Course work for BOS 3651- Total Environmental Health and Safety Management in implementing the AIHA Z10 standards

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BOS 3651- Total Environmental Health and Safety Management

Discuss what you would consider as the one most significant roadblock companies are likely to face in implementing the ANSI/AIHA Z10 standards in a typical manufacturing organization. What steps might the company consider to overcome this roadblock?

One of the significant roadblock companies are likely to face in implementing the AIHA Z10 standards is the supposed added costs involved. It is because, while this safety design review procedure will make sure a safer final product, the process remodulation would develop design costs (Manuele, 2014). The organization should revisit their lean construction management process and inventory cost management process to replace the manufacturing equipment. On the other hand, manufacturing companies could made full use of their existing manufacturing equipment as possible to compensate the costs.

Since risk cannot be reduced to zero, the as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) concept is often applied. How can this concept be used to determine acceptable levels of risk? What might be some pitfalls to implementing this concept?

ALARP could be helpful in setting up objectives for duty-holder, rather then being inflexible. This type of goal setting is considered as a great advantage but it has its loopholes. This concept could be used to identify the residual risks in health and safety system at workplace and later with good practice and judgements these risks could be reduces as much as possible (Manuele, 2008). 

One of the main problems with this concept is that  ALARP is not black and white. Management of various companies have different viewpoints regarding its process, finance and procedures. There is no consistency regrading this concept exist among organizations around different sectors. 

Apply the concept of acceptable risk to a hazard prevalent at a place where you work or have worked. If you prefer, you could discuss a job with inherent hazards (e.g. fire fighter, steel erection connector, etc.). Make sure you address the concepts of zero, minimum, and acceptable risk in your discussion. 

Generally a majority of safety experts accept the premise that ultimate safety is not possible. However, some safety professionals consider that only a risk-free working environment is acceptable. At a recent survey, it has been analysed that risk analysis and hazard evaluation methods such as acceptable or zero risk concepts applied in the companies results will be only acceptable risk. The acceptable risk level could be defined as the fundamental levels that are lower than the natural death parameters. In a real working place, attaining zero risk level is impossible (Papillon et al., 2015). Nevertheless, after implementation of risk avoidance concept, reduction or control measures are taken, the identification of  residual risks has been completed and they should be acceptable, as referred by the decision-makers. For some conditions, the residual risk in any working environment might be high and still be referred by the professionals in an activity that is to be acceptable. For better understanding, it could be said that manufacturer organizations generally depends on a single supplier for their raw materials. For example, in a bicycle manufacturer organization, management have understood that without effective supply of tires, production will stop and revenue will decline. Prediction of main supply disruption is predicted around 0.6% per annum. The management of the organization accept this risk. 

Management Leadership and Employee Participation has been said to be the most important section of ANSI/AIHA Z10. Why do you think this is the case? Support your discussion with examples from personal experience.

It has been seen that AIHA Z10 process is characterized as the planning of recognizing and organizing OHSMS issues. In this process, planning plays an important role since it ensures consideration of already set organizational purposes as well as plays a crucial role in ensuring most effective initiatives are addressed in the standards. Planning without good and analytical leadership as well as employee participation is not possible. From my point personal experience, it could be said that planning of AIHA Z10 process implementation should be guided by the risk management team in any organization as my previous working place did in this regard (Blair & O’Toole, 2010). Without the management strategies and allocation of responsibilities to each team success and measurement of residual risks can not be performed. On the other hand, as an example from my past working experience, it could be pointed out that  leadership in risk management process is helpful to gain attention of the employees and their involvement in the project will automatically increase with supportive role of a leader.  Therefore, it could be said that like the planning phrase in the process, a well defined AIHA Z10 process should consider management leadership as the two main pillars to preach what  direction the company is willing to go and what are the aims they are targeting to achieve with the help of their employees. Identify and compare two methods that can be used to prioritize training needs. Which method do you feel is more reliable? Why? 

The two methods that can be prioritize training neds in organizations are conducting risk and hazard analysis and observing workers at their works. These two training needs could be compared as per the parameter of identifying major risks in the company and recognizing preferences and requirements of works at their workplaces (Haight, 2012). 

From these two training needs, identification of employee requirements is the most important method for enhancing training needs. This method is important it will directly point out individual employee preferences and their inabilities. In this way, organization could develop their productivity level.  

What are the differences between mandated and implicit training requirements? Provide an example of each from the OSHA standards 

The main difference between implicit training requirements and mandated OSHA needs is that implicit is knowledge or capabilities, which OSHA expects employers to make sure workers have previous understanding in performing these standards. On the other hand, mandated training needs include requirements specific amount of training for workers. For example, mandates training needs states the management shall permit only those workers qualified by experience and training in order to operate machinery (Ko, Mendeloff & Gray, 2010). Instance of implicit OSHA can be stated as developing training program quality for employees along with complying relevant OSHA training rules that are significant programmatic interventions targeted at workplace risk prevention and control. 

Discuss why and how workers should be involved in determining the training needs of an organization. Provide at least one example in your response.

Training needs should be identified for more successful operations and effective productivity level of employees of an organization. On the other hand, training needs identification is necessary for developing skills of employees. Management should identify organizational perspective, task-related needs and individual evaluation process to involve workers in determining the training requirements of an organization. For example, implementation of 29 CFR 1910.217 for mechanical power presses (Ko, Mendeloff & Gray, 2010). Management should train employees in maintaining personnel and mechanical power presses operators so that workers could be competent in mechanical process handling. 

In osha''s training guidelines, several steps are listed as ways to identify training needs. the last step listed is to review the federal or state safety, health, and environmental standards applicable to the business. why is this step listed last? what can the other steps provide that the standards cannot provide? provide some examples that illustrate your point ?

This step has been listed at the last as this step will help developing employee knowledge and understanding regarding health, environmental standards and policies that are applicable to their organizations. These standards will help workers to safeguard safety, environmental policies while undertaking different projects. other steps will help the employees in gaining practical experience about how to implement all the functions effectively (osha.gov, 2018).

The other steps enlisted in the guideline will help decline of fatalities, damages as well as illness. It will result in cost savings in a wider range of areas like reducing employees’ compensation costs along with the medical costs by avoiding OSHA penalties and decreasing expenses to train replacement workers as well as conduct accident researchers. Additionally, workers frequently find that changes and modifications made to develop workplace health and safety that could result in important developments to various companies’ productivity along with economic performance. For instance, it could be said that more than hundred “Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)” policies for risk control in the organizations include needs for training targeted at decreasing various risk factors for disease, injury for individuals, others limits certain jobs to individuals deemed capable by virtue of special training and development. 

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