Assignment questions on Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment,approach towards cognitive,environmental factor

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Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment

Cognitive Factors

Cognitive Factors of Joe’s Family Members 

Cognitive factors generally signify the characteristic of an individual that affect the overall learning process and performance of the individual (Bjorklund and Causey, 2017). According to the story, it has been identified that Joe’s father Bob was a fierce alcoholic and it is one of the major causes of mental temperament. Temperament of Bob also hampered the overall environment of the house. For that reason, Joe’s mother feels too stress and lives in fear. Joe’s brother also ignores Joe so that loneliness and lack of proper attention generally change the overall psychological condition of Joe (Elder, 2018_. All the classmates taunted him because his father was a janitor and that also impact negatively on Joe’s mind. That mainly hampers the overall learning process and performance of Joe.     

Cognitive factors that influence Family Dynamics

The family is the mediators between social community and children for that reason the family members’ needs to promote their socialization for the cognitive development of children.  But the characters of other family members generally affect the overall behaviour of Joe negatively (Daly and Wilson, 2017). At the same time, the Economic pressure of family also forces him to take a full-time job after school and it also hampers the physical condition of Joe. At the same time, Joe also paid the bill of Bob so that there are different cognitive factors that affect the overall behaviour of Joe Negatively.     

Influencing of social and biological system

These particular cognitive factors of Joe’s family also hamper the socio-cultural position. In school, the classmates taunted him and as a result, it creates a negative effect on the phycology of Joe because he faced the problems but he was unable to share his problems with others and his family members also misjudge him (Bjorklund and Causey, 2017). A child generally observes and learns the mechanism of interaction from his family members and the negative culture of his family generally forces him to choose the alternative path that affects his overall psychology and behaviour negatively.     

Environmental Factors

According to the case study, it has been recorded that overall economic condition of Joe’s family was very poor so that it also forced this child to join in full-time work leads to hamper the overall learning process and childhood (Hutchison, 2018). He became a professional thief for more income because Joe paid the bills of Bob. Cognitive development mainly depends on genes, environment and nutrition. Involve him in criminal activity for more income also changes the behaviour of Joe. At the same time, the child generally adopts the behaviour through observation so negative environment also hampers mental condition leads to enter into a traumatic condition (Daly and Wilson, 2017). The adolescent people can easily adopt the culture of a particular place so that it can hamper the overall physical and mental health condition.  The adult's people can evaluate the current environment before adopting it so environmental factors is less effective for the adult's people and highly effective for adolescent people. Joe is in the adolescent stage, for that reason, criminal environment; long-term depression also changed the behaviour of Joe Easily.

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