as to be a prospect. That is, I take the future events to be more in concern than judging the actual fact at present. The last part of the test resulted in me being turbulent, that is I am more confident on the decisions made by me and my abilities.

Deciding on if working at RETSA is beneficial for me and selecting preferred work area Now based on the above traits present in me, I think I would be favoured for a role in the  RETSA Company, as the company aspects are suiting my personality traits. Now according to my personality test, I would be fitting in the channel of the internet under low cost. As the job role needs the method of underwriting the web designing’s that involves proper assessment of the facts from the customers, the decision undergoing personality of mine would be effective in this case. The company is with clear intentions to provide compliment on the services offered as professional and the organisational trade unions. In respect to the team assigned to the accounting teams. Concerning the customers on the basis of the low priced internet channel, my traits would be more reliable in maintaining the customer relationship with the company policies and earning the desired profit for the company. Apart from that, with the supply of the training comprehensives with a faster line and the submission of the scripts in detail for the procurement of a standard environment for a call centre, it would be easy for me to consider the business aspects and to chalk out the business strategies in favour of the script supplied in order to have an increment, through my skills. I might be able to implement investigations of the call in order to make the customer contacts more fruitful with the help of my mentioned skills in maintaining the interpersonal relations. As suggested by Rowlinson et al. (2014), the above mentioned product is more self-serviced through internet basis followed by the customers to provide all information on their own. Hence according to the given traits of mine, I might feel easy to incorporate the matter. Understanding preferences of customers tend to become highly beneficial on part of the officials associated with the concerned organisation at large to provide good quality services to customers at large (Royle and Laing, 2014). As per my analysis, a flexible work environment followed by good relationship terms with customers largely targeted tends to be of great help in understanding the overall marketing status and the demand level prevalent in aggregate terms. Appropriate grip over the demand level prevalent largely contributes to enhancement in level of profitability.



It can be concluded that the decision on part of the CEO of RETSA to motivate employees as per their desires acted in favour of maintenance of revenue at a high level within the organisational structure. The sceptical behaviour in relation to adoption of Information Technology might have been a detrimental factor on its part to provide services as per requirements of customers. Adoption of Basic Telecom Model is observed to be highly beneficial in this particular case for purpose of getting access to customers targeted in a better manner. Adoption of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model on part of CEO of RETSA might tend to be highly beneficial in case of keeping a track of the incentives provided to the employees working under him and point out the modifications required in various fields. Proper concern on these facts might tend to be of great help both on part of the employees and the concerned CEO as a whole. In the context of RETSA Company, the work of the CEO is really appreciable. It has been observed that adoption of Lewis Change Model might tend to be of great help on part of the CEO of RETSA to bring about changes within the organisational structure as per arisal of requirements from time to time. As per the conducted leadership assessment test, prevalence of a flexible work structure is highly beneficial on part of RETSA Company to carry out all its business processes in a smooth and efficient manner. Providing acute flexibility to workers is observed to contribute largely to enhancement in level of productivity at large. Providing good quality services followed by demand level prevalent within market structure in real terms is observed to contribute in enhancement of expected profit level.

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